Garza West is a relatively new name for the institution. Previously, it was known as Chase Field West Unit (CFU). Some describe it as a correctional facility where male inmates from other American states are transferred for a brief period. Criminals that are moved to this facility are typically individuals who have served a lengthy-term. As previously said, this facility is quite huge. It covers about 250 acres in West Texas.

Criminals who have committed various felonies are housed in this penal facility. This category includes criminals who committed armed robbery, sex assaults, and murders, to name a few.

Because it is such a large prison, offenders can be separated according to the type of offense they committed. The government has dispatched many prison wardens to monitor the actions of the male convicts at Garza West. This is to ensure that the activities of the inmates are closely watched. They also make certain that no convict tries to escape from the facility.

The inmates who are transferred to this facility are only there for a short time. A prisoner can stay in this facility for a maximum of two years. The government controls the facility and is represented by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. This body has engaged the help of many qualified professionals to guarantee that the facility runs well. To put it another way, this is the institution’s governing body. The company’s headquarters are in Huntsville, Texas.

The inmates in this correctional facility wear a variety of colors of uniforms designed by the American government. Inmates’ rights are strongly valued, even though it is one of the toughest correctional facilities in the region. Humanitarian organizations collaborate with the authorities to guarantee that the rights of prisoners at this facility are respected. For example, there are sufficient health facilities in the facility to meet the needs of the inmates. Among the facilities are many ambulances, health professionals such as doctors and nurses, and hospitals. 

Is visiting inmates in Garza West permitted?

Garza West, like every other correctional facility in the United States and around the world, enables families, friends, moms, sons, daughters, neighbors, and others to visit convicts. This is done to provide the inmates a sense of belonging while also allowing them to interact with and see their loved ones. If you want to see any inmate at this correctional facility, you must follow certain procedures. This means that you can not wake up one day and decide to pay a visit to your loved one in this facility.

In this instance, you must fill out a form before being permitted to visit the inmate. After filling out the form, you must wait for your application to be approved by Texas Department of Criminal Justice officials. The approval process can take a short time in some cases, but it can also take a long time in others. It’s better to wait until after you’ve completed your application. The form is more likely to be approved if you fill in all the required details.

Prisoners at Garza West are visited on specific days and for specific periods. In recent years, visitors have only been permitted to see prisoners on Fridays and Saturdays. The time allotted for each session is usually two hours. The period can be extended to four hours if you are traveling from another state or nation to pay a visit to your loved ones in this facility.

Before being allowed in during your visit, you must adhere to all the restrictions and directives listed on the form you fill out and sign.

What to avoid during your visit to Garza West

A visitor to an inmate at this facility should avoid many things. Some things to avoid include:

Seductive dressing

This is especially true for women or those who are visiting the place. This reduces the likelihood of inmates committing additional crimes such as rape or even incest. Inmates may be tempted by seductive clothing and do unfathomable acts as a result. As a result, visitors are asked to dress modestly and not seductively. Miniskirts, transparent dresses, and short skirts are among the clothes that are prohibited in this area.

Drug substances

When visiting inmates, this is one of the things you should try to avoid. When these substances are discovered, you are permanently barred from the facility, and you may be arrested and charged with drug-related offenses.

It’s also worth noting that you can pay in-person visits, send emails, or even call and speak with convicts at this facility. These calls and emails, however, should be directed to the appropriate channels and individuals.


In conclusion, Garza West is a well-known correctional facility that was established in the 1990s. Before being given the current name, it was known as Chase Field West Unit (CFU). It lies in the city of Beeville, Texas, on the western side of the state. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice is in charge of the institution’s headquarters, which is located in Texas. Inmates in this facility are also visited on specified days and hours. You must also fill out a form and wait for it to be approved during visitation. This facility does not permit the wearing of seductive clothing or the carrying of illegal substances.