Garage Sales Selling On Facebook

Much like starting a business, organizing an event takes a whole lot of time, patience as well as dedication to pull off. It would rid you of sleep, maybe drive you nuts a little and leave you hoping and praying things to go well. Imagine after working so hard on something, you don’t get the desired number of turn-ups you’d have wanted. It would only make you feel bad, then discouraged and in the end, your whole mood is shattered.

How Facebook helps?

So, when you want to host a garage sales selling, just remember you can get friendly neighbours to know through the use of a friendly social media app like Facebook. We all have some neighbours on our friend’s list and those neighbours would have other neighbours. If you add up the total of neighbours, you’re looking at the whole community on your phone. So, Facebook is a great way to tell your community that you’d be hosting a garage sale. But you can’t do that by just posting on your timeline, that won’t get you the kind of reach you’d be happy with. So you’d need to make it known by creating an event with your Facebook app.

How do you go about it?

Step 1: Launch your Facebook app and log in to your dashboard/profile.

Step 2: Click “events” then click on “create events.”

Step 3: Fill in the needed details of your garage sale such as time, location and the description of the event. You might want to add the types of items that would be on sale, you could use words like “antique” or “collectables” to drive traffic to your event.

Step 4: Save the event by clicking on “create.”

Letting the community know

To have a successful garage sale, you need a lot of people at the garage. Your event, no matter what it is, cannot be successful if you don’t have people attending. That is why posters and flyers are used to advertise an event. But this is just a garage sale that would barely last a whole day, you’d need to stay within your resources and avoid wasting money. So, now that your event has been created, how do you get the community to know? It’s also very easy.

Using the Share Button

Most Facebook posts have the “share” button on them, and since you are the creator of that event, you can share it. To do that:

Step 1: Click share (it’s that icon beside the comment button that looks like an arrow.)

Step 2: You’d see a pop-up of different places to share. (Click share to friends.)

Step 3: Add a caption, telling your friends it’s a sale you’d be holding and what you’d like to sell. Just give sneak peeks

Step 4: Tag those neighbours around you that you know are social bugs. You could even mention them for more effect. (Surely there must have been a time where a neighbour expressed interest in a possession of yours. Call her attention to it.)

Step 5: Share it.

For you to build anticipation for the event, try making constant posts on your timeline of photos of items that would be featured at your garage sale.


Try your best not to go back on your word by not placing the item for sale when the day comes. You need to stand by your word so that when next you would hold an event, people would be assured that you are going to deliver what you promise. Your neighbours will see your photo upload on their newsfeed and may even start placing an order before the garage sale draws near. You would likely get bidders on your items so it would be left to you to let the highest bidder take it home when the day comes.

While you would be busy getting ready don’t forget to stay neighbourly on the sales day. You should be hospitable to everyone, ask if they are having a good time and ensure everyone leaves your yard smiling. All you want to do is clear out your home, so it would be best to do just that to keep the reputation.