Every company has policies that govern the warranty they give their customers on items purchased. GBS is not another furniture company that fails to issue an open warranty policy. They have one of the best policies that reassure customers of the comfort of shopping with them. GBS warranty policies exceed the annual warranties granted by some companies to about five years, with their extended warranty covering up to ten years.

Paying For GBS Warranty Policy For Furniture

GBS is not another furniture company that does not issue a clear warranty. They give customers the option of choosing an extended warranty option at purchase to ensure that their furniture has full insurance after the official warranty period. Most customers have complained of not being able to access the extended warranty as their sub-retailers have purchased it. The extended warranty gives customers the luxury of having their furniture attended to after the official warranty session.

How GBS Warranty Works?

Note that GBS does not produce any furniture, they serve as third-party agents to the manufacturers.  They go the extra mile of ensuring that their warranty exceeds the one given by the direct manufacturers.GBS warranties cover the damage made to indoor and outdoor furniture stains on beddings and rugs, accidental damages, etc. 

Their warranties not only cover the quality of the furniture but repairs and maintenance within the warranty period. Their protection plan allows customers to have repairs and maintenance from anywhere in the US. If you have the extended warranty policy from GBS, damages made to bedding, rugs, and indoor and outdoor furniture are catered for at no cost. They also attend to any form of extended damage that is made to furniture.Warranties for furniture cover a period of 3 to 5 and extended warranties can exceed this.

How To Get GBS Warranty Policy For Furniture?

The warranty policy for furniture from GBS is only obtained on the successful purchase of furniture from any of their partners. If you want to enjoy the luxury of having a replacement or repair for damaged furniture make GBS your furniture plug.

Demerits Of GBS Furniture Warranty Policy

The warranty offered by GBS is not without fault. A review carried out showed that more customers have expressed dissatisfaction over the GBS service. This is attributed to the fact that GBS gives warranties that exceed the manufacturer’s original warranty policy. With the presence of less than sixty service centers within the nation, it becomes difficult to have all customer’s need to be attended to.

A customer complained of reporting damage to the company on her furniture which arose accidentally from her son but was left unattended. The policy is supposed to cover accidental purchases but this time the company claimed not to have a role to play in making up for the damage. 

Another customer also complained of not having his furniture delivered on time. The policy covers on-time service delivery but GBS failed at this point.At the end of the review, GBS had fewer 5-star ratings. This made more customers see the warranties offered by GBS as a scam. We do hope that the company will work towards improving its services to satisfy its customers.


GBS with its over twenty decades of existence is constantly working to ensure that customers have the best experience with all furniture purchased from them. Though their warranties experience setbacks at some point, on the whole, they have a warranty policy that is second to none. Their warranty policy covers durability, quality, repairs, and maintenance of all indoor and outdoor furniture.

 1.  Does GBS manufacture furniture?

GBS does not manufacture any furniture. They serve as a middleman between the manufacturers and end users. They only provide a warranty which may be risky for the enterprise.

 2. What is the duration of the GBS furniture warranty policy?

The warranty policy covers a period of three to five years. You can extend your coverage by paying an extra fee during the purchase for an extended warranty.

 3. Does the GBS warranty cover the replacement of damaged furniture?

Yes. The extended warranty covers for replacement of accidental damage made to indoor and outdoor furniture. You can confirm from the service center closest to you or call their customer support.

 4. What distinguishes GBS furniture warranty from other furniture companies?

GBS is undoubtedly different from other furniture service providers because of the presence of extended indoor repairs and a free delivery policy for customers.