It’s been such a long and winding road for our characters in Game of Thrones. However, with only one episode left in season 7 and eight episodes left in the entire series, things are racing towards the conclusion.

Some characters’ fates have already been reached, while others are harkening back to the very beginnings of their stories with the end approaching at such a rapid pace.

So many moments in season 7 so far have been heavily foreshadowed; they are logical continuations or conclusions to the arcs based on what we’ve seen already. In other words, they are moments that some savvy fans might have predicted and now make a lot of sense based on themes or clues throughout the series.

The finale of season 7 is sure to be an absolute block buster for action and revelations. However, before we get there, there’s a lot to go over in how the show has journeyed to this point. Pat yourself on the back if you never forgot the details that led to each of these incredible moments. We all forget the little details.

It is now time to look back on Game of Thrones across the seasons with the 18 Game of Thrones Predictions That Came True In Season 7.


More and more has come to light about the attempted murder and assassination of Bran Stark over the course of the show. We learned that the Valyrian steel dagger that the assassin carried actually belonged to Littlefinger and then Tyrion.

We also learn in season 4 that Littlefinger persuaded Lysa Arryn to send a false letter to Catelyn Stark saying the Lannisters murdered Jon Arryn. However, that had (presumably) nothing to do with Jaime pushing Bran out of the window when he found Jaime with Cersei.

We also know that Tyrion certainly didn’t try to have Bran assassinated. So was it Littlefinger that tried to frame Tyrion or Cersei? We still don’t really know, but we do know how ruthless and conniving Littlefinger is.

He thought he had the better of Bran when he showed him the dagger meant to kill him, but Bran knows more than Littlefinger can ever imagine, including about Littlefinger himself.

“Chaos is a ladder.” Bran uttering this phrase back to Littlefinger represents a confrontation between two of the most well informed characters in the show. It reconnects these characters in a way that they hadn’t been since the first season.


Jorah Mormont started out spying on Viserys and Daenerys for Robert Baratheon, but his love and admiration for Daenerys quickly won out. He’s saved her from poisoning and mutinous blood riders.

He’s managed to return to Daenerys after several harrowing adventures, including the infiltration of Yunkai and sneaking into Vaes Dothrak. Even after Daenerys banished him for his espionage, he braved the ruins of old Valyria to bring Tyrion to Daenerys and win back her favor, all while touched with greyscale.

Despite Jorah’s exile from Westeros we’ve seen the honor and the perseverance from him and his father Jeor. That integrity would save Jorah’s life when Samwell Tarly decides to secretly perform a dangerous procedure for the first time, in part because he respected Jeor Mormont.

“You are not dying today Ser Jorah.” We’ll have to see just how far honor and devotion will carry Jorah Mormont in the series.


Here’s another incidental season 1 detail that may determine the fate of several main characters six seasons later. After the Lannisters took Ned Stark prisoner, Cersei convinced the captive Sansa to write to her brother Robb. She was forced to write that Ned had conspired with Renly and Stannis to steal the throne from “her beloved Joffrey," and pleaded with him to come to King’s Landing and bend the knee.

So why would Littlefinger unearth this particular ravenscroll and let Arya find it? Because it will help drive a wedge between them. The last time Arya and Sansa saw each other, Sansa was still foolishly head over heels for Joffrey.

Now, Sansa is talking about being diplomatic with the rowdy Northern houses, while Arya has become even more ruthless. Littlefinger has also been influencing Sansa all throughout her separation from Arya.

They’ve both become more mature and capable but Littlefinger is still finding ways to take advantage of this old difference between the Stark sisters. If they do not find a way to rebuild their trust, Littlefinger will take Winterfell from them.

15.“They’ll both be dead come winter”

As part of the Hound and Arya’s arc in season 4, they are taken in by a peasant family in the Riverlands on their way to the Vale of Arryn. The father is a devout man, obviously not the Hound’s type, but he offers him his daughter’s rabbit stew, and offers to pay him as a bodyguard and farm hand.

The Hound appears to accept, but in the morning he knocks the man to the ground and steals all his silver. Arya is outraged, but the Hound just barks that he’s weak and can’t protect himself. “They’ll both be dead come winter.”

One has to wonder if the showrunners were planning on calling back to this scene in season 7 even when they wrote it in season 4. Seldom has the Hound ever been so directly confronted with the consequences of his careless cruelty. The father may have taken his daughter’s and his own life, but the Hound was the one who helped put them in such a hopeless situation.


Thinking back, it seems pretty foolish to bring Arya and Sansa to King’s Landing when Ned traveled south to serve as Robert’s Hand. Sansa was supposed to be betrothed to Joffrey for her part, but Arya was never destined to be a noble lady. They both would have been safer at Winterfell. It was out of Ned’s hands that both of his daughters bore witness to his execution at Joffrey’s command.

There wasn’t much ceremony around the anticipated reunion of the Stark sisters, but it is appropriate that they first saw each other again in crypts in front of their father’s tomb.

Sansa even intuited that Arya would go there upon returning to Winterfell, and sure enough, that’s where she found her– the last time they saw each other was during the death of their father, and once again they meet in his presence.

They’ve both changed so much, but this shared moment of trauma still defines them. They’ve each learned from it in different ways, but their determination to carry on the legacy of their house has grown.


It’s strange to remember in the first season that the idea of the Dothraki invading Westeros seemed like an imminent possibility the show was building towards. Obviously Daenerys had a lot more in store before she would ever lead a Khalasar in Westeros, but it was discussed in some detail by various characters.

In one scene, Robert Baratheon is discussing the prospect of Viserys and the Dothraki invading Westeros with Cersei. Despite not having armor or discipline or siege weapons, Robert maintains that only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field.

He also says that the Dothraki would be a unified army all loyal to the Targaryens, whereas Westeros is full of liege lords, vassal houses, and mercenaries all with different loyalties and motives.

Six seasons later and that scenario plays out almost exactly in the fields of the Crownlands. The massive hoard of mounted warriors completely overwhelm the Lannister and Tarly foot soldiers.

Serving under Daenerys, the Dothraki are a unified force to be reckoned with.


The four most central families to the story of Game of Thrones are the Starks, the Lannisters, the Baratheons, and the Targaryens. We see their animal sigils at the title card of every single episode’s opening credits.

The declining fortunes of House Stark is central to the show’s plot and setting; many characters talk about how the Starks are gone, especially Tyrion in season 5. However, the Starks have made a comeback, and House Baratheon has actually had an even worse time. Stannis murdered his brother Renly and foolishly drove his family to their death in his campaign. We’ve not heard a peep from any Baratheon character since.

Except for Gendry. He may be a bastard but we’ve seen how far bastards can rise in this show. Ramsay became the Warden in the North and Jon became the King in the North.

Not enough people know about Gendry’s true father to elevate him much yet, but it would have been a waste of the Baratheon story to not reintroduce Gendry. His hammer even has a relief of the Baratheon stag connecting the head and the handle.


Cersei’s motivation throughout the series has been to secure the Iron Throne for her children and herself effectively. The question of their legitimacy has haunted Cersei and has come pretty close to overwhelming her.

For a while, after all her children by Jaime were dead, it looked as though that question became irrelevant. However, now (if Cersei is to be believed) Cersei may have another heir publicly sired by her brother.

Cersei is the unqualified Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but will that authority be enough to keep her allies loyal when they learn that she’s having a blatantly incestuous bastard heir?

What if all the sheep flock to the Dragon instead of the Lion? The lesson about the opinions of sheep from Tywin has been a theme for the Lannisters throughout the show. If Cersei really does have another incestuous heir, will she be powerful and clever enough to ensure that her new royal line goes unchallenged? It would be the logical conclusive test.


Unlike Ned Stark’s beheading, the Red Wedding was a totally shocking scene. Joffrey had threatened to behead Ned, but the massacre of the Starks at the Twins was much more surprising. However, there were a few thematic hints at it elsewhere in the show

There’s a scene before the Red Wedding where Bran tells a story about a cook in the Night’s Watch. When the King visited the Wall with his family, the cook killed the King’s son, baked him into a meat pie and served it to the King.

The Gods cursed the cook by turning him into a giant white rat who could only eat his own young and would never be able to satisfy his hunger. This was the crime for killing a guest beneath one’s roof.

The show specifically depicts Walder Frey passing bread and salt among the Starks, signaling guest right protection, when they come to the Twins for Edmure’s wedding. However, Walder then murders the Starks anyway.

Some of this was paid off at the end of season 6, but Arya feeding Walder’s sons to him in pies, slitting Walder’s throat, and tricking the rest of his family into drinking poison, should be pretty close to divine justice.


Jaime Lannister murdering the Mad King may be the most pivotal event in the entire backstory of the show. If he had not done what he did, King’s Landing and all its inhabitants would have been incinerated in the wildfire plot and many main characters in the series would have burned.

Instead, Jaime saved the city and secured his family’s place in the new royal court. His reputation thereafter has affected his relationship with all the other major characters, from the Starks to the Lannisters.

During the loot train attack, Jaime found himself offered a similar opportunity. Another Targaryen ruler was laying waste to those around him and he had a momentous chance to kill them and turn the tide of the war.

Thankfully– for Jaime at least– he was saved from being incinerated by Bronn. It must have been a pretty harrowing moment for Daenerys too, seeing the man who killed her father charging at her on horseback with a spear.

It’s another moment where what did and didn’t happen will heavily shape the course of events in the show, directly echoing the moment that made Jaime the Kingslayer.


Theon Greyjoy has been through some of the worst experiences of any character in the show. Ramsay captured him, tricked him, and made him his loyal pet for years.

Only with goading from Sansa Stark and a perfect opportunity did he work up the courage to make a break for it. He’s never really focused on dealing and recovering from that trauma, instead trying his best to serve his sister’s claim over the Iron Islands.

Euron Greyjoy is a lot like Ramsay to Theon. He’s vicious, gleefully cruel, and takes every opportunity to taunt Theon for being craven and unmanly, and he’s family.

When Euron and his men capture Yara and Ellaria and kill two of the Sand Snakes, perhaps we should have expected Theon to succumb to his well learned survival instinct and flee.

Theon has now failed to acknowledge Yara’s attempt to rescue him and failed to rescue her in turn. Only time will tell whether or not he’ll have a chance to fight and rescue Yara another day or if his escape will be for nothing.


Joffre’s death was a pretty shocking development. On a day when the future of his reign was about to be cemented, treachery cut his life short.

Viewers were given bits of the truth to piece together but the Lannisters immediately turned to blame Tyrion. It seemed as though it never even occurred to Cersei that Olenna would have the motive to remove Joffrey.

All throughout seasons 5 and 6, Cersei’s maniacal power grabs ensured that Olenna had to continue playing ball with Cersei; she couldn’t afford to confront Cersei with the truth… at least, until she had nothing left to lose.

Fans surely imagined Olenna getting the chance to rub her treachery in Cersei’s face before the end, but delivering the final barb to Jaime had its own weight. Jaime has repeatedly dealt more diplomatically with his enemies, from the Martells to the Tullys.

Even when capturing Highgarden, he offered Olenna a dignified death when Cersei wanted blood. Olenna’s final confession is a spit in the face to that leniency, and she knows that Cersei will believe Jaime when he conveys it. It’s almost like punishment for enabling Cersei.


Cersei Lannister is a masterclass in revenge. She’s been getting back on everybody who has ever stood in her way throughout the show. When Robert Baratheon still had his heart on the dead Lyanna Stark, Cersei got Robert killed by his own vices.

She did her absolute best to have Tyrion framed and executed for Joffrey’s murder. She incinerated the Tyrells, the High Sparrow, and most of the mob that harassed her and tore her down.

Most recently she got her revenge on Ellaria Sand and her daughter Tyene. It wasn’t as spectacularly horrific as bombing the Sept of Baelor, but this is probably the most poetic revenge that Cersei has ever exacted.

Ellaria kissed Myrcella and poisoned her with The Long Farewell. Then Tyene gave Ellaria the antidote as they watched Myrcella’s ship sail away. So what does Cersei do? She locks Ellaria and Tyene in a cell, separated from each other, and kisses Tyene with the exact same poison.

Ellaria knew Myrcella would die, but now she had to watch as Cersei drinks the antidote and Tyene slowly dies before her eyes– literal taste of your own medicine.


The direwolves that the Stark children adopted were like the idyllic medieval dream of House Stark at the beginning of the series. What child wouldn’t want a living breathing version of the mythical sigil of their house as a pet?

However, just like the fates of the Starks themselves, the fates of the direwolves have been harsh. All but two of the direwolves were killed, but thankfully their destinys didn’t mirror the Stark children completely.

Arya forced Lymeria to run after she attacked Joffrey by the inn on the King’s road. Since then, Arya and Lymeria have each been surviving on their own, growing into a fierce, dangerous and unexpected version of what they’ve always wanted to be.

When they encounter each other again in season 7, Lymeria is full grown and leading a pack of wolves, and Arya is a resolute killer, taking revenge on those who wronged her family with impunity.

Seeing Lymeria again made Arya feel as though she might regain some of the ease of her old life at Winterfell. However, as Arya was forcibly reminded when her father tried to spell out her life, “That’s not you.”


The encounter between Brienne, Arya, Podrick, and the Hound at the end of season 4 was a delightful and tense moment. At that point, Arya was a bit more than a novice in her particular discipline of swordplay, whereas Brienne was good enough to beat the Hound. Arya also turned Brienne away that day, but she did get a chance to see Brienne in action.

Since that encounter, Arya trained to fight against the Faceless Men., and being blind brutally forced her to hone her technique and her senses. Then Arya meets Brienne again at Winterfell. Not only has Brienne proven her skill, but she’s proven her devotion to Sansa and the Starks.

This was an opportunity for Arya to prove herself in turn, to test her skill against one of the best fighters in Westeros. It’s no coincidence that Brienne and Arya complement each other on their swords in their first and most recent meeting. Swords are the signs of competence that most women in Westeros are forbidden to carry.


The sceme of Jon and the Westerosi Suicide Squad on the other side of the wall was pretty hair brain. It got Thoros of Myr killed and nearly ruined them all. Beside this, many fans expect Cersei to refuse an earnest truce anyway.

However, this wasn’t entirely unprecedented. Back in season 1, when the Night’s Watch brought a few frozen bodies inside Castle Black, Jon burned the animated wight with a lantern.

Alliser Thorne was dispatched to King’s Landing with the severed, twitching hand of the dead wight to try and convince Cersei or Joffrey that they needed more men at the Wall. By the time Thorne arrived at King’s Landing, the hand had rotted into a mundane mess.

All throughout the series, the question of how Jon will convince Westeros at large of the White Walkers has hung over him. Now the time has finally come to bring proof to his allies and his enemies that winter is here.


For 5 seasons we never knew what became of the famous ranger Benjen Stark. He was an immediate family connection to the Night’s Watch for Jon Snow when he first arrived from Winterfell, but Jon made his own way after his disappearance.

Benjen was teased to return at the end of season 5, but that was just a trick by the mutineers of the Night’s Watch to lure Jon into a deathtrap.

He actually returned in season 6 to rescue Bran and Meera from the White Walkers. However, even then he made it clear that he could never return to the Wall and the realms of men. He was not dead, but not properly alive either.

Lucky for Jon, Benjen appeared once again at the frozen lake. To protect her dragons, her men, and her undead prisoner, Daenerys was forced to leave Jon behind. Benjen arrived to hold off the wights. Jon barely had time to recognize his long lost uncle before Benjen hurled him up on his horse and sent him to safety.


It seemed like the dragons would always make short work of the White Walkers, even though we had never seen them battle against one another. However, “Beyond the Wall” showed that it wouldn’t be as much of a curb-stomp battle as we thought.

It’s hard to tell whether the Night King was always aware of dragons and knew just how to deal with them or if he simply had the right weapon on hand and the rest was pure chance. Either way, the death of Viserion by ice spear could have been foreseen by the audience.

Every time the dragons have been wounded in the show it was because of spears. When Drogon came to Daenerys’s rescue in the Meereen fighting pit, the Sons of the Harpy threw spears into his hide.

Again during the loot train attack, Bronn hit Drogon with a bolt launched from the Scorpion ballista. Neither proved fatal but it seems to be the best way to attack a dragon. Finally we have the Night King, with enchanted ice spears and supernatural throwing.

Viserion was the dragon that fell, named after Daenerys’s brother Viserys. Danny uttered after Viserys was crowned that fire cannot kill a dragon. However, it seems that the evil embodiment of ice can.

Are there any other moments in Game of Thrones’ season 7 so far that you felt were foreshadowed or predicted? Let us know in the comments!