The latest behind-the-scenes video from Game of Thrones breaks down how the dragon pit meeting was put together for the finale. Unsurprisingly, last night’s Game of Thrones finale was packed with supernatural, political, and interpersonal conflict. From the death of Littlefinger to the consummation of Jon and Daenerys’ incestuous relationship to the White Walkers tearing down the Wall with a zombie dragon, the episode was packed full of big moments. But the bulk of the hour-plus of television revolved around a series of smaller moments that brought together many of the show’s key characters.

Staged in the dragon pit, an arena which once held the Targaryen’s dragons, the setting offered viewers a locations they’ve yet to visit in the show or books. It also served to bring together characters who haven’t seen each other in years, and many who have never met. Likewise, it brought together actors who haven’t worked together in some time or ever at all. And given all that was promised to occur in this episode, it’s no wonder the finale broke HBO’s ratings record.

Now, HBO has released a behind-the-scenes featurette that explores the dragon pit meeting and takes a look at all the character motivations at play. Along with the showrunners, the cast of the episode offer their thoughts on what it was like for them and their characters to come together.

While most shows have separate arcs for different groups of characters, the sprawling ensemble and vast number of locations in Game of Thrones means many of the core actors from the show have never worked together. It also means that the finale offered the first time that certain protagonists have met each other. This sense of uncertainty likely helped the actors, but it also added to the tension of the scene for the audience. With so much history and animosity between some characters and so many unknown factors between others, there was no telling which way things would go. In the end, no one dies – give or take a wight – but the paths the characters are on are more treacherous than ever.

Like the other behind-the-scenes video that was released today, it’s also easy to see from this breakdown of the episode how the meeting at the dragon pit will inform the remainder of the series. While the march of the White Walkers will certainly fuel the action and drama next season, conflicts between characters like the Hound and the Mountain or Tyrion and Cersei are far from over.

Next: Game of Thrones: The Golden Company of Essos Explained

Game of Thrones season 8 will air sometime in 2018 or 2019.

Source: HBO