Game of Thrones’ seventh season recently began proper production, with announcements arriving about casting and other on-set goings-on. Even though the series won’t return to the air until next summer, fans of the popular HBO series are already speculating on what might transpire when the show comes back.

What will happen when Daenerys Targaryen and her assembled army finally arrive on Westeros? Can Sam Tarly come up with a plan in Oldtown to defeat the White Walkers? Is there anyone left in King’s Landing for Cersei Lannister to fight or even talk to now that nearly all of her enemies have been wiped out? Will we get a new George R.R. Martin book prior to the arrival of the new season? And which characters might be lost to death over the course of season 7? We now have some small and subtle hints of some answers from two cast members when they attended the Emmys.

At the awards, when Thrones had a record-breaking night that once again saw them win the award for Best Dramatic Series, we got something sort of resembling a clue about next season. Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark on the show, talked about her expectations for the next season, as reported by Variety:

“It’s quite sad. It really feels like things are wrapping up and coming to an end… People are hanging around Belfast a bit longer to be around each other and be in each other’s presence… We’ve got one more season…well, not all of us"

Variety also spoke to Jamie Lannister actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who said characters who hadn’t seen each other in several seasons are starting to meet up again, and this will continue in the seventh season.

Should we read much of anything into these comments, or conclude that either Sansa Stark herself or some particular character she’s close with isn’t long for the Game of Thrones world? Probably not. It’s an undisputed fact that the series is nearing its end and that its cast members, especially the younger ones, have practically grown up with the show and with each other. And yes, chances are there will be at least some character deaths in season 7 - on Game of Thrones, there nearly always are.

Then again, Starks have a tendency to die surprisingly, and more shocking things than that have certainly happened.

Game of Thrones will return on HBO in the summer of 2017, although the exact return date has not yet been announced.

Source: Variety