Lord Petyr Baelish, commonly known by his nickname “Littlefinger,” and his acquaintance Varys have long been manipulating the political landscape of King’s Landing behind the scenes. Ever since their appearance in the third episode of Game of Thrones, the two are observed plotting and setting into motion some of the most intricate and significant plots throughout the series.

While their respective roles as Master of Coin and Master of Whisperers on Robert Baratheon’s small council implied that the two worked together, their actions were often at odds. Though they often appear to be maintaining a pleasant relationship, there is much to imply that Littlefinger and Varys were not friends at all. Here are 10 things to consider when examining their dynamics.

Opposing Alliances

As the two work behind the scenes throughout the series, Varys and Littlefinger are often making alliances with the powerful houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Serving on the small councils of Robert and Joffrey Baratheon in succession, the two operated officially with houses throughout the realm on behalf of the throne.

With Varys hailing from humble origins in Lys and Littlefinger belonging to the very minor House Baelish, the two commanded very little influence by birth, instead finding power through networks and alliances. As the two progress through their various alliances, they are seldom aligned, with Varys seemingly supporting those who bring about the best for all and Littlefinger supporting those who would grant him power.

Competing Aspirations

The primary source of disagreement for the two is their motivation. Varys states several times throughout the series that he serves the realm, not the various figureheads in it. Littlefinger can be quoted as seeking more power and increased influence, to this end he supports those who he can manipulate.

While their alliances show a rift in their relationship, it is their aspirations that truly show how distant the two characters are. At least on the surface, Varys is considerate of the greater good. He does not seek the Iron Throne. Besides being a stark contrast from Littlefinger, Varys also doesn’t seem to believe Littlefinger is the person who should sit on the throne.

Lack of Trust

The most basic tenet of friendship is trust. Without trust, all relationships will inherently dissolve. Possibly more than any other item on this list, the lack of trust between Varys and Littlefinger demonstrates a fundamental rift in their friendship.

Given that both characters manage extensive spy networks and have few boundaries in treating others wrongfully, it is no surprise that they would each know information that affects the other. Even if unintentional, it would be impossible for the two to completely avoid each other given the factors we have already examined. There are, however, other instances which identify a more strained relationship between the two in this regard.


Ros is possibly the most extreme example of a conflict between Varys and Littlefinger based on their spying operations. Formerly a prostitute from outside Winterfell, Ros moved to King’s Landing in search of better work and an ultimate escape from her circumstances. When she arrives in King’s Landing, she begins employment at a brothel which Littlefinger owns.

Despite her goals, Ros finds many new trials in King’s Landing. She witnesses the murder of one of Robert’s illegitimate children, is forced to torture another prostitute at Joffrey’s whim, and is imprisoned by Cersei. Her ultimate reward at the end of all of this was to be given to Joffrey by Baelish after he discovered Ros was working for Varys - solidifying Baelish as the more dastardly of the two.

Littlefinger Is Dangerous

In case this isn’t evident already, we’ll spell it out. Throughout the series, Littlefinger murders several to advance his goals. It is revealed that he plotted against Jon Arryn, he kills his wife Lysa, orchestrates the incident with Ros – the list goes on. Petyr Baelish is dangerous, and the viewer isn’t the only one to take note.

It is clear that Littlefinger and Varys disagree on the result of chaos. While the former views it as opportunity, the latter sees it as “a pit.” Perhaps this is what leads Varys to refer to his associate as dangerous initially, but Varys isn’t blind to the brutal nature of Baelish.

Varys’ Admissions

Varys is partially aware because Littlefinger actually informs Varys of some of his views. Lord Baelish would undeniably kill any who slighted him if he were to obtain the Iron Throne. Given the regard of Varys for the realm, it is clear that Littlefinger’s approach is in opposition to Varys’.

This view extends further than character development or a silent observation. Varys notes to several other characters, including Ros and Olenna Tyrell, that Baelish is dangerous. Freely speaking of Littlefinger in this manner highlights the disdain Varys has for his associate.


Admission to others is one matter. When a fact is stated to another with the aim of keeping them from harm’s way, that is a good and noble thing to do. Often, these statements are made regardless of the relationship someone has with the acquaintance they are informing. Threatening someone to their face, however, is quite the opposite.

Following a small council meeting where Robert is made aware of Daenerys Targaryen, Varys and Baelish are seen having a conversation privately. During this conversation, Varys not only reminds Littlefinger that he knows of his activities, but that he realized Baelish has kept silent. Baelish responds in a similar manner, illustrating that their bond is truly built on leverage, not friendship.

Littlefinger’s Jokes

The fact that Varys is a eunuch is not a secret in this series. We are reminded repeatedly that Varys lost his reproductive organs at the hands of a sorcerer as a boy. Many characters make reference to this throughout the series, and it is the source of some defining characteristics Varys exhibits.

Such a matter would be very delicate between friends. It would be an occurrence which most would avoid forcing friends to relive. In line with our premise, Littlefinger does not spare the potential feelings of Varys in this regard. He pokes fun at the Master of Whisperers for this tragedy in step with everyone else.


We’ve already examined Varys’ motives as well as those of Littlefinger. At a certain point in the series, Sansa Stark becomes a central figure to the aspirations of both. Littlefinger seeks to use her in advancing his status. Varys attempts to shield her from his machinations.

From early on, Varys seems sympathetic to the plight of House Stark. It isn’t always clear whether Varys is sincere, but his actions seem to imply sincerity for the majority of time. Given Baelish’s intentions to wed Sansa and use her, as well as his orchestration of the execution which brought her family into disgrace, the two are clearly at odds in their interactions with the eldest Stark girl.

Littlefinger’s Reputation

Finally, reputation is important in the Game of Thrones canon. Houses rise and fall, some are more prestigious than others, and the deeds of characters in their past follows them throughout. Any character of repute is known by most they encounter, and their reputation shapes their standing.

In this regard, Varys clearly does not consider Littlefinger to be in good standing. During the same conversation mentioned earlier where Varys calls Littlefinger dangerous, he states to Olenna that it would be a shame for Sansa to marry Baelish. In addition to his asserted view, Varys brings Baelish’s reputation into consideration. Interestingly enough, he also states that he likes Baelish after Olenna points out Varys’ efforts to undermine Littlefinger.