The Facebook data breach fiasco is literally changing the way we know or see internet today.  Currently, European Union is enforcing the regulation over usage of internet users data. Often the interweb users do not take their own personal data’s privacy seriously. This leads to all kind of trouble. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is going on effect from today ie 25th May 2018. this will empower the general users (referred in GDPR as a natural person) to have more control over their data. In this post, briefly, we will take a glance at the General Data Protection Regulation. We will also discuss and some of its important features and advantages.

First of all, if you are on the internet and sharing some basic info on yourself, then that also counts as vulnerable. So, as a user, you should show concern towards your privacy. Those who may think GDPR is only territorial, limiting its reach to Europe, then you’re wrong. Internet connects you to the whole world. So, any company or website regardless of its presence in Europe, if it processes the personal data of any person in Europe, is bound to follow GDPR.

If you have no idea on what is processing of the data, then according to Article 4 it is “..collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction..”

Upon Non-compliance to GDPR, those companies who manage any internet based business, and it involves the collection of personal data (it may be a simple name or date-of-birth) will have to pay a huge fine of  20 Million Euros according to Article 84. This is the very reason why users must be seeing all those Privacy Policy change emails in the recent days. These are from the websites and online business users have subscribed to or are a part of the users base.

According to the revision and new set of regulations, a user deserves every right to know how a company is using his data. According to Article 12-14, the company must let them know where and how it processing the personal data. A user can have the authority to withdraw consent of usage of his data The user can have the rights to complain to the officer who is in charge of data monitoring.

The best part of this is company has to provide the source of the personal data to the user. It is an advantage for the user in case their personal data was collected without their consent. If any user has any queries regarding its personal data, the concerned business has to entertain within 1 month without delay.

Following Article 16, if the user realizes his data is erroneous then he can claim for correction of the same.

Another important regulation which follows Article 17-19  is something every internet user should be aware of. The users reserve every right to demand the removal of their data in the event of a legal obligation or unlawful processing. Further, if the data collected has no usage after a particular period, then the user can demand its removal. If any data relates to a minor, then the user can demand deletion of the same.

Other important right users get is to demand their personal data in a machine-readable format. This follows Article 20 which also permits the user to move their personal data from one business/service to other.

Speaking of the Facebook user data misuse by Cambridge Analytica for political purposes leads to an important regulation of General Data Protection Regulation. Following Article 28-29 companies should be aware of which third party is using or accessing the user’s personal data. Without authorization, 3rd parties cannot share the personal data anywhere. 3rd parties have to stick to certain rules to process personal data.

These are some of the important clauses and articles we have put up that we believe are important for any layman user. You don’t have to be a pro-internet expert or a Ph.D. holder to know these facts.

If you are using the internet then some way or other you provide your personal information to various organizations. You as a user, deserve the very rights to control it and know how and where the data is being used. GDPR brings that power to the users.

Below we have put the link to the complete 88 Page document of Regulations 2016/679 set by European Parliament and Council. Check it out know about the General Data Protection Regulation in full details.
