Every company likes to maintain good relationships with existing customers. Building up loyalty is difficult but not impossible. Booking.com has also understood this and started a loyalty program called ‘Genius.’

This article will tell you everything about the ‘Genius Loyalty Program’, the benefits of it and if it is worth it.

What is a Genius Loyalty Program?

Booking. com is one of the most used mediums to book good places to stay. But everyone likes something extra. Even you would have sometimes wanted something in return for your loyalty. Similarly, it also realized that they have to do something to make the customers stay and not make it a one-time thing. It was the reason why the Genius Loyalty Program started. This program is easy to access and has three levels in total. You can get different rewards according to the level you are on. Moreover, unlike many loyalty programs, this program doesn’t have a restart. It means that if you get to a level then, you will stay at that level only. You will be upgraded but not downgraded. You can use the benefits for your whole life. According to their site, you can access over 390,000 properties to stay. We don’t know what is stopping you now! Next, we will talk about the different levels of this loyalty program. If you want to learn how to get the most benefits then, reading ahead is a must.

What are the various levels of the Genius Loyalty Program?

There are three different levels in this program. These are Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

Each level has different benefits and different ways to access it. 

 Way to reach Level 1-

A customer can get to level 1 by signing in or creating an account.

Benefits under level 1 are-

You will get a discount of 10% on your stay at the participating properties. This discount is provided before the application of taxes and charges. It is free lifetime access. It is not taken back from you.

Way to reach Level 2-

A customer can reach level 2 by completing at least five stays in 2 years. The stay must be at the participating properties only.

Benefits under level 2 are-

You get a discount of 10% or 15% on your stay. It is applied before taxes and fees. You get to enjoy a free breakfast. You also get a free room upgrade. The above benefits are for a lifetime.

Way to reach Level 3-

A customer needs to complete at least 15 stays in 2 years to get access to this level. The condition being you stay at the participating properties only.

Benefits under level 3 are-

Enjoy a discount of 10%, 15%, or 20% on your stay. The discount is applied to the price before taxes and fees. You get access to complimentary breakfast and a free room upgrade. You also get priority support. It means that you can ask your questions and talk about any changes in booking with a live agent.

Is being a part of the Genius Loyalty Program worth it?

The answer depends on you and your preferences. If you are a person who loves traveling, going to new places either by your will or for any business work then, it is worth it. By being a part of it, you can save money as different discounts are given to you according to your level. Another benefit is that earlier you used to spend a lot of time searching for the right place but now you can simply go through the participating properties, and check their reviews to know which is best.  If you are at level 3 then, you can get help from an agent who will answer all your queries. You will have to spend less money on food as you get complimentary breakfast with your stay at levels 2 and 3. The best part is that you get all the benefits available at your level for a lifetime! After reading these benefits, don’t you think that this loyalty program is worth every penny?We are pretty sure that you do!

Genius loyalty programs are a way to attract more customers and to maintain the existing ones. It has three levels and every level has different benefits.

You get discounts, free breakfast, room upgrades with priority customer service according to your level in the program. Moreover, you can enjoy these benefits for a lifetime.

Is the Genius Loyalty Program legit?

Ans- Yes, it is legit. You can read more about it from the booking.com site.

What discount will I get under the Genius Loyalty Program?

Ans- Your discount can vary from 10%-20% according to the level you are on.

How can I reach Level 2 in the genius loyalty program?

Ans- You can reach level 2 by completing five stays in 2 years in the participating properties.