Arya Stark had an incredible arc throughout the hit HBO fantasy drama, Game Of Thrones. Fans first meet Arya as the highborn tomboy daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark. Arya struggles to reunite with her family throughout the series, and later travels to Braavos to train with the Faceless Men before eventually killing the Night King and saving Westeros.

Arya has a brief fling with Gendry in Season 8 that delighted some fans. However, the hero of Winterfell ultimately rejects him and reaffirms that she is not a lady. Arya defies societal expectations and would have potentially been better matched with one of these suitors instead…

Hot Pie

Arya meets Gendry and Hot Pie late in Season 1. They accompany Yoren along the Kingsroad, intending to reach the Wall and unite with the Night’s Watch. However, Yoren is killed by Lannister soldiers and Arya, Gendry, and Hot Pie become prisoners at Harrenhal.

Arya saves Hot Pie’s life, and he accompanies her through the Riverlands as she tries to rejoin her family. Hot Pie later elects to remain at the crossroads inn and briefly reunites with Arya in Season 7, where he tells her about Jon Snow’s new status as King in the North.

Jon Snow

George R.R. Martin, the author of the A Song Of Ice And Fire book series and creator of Game Of Thrones, revealed that he once intended for Jon Snow to end up with Arya in the original outline for the series. The story has since changed drastically, and it is hard to imagine Arya falling in love with a man she views as her favorite brother.

Jon and Arya are technically cousins, however. Jon is the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Marriage between cousins isn’t uncommon in Westeros, and Jon may have been happier with his cousin instead of his aunt.

Jaqen H’ghar

Jaqen H’ghar is younger in the books, and some fans have speculated that a future romance with Arya could occur. Jaqen first meets Arya during their journey along the Kingsroad with Yoren. Arya saves his life and he repays her by killing two people and helping captive Northmen escape from Harrenhal.

He gives her a Braavosi coin that ultimately leads to her becoming a Faceless Man. Jaqen disappears from the books after that, though many fans theorize that he assumed the identity of the mysterious alchemist in A Feast For Crows.

Daenerys Targaryen

Arya and Daenerys shared few scenes in Season 8. Many fans were disappointed by this, as Arya had previously expressed great admiration for the Targaryen women. Arya had a lot in common with Dany, and it would have been refreshing to see them bond.

In her youth, Arya adored Targaryen dragonriders such as Visenya and Rhaenys. It would have been interesting to see her ally with the Dragon Queen, who represented the feminine power and autonomy that Arya respects.


Missandei had no interactions with Arya in Season 8, despite traveling to Winterfell with Daenerys’ retinue to defend the North. Nevertheless, the two characters shared surprising similarities. Arya and Missandei could have bonded over their fierce survival instincts and experience in Essos.

Missandei could speak over nineteen languages, and Arya spent a significant amount of time in Braavos learning to speak the local dialect. It would have been great to see their characters conversing in Braavosi and uniting the frosty forces of House Stark and House Targaryen.

Tommen Baratheon

In Season 1, Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon betroth Sansa to Joffrey to unite their houses and ensure a future Stark queen. This union turns out to be a disaster after Joffrey shows his true colors. In hindsight, Robert should have suggested a betrothal between Arya and Tommen, who was much softer and kinder.

An alliance between Tommen and Arya could have represented the younger generation healing the wounds of their relatives and reuniting their powerful houses. Tommen was gentler than Joffrey, though he may have been too passive for Arya’s taste.

Daario Naharis

Arya Stark never met Daario Naharis in Game Of Thrones, yet the two characters have a surprising amount in common. Daario is a skilled warrior who lives for the moment, which complements Arya’s arc as a wandering warrior.

Daenerys leaves Daario and the Second Sons in Meereen in Season 6 before setting sail for the Seven Kingdoms. If Daario had accompanied his queen during her conquest of Westeros then he could have hit it off with Arya, and fought by her side during the Battle of Winterfell.

Jojen Reed

Jojen Reed is a minor character in Game Of Thrones who is instrumental in the journey of Bran Stark. He and his sister, Meera, help Bran flee Winterfell and travel beyond the Wall. Meera survives the ordeal and eventually returns home to Greywater Watch, but Jojen is killed by wights in Season 4.

Jojen was a powerful greenseer and a highborn Northerner whose father, Howland, was friends with Ned Stark. Jojen and Arya could have been a magical couple, if had he survived.

Yara Greyjoy

Arya and Yara have a brief, chilly exchange in the Dragonpit during Game Of Thrones’ controversial finale, “The Iron Throne.” Yara defends Daenerys and demands justice for the Dragon Queen. Arya threatens the heiress of House Greyjoy and warns her to stay away from Jon Snow.

In an alternative story, Arya and Yara could have connected over their similar experiences and shared love of sailing. Both women are exceptional warriors who defied traditional gender roles in the Seven Kingdoms.


Mycah is another minor character who appears briefly in Season 1’s “The Kingsroad.” He is the son of Winterfell’s butcher, and accompanies the Starks on the journey to King’s Landing. Arya bonds with Mycah, and asks him to help her practice swordplay. However, this has fatal consequences when they are targeted by Joffrey.

Joffrey bullies Mycah due to his status as a commoner. Arya and her direwolf Nymeria defend Mycah, but he is later killed by the Hound on Joffrey’s orders. If Mycah had lived, then he could have been a possible love interest for Arya, who rejected life as a lady.