Tyrion Lannister may be a fan-favorite character on Game of Thrones, but he’s had plenty of enemies on the show. Sometimes, those who appear to be closest to him turn out to be against him as in the case of the one-time love of his life, Shae.

Tyrion met Shae while she was working as a prostitute, but their bond gradually grew deeper than a mere transaction. They genuinely loved each other but the distrust and betrayal led to them ending things in a deadly way. But was she really the perfect person for Tyrion to be with? Here are some of the characters that would have been a better match for Tyrion than Shae.

Catelyn Stark

During Season 1 of the show, Catelyn Stark and Tyrion had their work cut out for them with their respective families. Tyrion was the only likable member of the villainous House Lannister and while House Stark was noble, Catelyn had to contend with husbands and children who acted before thinking.

Though Catelyn captures Tyrion in a misguided move, these two people coming together might have solved a lot of problems. Following Ned’s death, Westeros could have benefited from the two smartest members of House Lannister and House Stark working together.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen certainly didn’t have a hard time attracting men over the course of the show, including Tyrion. Although he was never as upfront with his feelings as Jorah, Tyrion certainly had feelings for his queen right up until the end.

Had she chosen him as a partner instead of Jon Snow, things might have ended differently. Though Tyrion was not the most successful counsel for Daenerys, without Jon’s romance being a problem, he might have reigned in some of her worst tendencies before it was too late.

Margaery Tyrell

Tyrion seems to be attracted to intelligent people who know how the game is played. Margaery certainly fits into that category as she is one of the cleverest characters on the show who knows how to manipulate her enemies.

While Margaery had brief marriages to Joffrey and Tommen, perhaps it was their uncle she should have been with the whole time. Margaery admits Tyrion is attractive and she would likely be able to recognize that he is an intelligent man. They could have been an impressive power could.


Tyrion is introduced into the series alongside Winterfell’s favorite prostitute, Ros. The two joke around with each other, having some fun and genuinely seem to enjoy each other’s company, transaction aside. Maybe he should have just stayed in that brothel.

Tyrion has no aversion to spending time with prostitutes and Ros clearly has ambitions outside of the North. Maybe she would have been a better-suited partner for Tyrion instead of Shea. They seemed to have more in common anyway.


Perhaps Tyrion was misguided in his romantic feelings for Daenerys. It probably wasn’t wise to fall in love with the person he is trying to get seated on the Iron Throne. Instead, perhaps he would have been wiser to focus his affections on Missandei.

Missandei is another member of Daenerys’ inner circle and one of her most loyal allies. She and Tyrion have that in common and also seem to get along quite well. Tyrion saved Missandei’s life and she treats him kindly and with respect. They could have formed a special bond while helping serve Daenerys together.

Olenna Tyrell

There is a pretty big age gap between Tyrion and some of his possible romantic partners, so why can’t that age gap go the other way. Few people can outmatch Tyrion in a battle of words and wit yet Olenna proved herself to be more than a match for him when they first met.

Despite her age, she has would have no trouble keeping up with a man of his age. It might be good for Tyrion to be with someone who can put him in his place when needed. They can also both bond over a mutual hatred of Cersei.


Seeing as Tyrion is more of a thinker than a fighter, Bronn has come in handy as a bodyguard of sorts. For Bronn, Tyrion represented a way for him to gain fortune and status in Westeros. And despite all that, the two actually grew to be genuine friends.

It could be that all Tyrion needed in the world was a good friend. He was mistreated by most members of his family, so finding a non-Lannister to spend time with and go on adventures with could have been the only relationship he really needed.

Sansa Stark

A Stark marrying a Lannister seemed like a pretty terrible match given the mutual hatred between the two families. Indeed, neither Sansa nor Tyrion seemed overly pleased that they would be forced to marry each other. But their brief marriage did hint at a deeper connection.

Despite there not being any real love between them, they could have enjoyed a peaceful union that would have saved each of them a lot of pain. With Tyrion as Warden of the North, perhaps he would have turned against his family and helped Sansa reclaim the North.


Varys is another good friend of Tyrion who was also one of his best relationships in the series. The two men didn’t fully trust each other at first, but they certainly had a lot of respect for each other’s intelligence.

When they run away from Westeros together and join Daenerys’ cause, that’s when their friendship really takes off. They help each other, save each other on occasion and really like each other’s company. It’s likely that Varys has more in common with Tyrion than anyone else in the series. If not for Daenerys, they could have had a happy life together.


Long before Sansa, Tyrion was married once before. In Season 1, he recounts the tale of a time he met a girl named Tysha who was being attacked in the forest. After he and Jaime save her, she spends the night with Tyrion and the two get married.

It is later revealed that the girl was a prostitute hired by Jaime which breaks Tyrion’s heart. However, in the books, it is later revealed that Jaime had lied at the behest of Tywin and that Tysha did really love Tyrion. Somewhere out there is the first woman Tyrion ever loved.