Answer Paragraph

The tag is cluing about the details. LDWF is providing three tags for the residential hunters to the lottery method for the public land and lakes. Hunter should be 16 years old and have a professional knowledge of hunting. Each gator tag cost is $40, and approved hunters will receive the three tags.

Gator Tags Features and Requirements

Gator Tags for Private LandsRequirements of the Private lands gator TagsGator Tags for Public Lands and Lakes

Gator Tags for Private Lands

LDWF offers gator tags for the marshland. Only experienced and approved gators hunters have received the tags. Hunters should be applied every year to begging the hunting season. Hunters can not change these tags after allocation.

Requirements of the Private Lands gator Tags

Fill out the hunter licenses application form. Documents of lands belonging and also permitted alligator hunting to accept.  The land area should provide for hunting. The landholder will permit the hunting.

Gator Tags for Public Lands and Lakes

LDWF offers gators tags for public lands and lakes for those hunters that do not get any tag for the private land. Tags are allocated for the hunters by the bidding and lotteries. LDWF offers 400 plus alligators tags for the 600 local hunters through the Lottery alligator harvest program for the public lands and lakes. These tags are available for the 50 public lands for more than 1900 harvested alligators. Tags application are lottery methods are accepted till 15th May in every year.

Licenses Criteria

The LDWF licenses for harvesting alligators is needs to;Criteria of citizenshipThe approach of public lands or lakesThe approach of private land or lakes

How to be Hunting application approved?

A hunter should fulfill the criteria for approving the hunting application as;

He Has a resident Alligator Hunter License that is for only $25. Should be received Alligator harvest tag set, and each tag is only $40. Attend a scheduled physical meeting for the license, tags, and guidelines. Agree and obey the LDWF law and instructionsMust Inform LDWF about the hunter alligatorApproved hunters will receive three tags for public land.   

Alligator Hunting Festival Conditions

Aligator hunting will prefer only for two months before starting date. The last Wednesday of August is for starting hunting in the East area. The first Wednesday of September is for starting hunting in the West area.

How to Tag upon an alligator?

A tag should be fixed on the hunting alligator quickly. It will fix on the tail end and downward approximately six-inch to end. After setting down the tag, fastly fixed it. The tag should be carefully fixed on the alligator skin. Tags should be used with precautions because if they will destroy or in any other damaged, misplaced. They will not be returned or not exchanged for lost. Tags have not swum, so if they fall on the water, they will drown. The remaining tags will be returned to LDWF after the end of the hunting festival for at least 15 days. Misplaced and lifted tags will not be suppling again.

 Restriction of the hunting season

The hunting season will close automatically after 60 days until at least Sundown. Alligator hunting approval timing is from daybreak to Sundown. Every professional hunter has allowed hunting alligators per day or during hunting festivals according to the tags. Fierce alligators can hunt without the care of height.  

LDWF aims to that supervise, develop and apply the policy to grow the importance of inhuman life. They also offer and encourage hunters a unique habit with a comfortable and secure background. So the desired hunters can submit their applications and hunt and receive the tags of the Alligator. Needs to be hunters should submit their alligator hunting applications before the season, approve and also enjoy hunting. 

1)How Many Licenses Application are provided by the LDWF?

Alligator Hunter license applicationAlligator Helper license applicationAlligator Sports Hunter license

2)How Can harvest the Alligators?

Alligator hunters will utilize only a bow with an arrow and hook with line and firearms. Hunters can not use shotguns for hunting the fierce Alligator.

3)What method will use for catching the fish?

Fisher can catch the fish only with hook and line at the public lakes.

3)How can We Contact Louisiana?

Anyone can phone at; 800 256 2749 and 225 765 2800.

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