Game of Thrones episode 7, “Beyond the Wall,” was heartbreaking for the Mother of Dragons after losing Viserion to the Night King, but it did end with some hope - that Daenerys might have found love again. Having come to the rescue of Jon Snow and the remainder of his Suicide Squad, Dany and the King in the North share a moment. Small as their hand-holding on his sickbed was, it did suggest that their relationship may become more romantic by the season’s end, and director Alan Taylor even confirmed it, but is he her true love?

Viewers were reminded of the Targaryen queen’s past lovers at the beginning of the episode, as she and Tyrion discussed the heroes she had known and how they had, in her mind, foolishly run off to be brave.

Tyrion reminds his Queen that all four men have fallen in love with her, and arguably each one has contributed to making her the strong leader that she is, but which one is actually her true love? Taking into account their treatment of Daenerys, their heroic acts and their not so heroic ones, here’s a definitive ranking of her men.

œHeroes do stupid things and then they die. Drogo, Jorah, Daario and even this Jon Snow. They all try to out do each other, they all try to do the stupidest bravest thing.

4. Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen)

Ser Jorah spent most of season one spying on her on behalf of King Robert Baratheon and Varys just so he could get pardoned and return to Westeros so it’s hard to think of him as her true love when there’s always been a selfish ulterior motive on his part: redemption from his sins. If you remember, Jorah fled the Seven Kingdoms after being sentenced to death by Eddard Stark for selling poachers to a Tyroshi slaver to fund the lifestyle of his second wife Lynesse Hightower, so his motives haven’t always been so admirable as they have in the last few seasons of Game of Thrones. Yes, he did pledge fealty to Daenerys after Drogo’s death, but he’s lied to her constantly and while he has worked hard to redeem himself, it’s hard to imagine him falling in love with her if she wasn’t so beautiful or powerful.

The TV show might present Ser Jorah as the Colonel Brandon to Daenerys’ Marianne Dashwood but in the books he’s far more the Humbert Humbert to her Lolita. Either way, it’s clear that while Dany has love for the former knight, his love for her will, and should, remain unrequited.

3. Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa)

The relationship of Khal Drogo and Daenerys has been ridiculously romanticised in Game of Thrones by viewers who seem to forget a lot of the key details about their union. She was sold to Drogo as his wife by her awful brother Viserys so that he could use the Khalasar to help him win back the Iron Throne. She was used as pawn in the war games of other men, given no choice as to who she should marry or love. She didn’t speak their language for a long time, had no one else to turn to for support and he sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions until she finally took some power back in the bedroom, but getting forced upon by your husband during the honeymoon period of your marriage hardly screams romance. Their romance feels more like a product of Stockholm Syndrome than true love.

Relationship aside, let’s look at Drogo as a person. The Dothraki relish death and violence and spend much of their time raping and pillaging villages to support their own existence, as well as forcing people into slavery which seems very out of sync with Daenerys’ views on the subject. That’s why Drogo needed to die, because his ideology may have been changing under the influence of Daenerys but he is fundamentally a misogynistic killer who would not have allowed her to lead or become the strong, fair and capable ruler that she does in later seasons.

2. Jon Snow (Kit Harington)

The TV show really wants you to get behind a Jon and Dany romance but are we seriously going to support incest? Westeros is littered with examples of incestuous marriages that have led to mad offspring (see Aerys and Joffrey) and it seems even madder to want to see this aunt and nephew getting together. But weird family ties aside, there hasn’t exactly been much romance going on between them. He wants her support to defeat the Night King and she wants him to bend the knee which, since the beginning of season 7, has only created a tension of annoyance between the two. Yes, Davos keeps mentioning that Jon fancies the queen, and Tyrion points out he loves her too, but what do they really have in common other than a common enemy? Oh yes, blood… because they’re related. Please let me draw your attention back to the first point.

So rather than see them as true lovers maybe we should think about them as family members about to learn of their shared heritage. Jon and Dany have both felt like outsiders for so long - him as a bastard and her literally being outside of Westeros - but now they have the opportunity to feel part of a family, unequivocally, and rebuild their House without making the mistakes of their ancestors.

1. Daario Naharis (Ed Skrein/Michiel Huisman)

Daario may have had to stay behind in Meereen to keep the peace, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t end up by Daenerys’ side. Since he first arrived in season 3 he has shown his loyalty to her, even killing Mero and Prendahl, the heads of the Second Sons, when they called for her assassination. Throughout their time together, Daario has supported her, fought for her, saved her on countless occasions, given her flowers as well as the utmost pleasure in the bedroom. He’s always given Dany honest council and also helped mend her relationship with her dragons Rhaegal and Viserion, by urging her to visit them while they are chained in the catacombs.

Their backgrounds might be different, but they have been through similarly harsh experiences; Daario was sold into slavery by his mother and survived the pits while Dany was sold into marriage by her brother and proved her worth with the Dothraki horde. These experiences have shaped them into courageous and strong leaders as well as forged an understanding and bond between them like they have with no other.

Daario has proven himself on so many occasions that he is a worthy and loving person who would put Daenerys’ needs before his own, and while he is a bit arrogant, they have an easy chemistry unlike that she has experienced with Drogo, Jorah or Jon. He would be the perfect companion by her side as she ruled the Seven Kingdoms, someone she could trust with her life and her heart.

So just hurry up and summon him back before it’s too late, Daenerys.

MORE: Can Daenerys Still Have Children?

Game of Thrones season 7 concludes tonight on HBO.