This handy Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide outlines the strategies that will help you in completing missions and optimizing weapons. Well, the game itself speaks out the word tactics. So it’s no hidden secret the number of strategies and thinking that you need to put into it. There are quite a lot of challenging missions and a lot of logical moves need to be effectively carried out in order to successfully complete these missions.

Keeping all this in regard, we decided to compile a useful Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide. In this guide, we will show you how to win tough challenges, chalk out strategies, and upgrade your weapons. All these will go a lot way towards the completion of this mission. Furthermore, although the guide spells beginner, it isn’t limited to this domain itself. Even if you are a pro player, you should check out this handy guide.

Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide: How to Win, Strategies and Optimize the weapon

From fighting those ugly looking aliens to strategizing the use of overwatch, there are a ton of things to keep in mind while playing this game. And our Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide will list all these useful tips and tricks. So without further ado, let’s jump into the bandwagon and start with the tutorial.

Using Overwatch

We get it, no one loves to have a defensive approach, more so if a game is of Gears tactics type. However, directly jumping into the battle scene isn’t a good idea either. Evaluate the situation beforehand, make judgments accordingly, and plan out the further course of action. Getting out-numbered on the battlefield is never a good idea, more so without any clear-cut objective in mind.

But if you find yourself alone in the enemy’s territory, Overwatch will come in handy. Using this, you could select the desired area and then send you troops there for the cover. This will help you out in case you wish to carry out a quick counter-attack. Finally, these Overwatch could also be used to lure locusts that will push your unit and hence expose itself in doing so.

Try the Executions

Although there are many types of weaponry available at your disposal, yet sometimes it’s better to keep things simple. If you are low on HP, then this should be your go-to offensive mode. The reason? Well, on using them, you get units health regeneration. This will do wonders for your low HP.

Kill Aliens with Grenades

Although grenades cause a lot of damage, yet to need to understand its basic. If you simply throw it at your opponents without any meticulous planning, chances are it might not cause the desired damage. There’s a certain range up to which the frag grenades do a lot of damage. Outside the radius, and you might not get the desired result.

Furthermore, if you find locus forming in any area, use these frags to diminish 50% of their HP. The same could also help you to end one of the friendly unit’s sniper abilities. This Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide’s tip also works great when you wish to tackle an enemy unit as doing so will completely disrupt their overwatch. Talking about Overwatch, here’s our next tip on it.

Snipers: The Silent Killers

Among various types of ammunition and weaponry that this game has, Sniper Drones are probably the most underrated ones. Thanks to his abilities in pinning the aim and placing a perfect target are what makes it among the most deadly ones.

As a result, whenever you pinned army unit tries to make a single move, these Sniper Drones will attack your unit in no time and may cause up to 50% HP damage. So never underestimate them and try and destroy it as soon as possible. Always keep this tip from our Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide in mind before dealing with these drones.

Boomers and Theron Guards

For the unawares, Boomers and Theron Guards are two different kinds of enemy units in the game. The former uses the Boomshot grenade launcher whereas the latter makes use of Torque Bow. These are some deadly weapons and can cause great damage to enemy units. You could also pick them up from the dead enemy bodies. So as soon as you see either Boomers and Theron Guards or both, try killing them right away and equip their weapons.

Upgrading Weapons

The final tip from the Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide is about weapon up-gradation. You might have noticed cases lying around in many different locations across the map. They consist of weapons and armor which can further be used to upgrade your army’s base stats. Some boxes also give you special abilities as well.

Apart from that, you could also get hold of these cases by completing some side-missions. These cases help in the long run by upgrading your weapon, stats, and armory. To upgrade them, head over to the home screen and go to Barracks. You should then see a red triangle next to the units whose weapons could be upgraded.


So with this, we come to the end of the tutorial on Gears Tactics Beginner’s Guide. Use these tips to improve your gameplay, skills, upgrade your weapons, and also effectively deal with the aliens and different kinds of guards. On that note, don’t forget to check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick section.