Warning! This post is dark and full of spoilers… and will be updated as new spoilers come to light for the final season of Game Of Thrones. 


Game Of Thrones may not be returning to the small screen until 2019, but that doesn’t mean that the spoilers haven’t already started to fly. Set photos, videos, casting announcements, and actors spotted on set have all given us an idea of some of the events that will befall the residents of Westeros in the final season of Game Of Thrones - although the majority of spoilers are being kept carefully under wraps. With so much at stake for the most-pirated TV series every year that it airs, the network has been taking extraordinary measures to keep things quiet until it hits the screen next year.

There was even a rumor that multiple endings for the series would be filmed, so that no set photo could be used as a spoiler, but this was later debunked by Maisie Williams (who plays Arya Stark). However, we do know that the scripts are being tightly controlled, with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) revealing that not even the cast gets paper scripts anymore. His words can, of course, be taken as a bit of a joke and an exaggeration, but it is clear that HBO is going to do everything they can to keep the big reveals a surprise for everyone. Despite that, we’ve got the few spoilers that have managed to leak, so read ahead only if you want to know exactly what will happen in the final season of Game Of Thrones.

Winterfell Will Burn…

Some of the biggest spoilers revealed so far have been the result of large set builds that are understandably difficult to keep under wraps. One of the biggest sets from Game Of Thrones is that of Winterfell, the ancestral home of the Stark family, and the base of operations of Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) at the end of season 7 (although it is currently Sansa (Sophie Turner) who is on the throne there in his stead). It’s no secret that Winterfell is going to play a big part in the upcoming eighth season, but videos of the set have revealed that it will be unlikely to survive - because it will be burned to the ground. The set has grown significantly, with more of the castle elements being physically built, instead of left to CGI, which hinted at a scene of destruction… but the destruction of Winterfell was confirmed when a video was posted showing the set up in flames. Given the distance that the video is taken from it seems that this is a massive blaze, likely to raze the ancient castle to the ground. Presumably, this is started by dragon fire, but we’ll have to wait and see exactly how the destruction of Winterfell begins.

Source: Watchers On The Wall

… So Will King’s Landing

Winterfell won’t be the only major location to go up in flames in the eighth season of Game Of Thrones, as it looks like King’s Landing is also going to be burned to the ground. Up until this season, the majority of scenes set in King’s Landing have been filmed in real-life cities - mostly Dubrovnik, Croatia. This year, however, an entire replica of the city is being re-built at Titanic Studios in Belfast - and the reason for needing to have a studio version of the city is to be able to burn it down. Sources confirm that the set is going to be destroyed in a massive battle involving dragon fire - meaning that either Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) or the Night King is going to be riding a dragon down there at some point in the season.

In addition, it was revealed in the DVD commentary for season 7 that Cersei’s map-courtyard had to be specifically built so that she could see the sky from within it - and that its walls were made shorter so that in ‘future coverage’, the viewer could see the sky at different angles. While this doesn’t guarantee dragons in the skies over King’s Landing, that seems the most obvious explanation.

Sources: Watchers On The Wall, Winter Is Coming

Dany Might Be Pregnant

Two of the biggest moments in Game Of Thrones season 7 centered on Jon and Dany; when the two finally got intimate (which many fans were shipping since their first meeting), and when it was revealed elsewhere that the two are actually blood relatives. Jon Snow has now been confirmed to be the child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, and is therefore the nephew of Daenerys. This is sure to be a massive plot point in Season 8, as the couple in question discover their connection - but it may be too late, as there is a good chance that Dany is already pregnant.

This was originally reported as a blind item, so it cannot be taken as 100% confirmed that the series mentioned is Game Of Thrones. However, a report states that ‘a wildly popular, Emmy-winning series on a premium cable network is plotting a pregnancy twist that promises to be… surprising is an understatement’ and added that the show would not be back on the air until 2019. The chances of the report referring to any other series is slim, but there is always the possibility that some other pregnancy twist will pop up on Game of Thrones; perhaps Cersei (Lena Headey) is pregnant again, which would mess with the Valonqar Prophecy, or perhaps Sansa could be revealed to be carrying a child… the smart money is still on Jon and Dany, however.

Source: TV Line

Tormund Survives The Fall Of The Wall

In the Season 7 finale, the Wall finally came down, as the Night King attacked with his army of White Walkers and Wights… and the addition of an Ice Dragon. It seems that the Wall which has stood since the time of Bran the Builder stands no more, and Westeros is going to be at the mercy of the White Walkers in Season 8 - but that wasn’t what had many fans on the edges of their seats. No, it was the potential death of Tormund (Kristofer Hivju), who was at the Wall when it fell, that caused the most consternation about this scene.

Never fear, however, for it looks like fan-favorite Tormund is coming back for the final season, thanks to photos of the actor arriving in Belfast at the start of filming, along with several of the other major players in Game Of Thrones. Of course, this doesn’t guarantee that Tormund will make it through the final season in one piece, and may even be returning only to film flashback scenes or a death scene, but it seems likely that he doesn’t die as the Wall comes down, and will regroup with the rest of the Nights Watch to try and fight the invading army.

Source: Buzzfeed

There Will Be Dothraki Wights

From the end of the seventh season, it’s known that the Night King and his army have broken through the Wall and are on the way to invade the North, but some more set photos have also revealed that some of Dany’s Dothraki forces are going to fall prey to the army - and be resurrected as wights themselves. The set photos from Magheramorne show a huge green screen, as well as a group of extras decked out in the green outfits often used to create the look of Wights using CGI. However, these are also riding horses, something that was previously reserved only for the leaders of the Night King’s army, and the reports are that the saddles and clothing involved appear to be Dothraki. This means that when the army does attack Winterfell in that giant battle, many of Daenerys’s Dothraki men will fall, and the Night King will add mounted wights to his growing army.

Jon And Cersei Will Meet Again

Another small spoiler for the upcoming season comes from set photos that show Jon and Cersei meeting once more. The two did already come face to face in season 7, when Jon travelled to King’s Landing to ask Cersei to join forces with them to fight the White Walkers. It seemed that he had convinced her, until they left and the scheming Queen revealed that she has no intention of actually sending any help at all. Jon’s return to King’s Landing could be for a few different reasons this season, then. Some of the most likely are that he is attempting to confront her for her betrayal, or to once again beg her to help, but he could also be trying to broker a different deal with her…

Source: Digital Spy

House Frey Isn’t Done Yet

There is also some evidence that House Frey isn’t quite as done as fans expected. Season seven seemed to put an end to Walder Frey (David Bradley) and his brood, when Arya Stark returned to wear the face of a servant, kill Frey’s children, make him eat them in a pie, and then slit his throat. After that bloodbath, she returned home to Winterfell, and it seemed that this was the end of the Freys - fitting revenge for the Red Wedding and the slaughter of the Starks earlier in the series. However, one of the casting announcements that have been revealed for Game of Thrones season 8 reveals that Danielle Galligan has been cast as a character named Sarra. In the novels, Sarra is Sarra Frey, Walder Frey’s granddaughter. It is possible that this will be a different Sarra, of course, but it is more likely that this is the last of the Freys, still in play. However, whether she is after revenge or seeking to heal the rift remains to be seen.

Next: Every Game Of Thrones Update You Need To Know 

Game of Thrones season 8 premieres sometime in 2019.