What We’re Looking For

Unique, original content Pitches that are well-researched and SEO-oriented Guides, op-eds, and culture pieces related to video games

What We’re Not Looking For

Pitches for news articles or reviews Content that has been posted elsewhere Ideas that have already been published on the GameSkinny site (use our search tool if you’re unsure) Freelance work requests/resumes

To submit your pitch, please email us at [email protected]. You should include the following information in your submission email:

A description of your idea Potential headline for your article Any keywords that will be included A sample of your existing work or a link to your site If you’re pitching a guide, please include a sample of a previous guide Your (reasonable) asking price for the content

Please include only one pitch per submission. If we accept your idea, we’ll contact you via email with all the details.

Please note that all approved pitches will be given a deadline that must be met in order for you to be compensated.

In addition to any pay you receive on an article, there is an opportunity to earn even more money through our Bounty Program, which will net you extra revenue for getting lots of views.

Pitches will be reviewed in the order that they come in, so submit early to get ahead of the game. We’re looking forward to hearing all the great ideas we know you have!