Fans of Game of Thrones can only applaud Robb for going against his councils’ wishes and being the only person in the franchise to marry for love. It’s why his romance with Talisa was one of the most endearing and tragic stories you would ever see.

However, if Robb was serious about winning the war then this match probably wasn’t the best. In fact, there were plenty of other matches more suitable for Robb that could have benefited him more in the end. Want some examples? Keep reading to discover the 10 people Robb Stark should have been with other than Talisa.

Daenerys Targaryen

The likelihood of this couple happening was going to be slim, but could you imagine the power both of them would bring? With Robb holding the title of King of the North, he could have easily established an alliance with Daenerys while she was just beginning her quest for the throne.

Despite the Targaryens’ and the Starks’ relationship not being strong after Robert’s Rebellion, Robb and Daenerys could have formed a diplomatic alliance against the Lannisters and their other enemies. The Lannisters could have been extinct by Season 2 if this happened…

Meera Reed

Another worthy candidate for Robb is Meera Reed. If fans contemplate what would have happened if Ned wasn’t executed or if he didn’t head South, then he would have helped to make a match for his son. For Robb, one proposal could have been Meera Reed, daughter of Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch.

Due to Ned being Warden of the North, he was known to have a good relationship with all the other Lords. It wouldn’t have been unlikely that Ned would have dismissed the idea of a union since there hadn’t been one between the houses for years. A union between Robb and Meera would reinforce the loyalty of the Northerners.

Wynafryd or Wylla Manderly

If Robb had decided to marry one of the Northern households in an attempt to get resources, the best match he could have made was one with House Manderly. House Manderly was another alliance that was extremely loyal to the Starks after they welcomed them with open arms after their exile.

House Manderly is also seen to be the most powerful and richest family in the north, having an army of 7,500 men and a fleet of 23 ships. If Robb had decided to marry into their family, he would have been able to appease the Northerners, and had some control over their armies.

One Of Greatjon Umber’s Daughters

The arrangement between Robb and the Umbers would have been a good political move if Robb agreed to marry one of Greatjon Umber’s daughters. The Umbers are thought to have twice the numbers of the Karstarks, which would have been of great value to the Starks once the Boltons started their uprising.

The Umbers were also loyal bannermen to the Starks at the beginning, with Greatjon being the first to propose that Robb should be made King of the North. Let’s also note that their position on the other side of the Boltons could have stopped Ramsey from gaining the support of House Ryswell and the Dustins. A great opportunity missed…

Yara Greyjoy

If Robb had decided to marry Yara, this would have been another powerful alliance that would have changed the course of Game of Thrones history. Had Robb maintained a close bond with Theon, Yara could have been his greatest ally. Not only was she a great strategist but she also had the backing and respect of those in House Greyjoy.

An alliance with the Greyjoys would have also meant that Robb wouldn’t have needed to be at the Red Wedding since the Iron-Born have a huge naval fleet. Of course, Yara would have agreed to it on face value alone since she had already sworn loyalty to the North, but she would have wanted some compensation out of it for her people.

Dacey Mormont

Another match Robb would have been better off making was one with the Mormonts. Although she didn’t make an appearance in the television series, Dacey Mormont would have been a suitable match for the King of the North. The Mormonts may have been an old house, but they were honorable and loyal.

Dacey was seen to stand by Robb’s decisions and would have followed him into any battle because she had faith in his leadership. It wouldn’t have been out of the blue either if these two paired up as Dacey and Robb had expressed a brief attraction between one another. The only limitation with this match is that the Mormonts couldn’t bring anything to the table.


There could have easily been another storyline created for a romance between Robb and Ygritte — like the show’s version of Romeo and Juliet. What if Robb decided to go beyond the North and united with the Wildlings? What if, during a battle with the Wildlings, Robb was found by Ygritte and she didn’t know who he was?

He could have witnessed what the Wildlings experienced daily and forged an alliance with them. With Ygritte and Jon’s help (since he needed Castle Black’s men too) he could have made their alliances stronger. One can only dream…

Alys Karstark

If Catelyn decided to match Robb with Alys Karstark then this would have created another strong alliance in the North. Before Robb made an enemy out of this household by executing Lord Rickard Karstark for treason, House Karstark was extremely loyal to the Starks.

They also had a strong military power, with 2,300 men arriving to help Robb during the War of the Five Kings (2000 on foot and 300 horses). A match between the Karstarks and the Starks could have also stopped the other Northern Houses from switching loyalties — preventing the Red Wedding.

Margaery Tyrell

It was pretty obvious that House Tyrell wanted to get Margaery on the throne; they just didn’t execute their plan very well. After Renly’s death, Margaery went on to marry Joffrey Baratheon. However, her reign as his Queen consort was cut short when he was murdered on their wedding day. She then decided to seduce and marry Tommen, who was next in line.

However, because Margaery made an enemy out of Cersei, she was killed in the explosion at the Sept. Rushing in ended up being her downfall. If she decided to play the long game and married Robb, she probably would have had a more successful run. With the backing of the Tyrells’ armies and troops, Robb could have easily been a candidate to seize the throne.

Roslin Frey

While no one can fault Robb for choosing to marry someone he loved rather than be forced into an arranged marriage, he would have been alive for much longer if he agreed to marry Roslin Frey. As fans know, Robb was meant to marry Roslin as part of an alliance between the Freys and the Starks.

However, since Robb chose to renege on the deal, Roslin ends up marrying Edmure Tully. Robb’s actions don’t go unpunished either, and he ends up getting slaughtered at the Red Wedding — along with Talisa and Catelyn. Who knows what would have happened if he agreed to the match.