[SPOILERS for those not caught up on Game of Thrones ahead.]


New images have arrived for next week’s episode of Game of Thrones, teasing conflicts to come and preparations for war. This past Sunday, Game of Thrones finally returned to television with the start of its penultimate season. Kicking off with a bang, the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere’s ratings were up substantially from even season premieres past. While much of the premiere episode was concerned with table setting, the remaining six episodes of season 7 should be anything but.

The second episode of season 7, ‘Stormborn’, will dive into Daenerys’ return to Dragonstone and her attempts to begin her conquest of Westeros. However, while Dany is seeking to gain back her birthright, other conflicts will be brewing across the fractured seven kingdoms. Last week hinted at plenty of clashes that will soon ensure, both in terms of epic battles and more interpersonal strife. To make it through the battles to come, we know characters like Sansa and Jon will need to work together. Of course, one character will be working to drive a wedge between the two Stark siblings.

HBO has released new images for this Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones. As promised by its title ‘Stormborn’, a chunk of the episode will be devoted to Dany preparing for war with her new allies. Whereas Dany is surrounded by friends and allies though, Jon will need to watch his back.

[vn_gallery name=“Game of Thrones – ‘Stormborn’ Images” id=“1019830”]

The above images confirm Jon and Littlefinger have a confrontation during ‘Stormborn’. One of the trailers for Game of Thrones season 7 revealed that the tension eventually erupts, resulting in Jon seizing Littlefinger in a manner that mirrors what Ned Stark did to the man, back in season 1. Whether this image comes from the same scene or not, remains to be seen.

We also have a shot of Dany at the Painted Table on Dragonstone with Tyrion, Elaria Sand, and Yara (Asha in the books) Greyjoy. With a Lannister, Sand, and Greyjoy by her side, Cersei better watch out. There are also shots of Jon and Davos heading out of Winterfell, Arya continuing on her journey, Sansa looking pensive, and Sam continuing his grueling work at the Citadel. Given what happened in the first episode, this scene between Sam and the maester (played by Jim Broadbent) could deal with what the acolyte learned about dragon glass.

Game of Thrones continues with ‘Stormborn’ next Sunday on HBO.

Source: HBO