[SPOILERS for those not caught up on Game of Thrones ahead.]

Game of Thrones stars have been joking about potential spinoffs they would like to see. Following the dramatic conclusion of Game of Thrones season 7, these silly spinoff suggestions are exactly what you need to take the edge off. Stop wondering whether Bran is the Night King for a minute, or what Jon’s real name will mean for his blossoming romance with Dany, and settle in for a chuckle or two.

Of course, there are some actual Game of Thrones spinoffs in development. Back in April, the news broke that HBO has four potential Westeros-set series in development. The cast and timeline of these shows haven’t been revealed as of yet, but writer Jane Goldman has promised that her one of the four is “recognizable as a past event” in the Thrones universe. It’s also been stated that HBO isn’t expecting all four ideas to make it to fruition. But it’s clear that the network is keen for a show to plug the gap once Thrones is over – a Better Call Saul to its Breaking Bad.

Now, in a video interview montage by Shortlist, several Game of Thrones cast members have joked about the direction they’d like to see these spinoffs going in. Pilou Asbæk (Euron Greyjoy), John Bradley-West (Samwell Tarly), Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm), Rory McCann (The Hound) and Neil Portman (Podrick Payne) all came up with weird and wacky ideas:

Bradley-West’s suggestion is that “Sam and Gilly go around testing out very child-friendly restaurants.” Anderson wants a “fantasy, musical, body-swap” for Grey Worm. Asbæk is keen to see “Varys and Littlefinger do a cooking program.” And Portman suggested a “glittery rock and roll musical” for Pod. McCann is the only one that took the question a bit more seriously, saying he’d liked to see more “road trip” fun for The Hound and Arya.

However, despite how fun it is to think about characters like The Hound having continued adventures after Game of Thrones season 8 ends, it’s far likely that these spinoffs – however many of them end up happening – will all be prequels, with only family names and iconic locations connecting them to the original Game of Thrones story.

Whichever shape HBO’s Game of Thrones spinoffs end up taking (you’ll find some more suggestions here), they’ll have big shoes to fill. The Game of Thrones season 7 finale was the show’s most-watched episode yet, proving that this huge fan base is growing all the time – it’ll be tough to please all of them.

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Game of Thrones season 8 is expected to air in 2018 or 2019. The spinoffs are still at the development stage, but they are apparently “moving forward.”

Source: Shortlist