Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Game of Thrones season 6


The long-promised winter is finally here, as Game of Thrones season 7 is set to premiere on HBO this Sunday. Following months of heavy promotion (including stills, trailers, and cryptic interviews with cast members), showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss are ready to show their hand, revealing just which fan theories were right and which were wrong, and likely fueling a few more before the season is over.

Before then, however, we need to remember where the story left off. In this recap of the events of season 6, we’ll go through each of the far-flung plots, covering each section of the map and retracing the characters’ steps until they each arrive in the place they need to be for season 7. Think of it like setting up the pieces to continue a game of chess where the only war that matters is the one between the living and the dead, but all the pieces are too busy fighting over who will sit on the Iron Throne.

That’s Game of Thrones, and where it goes in season 7 begins with what happened in season 6 – and with what is coming along with winter:

Beyond The Wall

Far north of The Wall, Bran Stark continues his training with the Three-Eyed Raven. Together they’ve been reliving visions of the past, including the creation of the first White Walker by the Children of the Forest, and the moment when Bran’s father, Ned, found his sister near death in the Tower of Joy.

However, Bran is not yet ready to visit these visions on his own – a rule he breaks the first chance he gets, experiencing a vision of the White Walker army during which the Night King grasps his arm, marking him. That mark alerts the Night King to Bran’s true location, removing the protective magic from the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave in the process.

The Three-Eyed Raven transfers his many years of accumulated knowledge into Bran, sending both into a trance. As the wights pour into the cave, Summer is killed, leaving it to Meera Reed and Hodor to protect Bran while they escape. In the confusion of their escape, Bran inadvertently creates a connection between Hodor as a young stable boy at Winterfell and the Hodor of the present, who is desperately trying to hold the door against a horde of wights. The connection across time and space makes the young Hodor begin seizing, warping the phrase “hold the door” into Hodor and forever damaging his mind. Hodor dies holding the door, allowing Meera and Bran to flee.

Having narrowly escaped the cave, Meera must keep moving or she and Bran will be overtaken by wights. Just when she can’t possibly pull the sled another inch and all hope seems lost, Bran’s long lost uncle, Benjen Stark comes to their rescue. As it turns out, he was killed all those years ago on that ranging north of The Wall and brought back as a wight by the White Walkers, but the Children of the Forest used Dragonglass to restore his mind. Benjen then instructs Bran and Meera to travel south and pass through The Wall, reminding Bran that he must continue training and become the new Three-Eyed Raven.

While journeying south, Bran experiences another vision of his father at the Tower of Joy. This time, the vision lasts longer and Bran witnesses the truth of what happened there: Lyanna died giving birth and her dying words to Ned, “promise me”, were in regards to keeping the child of her and Rhaegar Targaryen safe. That baby would later come come home with Ned as his bastard son, Jon Snow.

The North

Jon Snow’s murdered body is discovered by Ser Davos Seaworth, who - after freeing Ghost and assembling the still loyal brothers and wildlings to defend it - asks Melisandre to bring Jon back to life. She performs the ceremony and it works – Jon Snow breathes again. The mutineers who murdered him are sentenced to hang; an execution which Jon sees to personally. Afterwards, he hands over leadership of the Night’s Watch to Dolorous Edd, visibly disturbed by what he’s just had to do and still haunted by the memory of his own murder.

Having escaped Ramsey Bolton by leaping from the walls of Winterfell, Sansa Stark journeys north to The Wall where she is reunited with her recently resurrected half-brother. She is accompanied by Brienne of Tarth who, after rescuing Sansa from the pursuing Bolton soldiers, swears to her an oath of fealty, which Sansa accepts (with a little help from Brienne’s squire, Podrick Payne). After helping Sansa escape and seeing her under Brienne’s protection, Theon Greyjoy decides it’s time to return home to the Iron Islands.

Back in Winterfell, Ramsey murders his father, Roose, along with his father’s wife, Walda Frey, and their son - thereby cementing himself as the new Warden of the North. Houses Karstark and Umber swear loyalty to him, with Smalljon Umber going so far as to present Ramsey with Rickon Stark, Osha, and the severed head of Rickon’s direwolf, Shaggydog. Ramsey later kills Osha.

Jon and Sansa agree to rally the northern houses and take Winterfell back from Ramsey, reaching out to Houses Mormont (who agree) and Glover (who decline) as well as the wildlings (who also agree). However, when they meet the Bolton forces on the battlefield, they’re severally outnumbered. Adding insult to injury, Ramsey kills Rickon right in front of Jon after teasingly offering to release him as a gesture of goodwill. The battle begins and very quickly goes the Boltons’ way.

Just when the battle is at its bleakest, the Knights of the Vale (the army belonging to Sansa’s cousin and Catelyn Stark’s nephew, Robin Arryn) arrive, immediately turning the battle in the Starks’ favor. They came at Sansa’s behest, who in desperation reached out to Littlefinger for aide, even though she hadn’t forgiven him for allowing her to be married to Ramsey. With his forces overwhelmed, Ramsey flees the battle with Jon in pursuit. Shortly after breaching the castle, Jon overtakes Ramsey, beating him within an inch of his life. The day is theirs as Stark banners once again fly over Winterfell.

Sansa enacts her revenge, feeding Ramsey to his own starving dogs. Ser Davos accuses Melisandre of killing Shireen and, as punishment, Jon banishes the red priestess. Jon is then proclaimed King in the North by the young Lyanna Mormont, and after a chorus of cheers from the assembled northern lords, Jon is essentially crowned.

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The Iron Islands

Theon and Yara’s uncle, Euron Greyjoy, returns to Pyke after years away at sea. He murders his brother, Balon, kicking off the Ironborn custom of a Kingsmoot in which those who wish to rule the Iron Islands must present their case and be “elected” by a majority. Soon after, Theon returns and swears to support Yara in her claim to the Salt Throne.

The Kingsmoot commences and, though Yara has a large following, her uncle Euron wins the crown. Yara and Theon, fearing for their lives, flee with those who remain loyal to Yara and a good majority of the Iron Fleet’s ships. They sail east to Essos, where they intend to seek an alliance with Meereen’s queen, Daenerys Targaryen.

King’s Landing

The Faith Militant continue to wield great influence in King’s Landing and Margaery and Loras Tyrell remain their prisoners. While Kevan Lannister and Olenna Tyrell have no patience for Cersei and her scheming, they agree to work together to come up a plan to defeat the Sparrows. Jaime and the Tyrell army are sent to free Margaery and Loras by force – only to be stopped by Tommen, who along with Margaery has formed a new alliance between the Crown and the Faith.

Empowered like never before, the Faith Militant move ahead with their trial of both Loras and Cersei while Jaime is sent away to help the Frey army retake Riverrun. For her trial, Cersei intends the reanimated Mountain to stand as her champion, but Tommen (at the High Sparrow’s insistence) does away with trial by combat, calling it barbaric. Meanwhile, Margaery meets with her grandmother, Lady Olenna, and urges her to leave King’s Landing while secretly affirming to her that, despite her apparent conversion, she remains loyal only to House Tyrell.

On the day of trial, practically everyone is gathered in the Great Sept – the High Sparrow, Kevan and Lancel Lannister, Margaery, Loras and Mace Tyrell, and most of the nobles and Sparrows in the city. All are present except for Tommen and Cersei, which strikes Margaery as suspicious. She pleads with the High Sparrow to let everyone leave, but he remains firm that the trial will continue.

It’s at that moment the Great Sept explodes in a massive green fireball, killing all inside. Cersei looks on from her balcony in the Red Keep, sipping her wine and look quite pleased. She and Qyburn had orchestrated the whole thing, knowing that the Mad King had casks of wildfire hidden all throughout the city and all they needed was to light them. Cersei had also ordered The Mountain to stand guard at Tommen’s door, preventing him from leaving for the trial. But upon witnessing what his mother has done, Tommen jumps from the window, killing himself.

With her enemies destroyed, Cersei takes the Iron Throne and is crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Jaime returns just in time for the coronation and is appalled to see what his sister has become. With each of her children dead (just as the witch, Maggy the Frog, predicted all those years ago), Cersei has nothing left to lose and is now more dangerous than ever.


Still in training with the Faceless Men at the House of Black and White, Arya is blind. Living as a beggar on the streets, she endures daily visits from The Waif, who comes to test Ayra’s abilities. After proving that she’s ready to become “no one”, Arya’s sight is returned to her. She’s then given her first assignment – kill an actress currently performing with a local troupe.

Arya takes in the troupe’s daily performances where they reenact the recent events of Westeros (Ned’s beheading, Joffrey’s poisoning, etc.), observing her target: the actress in the role of Cersei. As she gets closer to the woman, Arya discovers that she is unable to kill without just cause. Failing in her mission, Ayra tries to book passage home only to be attacked by The Waif who has been ordered to kill her.

The Waif stabs Arya several times in the abdomen, but she manages to escape by falling into the canal below. On the run, Arya seeks help from the actress, who patches up her wounds and offers her a place to rest. The Waif, however, hunts her down and kills the actress. Arya then leads her on a chase through the city, finishing in the catacombs where Arya kills The Waif. She returns to the House of Black and White and presents Jaqen H’ghar with The Waif’s face, declaring that she isn’t “no one” but Arya Stark of Winterfell and she is going home.

The Riverlands

It is revealed that Sandor “The Hound” Clegane did not die from his injuries received during his duel with Brienne, and instead was rescued by a kind Septon who nursed him back to health. In return, Sandor now lives a simple life among the Septon’s flock, putting his immense strength to better use chopping wood. However, that peaceful existence is destroyed when outlaws attack and kill the Septon and his followers. Sandor hunts down the men responsible and kills them, only to then come across Ser Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr from the Brotherhood Without Banners. They ask Sandor to join their cause and travel with them north of The Wall, where the real war is only just beginning.

Jaime arrives at Riverrun, currently under siege by the Freys after having been recapture by Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully. Jaime attempts to parley with The Blackfish, but is unsuccessful. Brienne of Tarth also arrives at Riverrun, having been sent by Sansa to ask for aide. She also tries to convince The Blackfish to surrender and accompany her north to help his grandniece, but he again refuses. Jaime and Brienne meet briefly, but it quickly becomes clear their loyalties are to different causes and they part ways.

With few options left, Jaime threatens to kill Edmure Tully’s son, which is enough to convince him to enter the castle and take command from his uncle. Edmure orders the surrender of the castle and The Blackfish is slain fighting Lannister soldiers.

Jaime later joins Walder Frey at the Twins for a celebration dinner before returning to King’s Landing. As the festivities wind down, Walder is presented with a pie by a serving girl. She peels off her disguise and reveals herself to be Arya Stark and she’s baked Walder’s sons into the very pie he’s eating. She then slits Walder’s throat, killing him.

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Ellaria Sand and her daughter, Tyene, murder Doran Martell and his guard Areo Hotah, seemingly taking charge of Dorne. Around the same time, the other two Sand Snakes, Obara and Nymeria, kill Doran’s son, Trystane as he journeys to King’s Landing. Ellaria explains her coup to a dying Doran by saying that the people of Dorne are fed up with his weak leadership, citing his inaction against the Lannisters for their many transgressions against Dorne (first the killing Elia Martel and her children many years ago, and the more recent slaying of her brother, Oberon).

Later on, Varys arranges a meeting between Ellaria and Lady Olenna, hoping to broker an alliance between Dorne,  Highgarden and Daenerys Targaryen’s forces against the Lannisters.

Traveling To Oldtown

With the passing of Maester Aemon, Sam is chosen to travel to the Citadel in Oldtown and train to become the Night’s Watch’s new Maester. Gilly and Little Sam accompany him, but since women and children aren’t welcome at the Citadel, Sam plans for them to stay with his family at Horn Hill. When they arrive they are received graciously by Sam’s mother and sister, and decidedly less so by Sam’s father, Randyll Tarly.

After his father repeatedly insults Sam during dinner, Gilly defends him and in the process reveals she is a wildling. Furious, Randyll tells Sam that Gilly and Little Sam (whom they believe is Sam’s bastard son) can remain at Horn Hill, but Sam must never set foot in their home again. Initially, Sam agrees and bids farewell to Gilly, but quickly changes his mind and decides to bring them with him anyway. On their way out, Sam steals his family’s Valyrian sword, Heartsbane.

When they arrive in Oldtown, the Citadel is releasing hundreds of white ravens – the official herald that winter has come to Westeros. Sam checks in and is allowed to wait in the Citadel’s enormous library for the Archmaester, while Gilly and Little Sam must wait outside.

Dothraki Sea

Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis are on Daenerys’ trail, trying to locate where Drogon may have taken their queen. They discover hoof prints and Daenerys’ discarded ring, which they deduce must mean she’s been abducted by a Dothraki khalasar. That khalasar is led by Khal Moro, who upon learning that Daenerys was once the wife of Khal Drogo, orders she be taken to Vaes Dothrak where she will live out her days alongside the widows of all the dead Khals.

Of course, Daenerys has no intention of growing old in Vaes Dothrak, and when she’s presented before the assembled Khals she burns them alive. When she steps from the burning building completely unharmed, the Dothraki immediately swear their loyalty to her. As Daenerys leads the massive khalasar, Drogon returns. She mounts the dragon and proclaims to her new followers that they are all her bloodriders and they will do what no Dothraki have ever done – ride the wooden horses across the black salt sea, kill her enemies in their iron suits, tear down their stone houses, and give her the Seven Kingdoms.

But first, Daenerys must return to Meereen. She and Daario prepare to depart, while Jorah reveals to her his greyscale infliction. Daenerys orders Jorah to find a cure and return to her.


Tyrion Lannister has been left in charge of Meereen in Daenery’s abrupt absence and has managed (with Missendei and Grey Worms’ help) to broker a peace with the Slave Masters, who had been using the Sons of the Harpy to disrupt Daenerys’ rule. Recognizing they need to do more to secure Daenerys’ hold on the city, Varys and Tyrion reach out to the red priests and priestesses of R’Hollr. Many have already been preaching in the streets that Daenerys, as the Mother of Dragons, is their messiah, prince that was promised, Azor Ahia. They would like this to continue, seeing it as an opportunity to cement Daenery’s rule over Meereen.

The peace is short-lived, and soon, the Slave Masters return with a fleet to demand the return of their “property” (i.e. the slaves Daenerys freed). They begin a bombardment of the city that is unstopped will quickly overrun Meereen’s defenses, at which point Daenerys returns, landing atop the Great Pyramid with Drogon. She agrees to a meeting with the Slave Masters in which she demands their surrender. They refuse, and in response, Daenerys mounts Drogon and, along with Viserion and Rhaegal, lays waste to their entire fleet.

With the Slave Masters and the Sons of the Harpy soundly defeated, Daenerys holds an audience with her new visitors – Yara and Theon Greyjoy, who’ve come to offer the assistance of Iron Fleet in return for Daenerys’ recognizing Yara as ruler of the Iron Islands and helping them overthrow their uncle, Euron. Daenerys agrees, and after explaining to Daario that he and the Second Sons will remain behind to govern Meereen, she sets sails for Westeros.

Which, for the most part, brings us to where Game of Thrones season 7 will pick up when it premieres on HBO this Sunday at 9:00pm EST.

Next: HBO Not Expecting All Four Game of Thrones Spinoffs to Happen