Jorah Mormont had a notoriously bad love life in Game of Thrones. Though he is an honorable man, a great warrior and a wise counsel to powerful people, a lot of people know him as the guy who was friend zoned by Daenerys.

Despite initially selling Daenerys out to Robert Baratheon, Jorah becomes her most devoted followers and falls in love with her, even as he sees her choose several other men over him. But maybe Daenerys was just the wrong choice for Jorah and he could have been happy with someone else. Here are some of the characters Jorah Mormont should have been with other than Daenerys.

Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister doesn’t seem like she would be an advantageous partner for anyone on the show but it could have actually worked for Jorah. After being dismissed by Daenerys for his betrayal, Jorah would have been a valuable asset for Cersei.

If they were to marry, Cersei would have Daenerys’ most trusted ally by her side and the marriage could have helped bring in more Northern support for her reign, though unlikely. Jorah proved to be effective at calming Daenerys’ worst impulses and his influence might have helped Cersei become a better queen too.

Margaery Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell is another unlikely choice for Jorah but one that could have worked surprisingly well. Jorah is attracted to Daenerys because she possesses qualities that would make for a very effective leader. Arguably, other than having three dragons, Margaery possesses those qualities as well.

She is strong-willed, intelligent and knows how to play her enemies well. Having someone like Jorah in her corner would just be another added bonus for her. With his counsel, she might have played the game of thrones a little longer.


Doreah is a character that most fans might have forgotten about, but she was a key member of Daenerys’ team in the first two seasons. She was one of the Queen of Dragons’ handmaidens and one of her more trusted allies. However, she ultimately betrayed her queen in Qarth.

While Jorah proved to be excellent counsel for Daenerys, his love for her sometimes clouded his judgment. If he had remained her trusted ally but focused his romantic feelings on Doreah, he could have had a much happier life and Doreah might have stayed loyal.


It seems obvious that Jorah needs a strong partner to love and follow. Without one such woman in his life, he seems lost. Though they never met on the show, Ygritte could have been an ideal match for Jorah as she is one of the strongest females on the show.

Though, as a Wildling, she might not have much power, she is strong-willed and does not let anyone push her around. Jorah could have found a lot of happiness with a woman like that, even if he might not be as young and pretty as Jon Snow.


Missandei is another member of Daenerys’ inner circle that could have been much better suited to Jorah than the queen herself. Though Missandei was a slave for most of her life, like Daenerys, once she is away from that captive lifestyle, she proves to be a strong and intelligent character.

Though Missandei’s romance with Grey Worm was a big part of the show, following her death, Grey Worm proves himself to be a bit of a bad guy. Jorah could have been a more level-headed option for her, and they could have bonded over their loyalty to their queen.


Osha is another Wildling that could have been a solid partner for Jorah. Osha is introduced trying to capture Bran Stark but soon becomes one of the greatest protectors for the young Stark boys. Jorah followed a similar path, originally plotting against Daenerys before having a change of heart.

Their redemption could provide some common ground to start a relationship and, once again, she is a strong woman character who he could follow. It’s easy to picture them running off to some secluded part of Westeros a living a peaceful and quiet life together.

Catelyn Stark

Jorah did not see eye-to-eye with Ned Stark during his time in Westeros. After Jorah sold poachers into slavery, Ned Stark called for his head which led Jorah to flee his home. With Ned gone, it is perhaps unlikely that Jorah and Ned’s widow would come together but stranger things have happened.

Perhaps, after being banished, Jorah might have returned to Westeros and joined Robb Stark’s cause. Catelyn Stark marrying a Mormont would have been a wise political move but these two intelligent and noble people could have been a solid match.

Yara Greyjoy

Jorah gained a reputation as a brave warrior during the Siege of Pyke during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Given that history, Yara Greyjoy might take some time warming up to the idea of Jorah Mormont. Also, the fact that Yara seems to prefer women presents an issue, but there’s no need for their relationship to be romantic to work.

Perhaps Jorah was aiming too high with his ambitions of backing the queen of Westeros. Maybe he would have had a better time back the queen of the Iron Islands. And Yara would likely have benefited from a seasoned warrior like him by her side.

Brienne Of Tarth

Brienne had her own unhealthy relationship with Jaime Lannister on the show so she already has something in common with Jorah. Also, the fact that she is one of the best warriors in Westeros would probably be very attractive to him

Both characters are extremely loyal and noble people who just needed someone to love them back who wasn’t a terrible person. Maybe they could have found that with each other. If nothing else, they could have been an effective team in battle together.

The Night’s Watch

Sometimes the thing that is better than an unhealthy relationship is no relationship at all. Instead of searching for the right woman for Jorah, we should consider that the right choice might have been no woman at all.

Jorah’s father, Jeor Mormont, was Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. It feels like it would have been fitting for Jorah to following in those footsteps. He could have sworn off relationships and fought for a noble cause. He probably would have found it quite rewarding.