GameStop said recently that they plan on putting VR demos in 100 of their larger locations. As of right now, only 10 GameStops have demos of the HTC Vive. More demos could help the sales of the VR units, because they believe it will have a big revenue in the near future. They believe the VR market could be worth $6.9 to $13.6 billion dollars between this year and 2018.

Virtual reality headsets are a hard sell due to the fact that you don’t know if you are going to enjoy the experience. If VR units want to fly off the shelf, the consumer needs to get their hands on it and try it out. You wouldn’t want to spend $500 on a product that you don’t like or would make you feel uncomfortable while wearing it. With the PSVR being released later this year, this holiday season will be all about virtual reality. And it looks like GameStop is getting ahead of the curve. But only time will tell if it pays off for them and for VR in general.