I’m not trying to lure you with “Geany is better than that and those [IDEs]” but will look at some of its features.  

How To Install Geany?

To install Geany on your Ubuntu system, open up your terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and key in the command below –

sudo apt install geany  

Running Geany

Press alt+f2 type in geany and you will get the window like the one below – Simple yet powerful. Read on below to boost your coding skill.     Also Read – 8 Best IDEs Or Code Editors For Linux

3 tips to boost your coding speed

​You may be a good programmer but you still do need skills to speed up your programming and those typically include you to use soft-typing skill, preparing documentation first before coding and then importantly these 3 tips below that I’m going to explain.  

1. Line duplicating

Some later time you’ll be programming a program that requires repetitive decisions like in the case of file manager program where there have possibly 7 options (copy file, cut file, move file, create file, create folder, move folder and delete). So literally implementing it would be like this –

if(fileManager.value == copyFile) { yada yada; } else if(fileManager.value == cutFile) { yada yada; } /* and so on… */

Imagine if you’d to type in line by line. That’s going to waste a lot of time instead try to be efficient and duplicate portion of selected code by pressing ctrl+d. That means any wise guy would use this method –​


then duplicate

and continue with the implementation

2. Line transposing

​You wrote a block of code and (yikes!) you realize some lines were misplaced. What a typical person does is select it>cut it>place it>then paste it and that’s four steps long to correct a statement or expression order. Instead use this method called line transposing to move a line up (alt+page up) and down (alt+page down). A good example is debugging code in C where you don’t really know what went wrong with the logic of your program and you place printf() in one line then move it up and down around a block of statements.

3. And copy/paste

​Not the one where you click left and right mouse buttons over and over again. That’s a bit annoying but here’s a better one that’s unique to X environment; the middle click buffer. So typically you have to select only the text you need to copy and then paste them using middle click button on your mouse. Here’s a screen-shot depicting middle mouse click:​


then paste

In case you are on a notebook or laptop, Ubuntu usually configures middle click with both left/mouse buttons found on your touchpad i.e., click them at the same time. Otherwise, you have to configure them on your own.  

Building programs

​To build your program press alt+f8 or press that Build the current file icon. ​to run your program press alt+f5 or press the icon next to build tool.

Some GK

​These three features are not unique to Geany only. You’ll find these features on other IDEs and sometimes they just offer more but otherwise not fitting in the category “lightweight”.  


​I kinda covered a lot of things here and now it’s time to roll up your sleeve and start coding using the above technique-booster notes. 99% chance that you’ll impress your peers with that skill but don’t hesitate to hook them here in case you really liked it 🙂 and let me know in the comment section below what I missed.