[WARNING: Potential spoilers for Game of Thrones season 6 ahead.]


Season 6 of Game of Thrones has had a number of twists and turns, shocking fans of the series and the books alike. This is in part because season 6 is the first in which the TV show has advanced beyond what’s appeared in the books that have been published so far, written by George R.R. Martin.

Now, the titles of the final three episodes of the season have been revealed. Though no other details about the episodes were made available, the titles do hint strongly at what major plot points in the episodes might be.

According to CBM, the episode titles were released by Sky Germany. The titles were in German, obviously, but SpoilerTV provided translations for those who don’t speak or read the language. No plot details accompanied the titles, but they do drop hints at what the episodes may contain. The titles are as follows:

6.08 - Niemand (No One)

6.09 - Die Schlacht der Bastarde (Battle of Bastards)

6.10 - Die Winde des Winters (The Winds of Winter)

While there are a number of plot points that will be addressed before the end of the season, these titles suggest that we could see major advancement in three specific plotlines. Episode 8 likely refers to Arya’s story arc in the current season, possibly with her finally becoming a member of the Faceless Men. Episode 9’s title suggests that the impending battle between Jon Snow’s forces and Ramsay Bolton’s army will finally arrive. Episode 10, which uses the same title as the next book in the series, possibly suggests an advancement of the White Walkers to (or through) Castle Black.

Of course, the episode that a lot of fans will likely look forward to the most is episode 9. Ramsay is one of those characters who’s designed from the ground up to be hated, and a full-on battle against Jon Snow gives fans their best chance to see him finally put in his place. Given that Jon Snow has already been killed once, it seems unlikely that he’d be killed off again so quickly… But this show is based on the work of George R.R. Martin, so anything’s possible.

Fans still have some waiting to do before we get there, though, as we’re currently only halfway through the season. There are still two more episodes to go before we even reach the episodes that were named here, both of which are rumored to feature characters who haven’t yet been seen in this season (and at least one whose fate was left up in the air last season). Fortunately, Game of Thrones still has plenty of other plots and people to kill to keep fans occupied until the ‘Battle of the Bastards’ arrives.

Next: Game of Thrones: 10 Things You Need to Know About White Walkers

Game of Thrones season 6 continues on May 29th with ‘Blood of My Blood’ at 9pm on HBO.

Source: CBM