Just so you won’t have to do it yourself, here’s a compiled list of exclusive moves that you might want your Pokemon to know. Not all of these moves are particularly useful, but some are certainly interesting to say the least.

Check ’em out below!

Note: TM/HM list and locations are included at the end of the article…

Gen 1 Exclusive Moves

Bulbasaur / Ivysaur / Venusaur

Bide Mega Drain Rage Reflect

Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard

Bide Leer Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Squirtle / Wartortle / Blastoise

Bide Bubblebeam Fissure Rage Reflect Submission Take Down

Caterpie / Metapod / Butterfree

Bide Mega Drain Psywave Rage Razor Wind Reflect Take Down Teleport

Weedle / Kakuna / Beedrill

Bide Mega Drain Reflect Skull Bash Take Down

Pidgey / Pidgeotto / Pidgeot

Bide Rage Razor Wind Reflect Sand-Attack Take Down

Rattata / Raticate

Bide Bubblebeam Rage Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun

Spearow / Fearow

Bide Rage Take Down

Ekans / Arbok

Bide Fissure Mega Drain Rage Skull Bash Take Down

Pikachu / Raichu

Pay Day Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Sandshrew / Sandslash

Bide Fissure Rage  Sand-Attack Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Nidoran - F / Nidorina / Nidoqueen

Bide Bubblebeam Fissure Horn Drill Pay Day Rage Reflect Submission Water Gun Tackle

Nidoran - M / Nidorino / Nidoking

Bide Bubblebeam Fissure Pay Day Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Water Gun Tackle

Clefairy / Clefable

Bide Bubble Beam Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun

Vulpix / Ninetales

Bide Body Slam Double-Edge Mimic Rage Reflect Skull Bash Swift Tail Whip Take Down

Jigglypuff / Wigglytuff

Bide Bubblebeam Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun

Zubat / Golbat

Bide Mega Drain Rage Razor Wind Take Down

Oddish / Gloom / Vileplume

Bide Rage Reflect Sleep Powder Take Down

Paras / Parasect

Bide Mega Drain Rage Reflect Skull Bash Take Down

Venonat / Venomoth

Bide Mega Drain Psywave Rage Razor Wind Reflect Take Down Teleport Whirlwind

Diglett / Dugtrio

Bide Rage Sand-Attack Take Down

Meowth / Persian

Bide Bubblebeam Rage Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun

Psyduck / Golduck

Bide Bubblebeam Pay Day Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Mankey / Primeape

Bide Pay Day Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Growlithe / Arcanine

Bide Dragon Rage Leer Rage Reflect Skull Bash Take Down Teleport

Poliwag / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath

Bide Fissure Psywave Rage Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun

Abra / Kadabra / Alakazam

Bide Dig Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Tri Attack

Machop / Machoke / Machamp

Bide Fissure Rage Skull Bash Take Down

Bellsprout / Weepinbell / Victreebel

Bide Mega Drain Rage Stun Spore Take Down Wrap

Tentacool / Tentacruel

Bide Mega Drain Rage Reflect Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun

Geodude / Graveler / Golem

Bide Fissure Harden Rage Submission Take Down

Ponyta / Rapidash

Bide Rage Reflect Skull Bash

Slowpoke / Slowbro

Bide Bubble Beam Fissure Pay Day Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack

Magnemite / Magneton

Bide Rage Take Down Teleport


Rage Razor Wind Sand-Attack Skull Bash Take Down Whirlwind

Doduo / Dodrio

Bide Reflect Skull Bash Take Down Whirlwind

Seel / Dewgong

Bide Bubble Beam Pay Day Rage Skull Bash Strength Water Gun

Grimer / Muk

Bide Mega Drain Rage

Shellder / Cloyster

Bide Clamp Rage Reflect Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun

Gastly / Haunter / Gengar

Bide Mega Drain Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down


Bide Fissure Take Down Teleport

Drowzee / Hypno

Bide Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack

Krabby / Kingler

Rage Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun

Voltorb / Electrode

Bide Reflect Take Down Teleport

Exeggcute / Exeggutor

Bide Mega Drain Psywave Rage Take Down Teleport

Cubone / Marowak

Bide Bubble Beam Fissure Submission Take Down Water Gun


Bide Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down


Bide Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down


Bide Bubble Beam Fissure Pay Day Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Water Gun

Koffing / Weezing

Bide Rage

Rhyhorn / Rhydon

Bide Bubble Beam Fissure Leer Pay Day Rage Submission Teleport Water Gun


Bide Bubble Beam Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun


Bide Rage Skull Bash Take Down


Bide Bubble Beam Fissure Skull Bash Submission Take Down Water Gun

Horsea / Seadra

Bide Horn Drill Rage Skull Bash Take Down

Goldeen / Seaking

Bide Bubble Beam Rage Take Down Water Gun

Staryu / Starmie

Bide Bubble Beam Harden Rage Skull Bash Take Down Teleport Tri Attack

Mr. Mime

Bide Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport


Bide Rage Skull Bash Take Down


Bide Bubble Beam Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Thrash Water Gun


Bide Metronome Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport


Bide Metronome Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport


Bide Rage Slash Take Down


Bide Fissure Horn Drill Leer Skull Bash Stomp


Bide Bubble Beam Rage Reflect Skull Bash Tackle Take Down Water Gun


Bide Bubble Beam Dragon Rage Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Solar Beam Take Down


Bide Focus Energy (Yellow Only) Rage Reflect Sand-Attack Skull Bash


Bide Bite Body Slam Bubble Beam Double-Edge Mimic Mist Rage Reflect Sand-Attack Skull Bash


Bide Rage Reflect Sand-Attack Skull Bash


Bide Leer Rage Reflect Sand-Attack Skull Bash Take Down


Bide Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Take Down Teleport

Omanyte / Omastar

Horn Attack Horn Drill Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down

Kabuto / Kabutops

Bide Hydro Pump Rage Razor Wind Reflect Skull Bash Submission Water Gun


Bide Dragon Rage Rage Razor Wind Reflect


Bide Bubble Beam Harden Pay Day Psywave Rage Reflect Skull Bash Submission Take Down Water Gun


Bide Bubble Beam Peck Rage Razor Wind Take Down Water Gun Whirlwind


Bide Rage Razor Wind Reflect Take Down Whirlwind


Bide Leer Peck Rage Razor Wind Reflect Take Down Whirlwind

Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite

Bide Bubble Beam Horn Drill Rage Razor Wind Reflect Skull Bash Take Down Water Gun


Bide Bubble Beam Psywave Rage Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun Selfdestruct


Bide Bubble Beam Dragon Rage Egg Bomb Fissure Horn Drill Mega Drain Pay Day Psywave Rage Razor Wind Self-Destruct Skull Bash Submission Take Down Teleport Tri Attack Water Gun Whirlwind

TM/HM List

And that’s all folks!

What moves will you be teaching your Pokemon before transferring them to Pokemon Sun and Moon? Any particularly odd moves you’d like to point out? Leave your ideas in the comments section below!