Thissen posted a picture of his broken PS3 controller on the Facebook Page of football team Bayern Munich, explaining that the products demise was due to player Mario Götze missing a penalty in the 90th minute of his FIFA match.

The overzealous fan insisted that Götze owed him €49.90 for the fumble of his on-screen counterpart that led to Thissen destroying his controller in frustration.

Surprisingly, Götze replied and sympathised with the fan’s situation. What’s even more unbelievable is that he actually agreed to send Thissen a replacement.

Essentially Mario Götze is shelling out for something he had no involvement in and Mario Thissen is getting rewarded for not being able to control his temper at his own shoddy scoring skills. 

Thus, the moral of the story is; if you smash something, the best thing to do is blame someone else and have them to pay for it. Simple! Right?