The Internet is a handy place to find lots of things. And if what you’re looking for is a discussion amongst fans of Game of Thrones about what has happened, how it compares to the unfinished series of novels by George R.R. Martin, or what is likely to happen from here on out, now that the series is poised to embark on its quest to tell the story of the Seven Kingdoms without the help of Martin’s source material, you’ll likely have no problem finding what you’re looking for.

Of course, with a new season set to premiere, there’s quite a lot for even the most ardent fan to become reacquainted with before settling in with a nice chalice full of Dornish red and slice of pigeon pie to find out who among their favorite characters is now not long for their world. But at 50 episodes in, becoming reacquainted with the series from the start is a considerable undertaking – even for die-hard fans. And for those who didn’t have time for a massive five season binge-watch of HBO’s flagship series before the shrouded-in-secrecy season 6 premiere, thankfully a new retrospective is here to give you a hand in remembering the key events, players, and the heartbreaking deaths of many key players throughout the series’ run so far.

The retrospective comes in at nearly 12 minutes in length, which, if you think about it is barely enough time to scratch the surface of House Lannister’s underhanded dealings, let alone the entire series so far, but in the interest of time and getting the main points across, the retrospective will actually do quite nicely. Starting off with a voiceover using Littlefinger and Varys’ chat about chaos and its ladder-like qualities, the series recap actually begins with one of the oft-referenced moments from the show in which no one is brutally murdered or maimed. It also serves to highlight the two most powerful behind-the-scenes manipulators in the series, focusing not on plot first, but rather one of the show’s most interesting themes and ideas.

From there the retrospective manages to deliver a concise, well-edited recap of all that’s transpired so far. It even manages to make all the shocking events that transformed the series from a niche show based on a series of fantasy books into one of the biggest watercooler shows in the past 10 years seem powerful and resonant once more. Eddard Stark hasn’t been on the series in years, and yet watching him at the mercy of Joffrey is probably enough to make you want to scream at your television all over again.

And while being informative and offering an easily digestible recap of the series so far is a wonderful thing, it seems this trailer’s main goal is to elicit an emotional response and perhaps demonstrate why the series is so good at delivering an emotional gut-punch that nevertheless keeps audiences enthralled and eager to find out what happens next. The clever use of a cover of Depeche Mode’s ‘Enjoy the Silence’ helps to underline the effect the show has on those who regularly tune in. It’s fascinating to see how popular music – though slowed down considerably to highlight the series’ somber nature – can be so effective in underlining the power of the show’s emotional appeal. Earlier this year, season 6 was sold with a cover of Chris Isaak’s ‘Wicked Game,’ and aside from the rather obvious connection both titles share, the song somehow made sense amongst all the chaotic ladder-climbing yet to unfold in the newest season.

For those who want to relive the Game of Thrones’ Greatest Hits, or for those who just want a quick and easy refresher course on series so far, this retrospective likely has what you’re looking for.


Game of Thrones season 6 premiere begins with ‘The Red Woman’ @9pm on HBO.

Source: Steven Thomas