Game of Thrones is one of the most culturally significant TV shows of the past few decades. The show was praised for its ability to subvert the fantasy genre, expertly weave political plots into the show, and shock viewers into silence with scenes such as the infamous Red Wedding. Another element that makes Game of Thrones so entertaining is its complex characters. That being said, no character is as morally complex as Jaime Lannister. The Lannister’s ‘Prince Charming’ managed to go from villain to hero, to jerk in the space of 8 seasons.
This article will list Jaime Lannister’s 10 most shameless moments across all eight seasons of Game of Throne.
Leaving Brienne
Brienne and Jaime were everyone’s favorite couple across the final few seasons in Game of Thrones. Across several seasons they slowly drew closer together, changing from an antagonistic relationship to a close friendship, and finally to a romantic relationship. In season 8, we saw, perhaps, the most touching moment in Game of Thrones history as Jaime knighted Brienne.
While we saw the pair consummate their love in season 8, their relationship would not last. Jaime would leave Brienne in order to be with Cersei. It truly was a heartbreaking scene.
Sibling Incest
Nothing quite says shameless like sleeping with your own sister. Despite the fact that incest isn’t uncommon in Westeros, the Targaryens had practiced it for a while, it was still looked down upon by the Westerosi people.
Therefore it stands to reason that one of Jaime’s most shameless moments is the fact that he pursued his incestuous relationship with his sister. There should have been some internal barometer of shame that prevented him from entering this relationship.
Sleeping with the Queen
It’s almost as if Jaime wanted to collect as many taboos as possible. One would have thought that any kind of incestuous relationship with his sister would end once the sister became married to the King. For Jaime and Cersei, however, this was not the case.
Not only did they continue seeing each other in secret, but Jaime also went on to father three children with Cersei.
Public Sibling Incest
While it is one thing to be in an incestuous relationship with your sister on a private level, it is a completely different manner to be so public about it. While the pair were always intent on keeping their relationship secret, this slowly started to change as Cersei gained more influence in King’s Landing.
The scene that illustrated this the most was the scene in which Jaime does not care that a chambermaid sees them in bed together.
Killing His Cousin to Escape Capture
After being captured by Robb Stark’s men, Jaime Lannister starts becoming more and more desperate to be free. Not only is he sat in a pile of mud and poo, but he is also being kept away from his twin and lover, Cersei Lannister.
In a mad act of desperation, Jaime Lannister murders his fellow prisoner, and cousin, Alton Lannister in an attempt to escape. He brutally beats his cousin, causing Torrhen Karstark to check on the gravely injured Lannister. Jaime then strangles Karstark and escapes.
Threatening Edmure
Nothing quite says shameless like the threat of infanticide. In an effort to end the Siege of Riverrun, Jaime Lannister tries to persuade Edmure Tully to take command of the Tully forces and allow the Lannisters into Riverrun. Edmure had been resisting any attempts to do so, but Jaime was going to truly test Edmure’s resolve.
In order to make Edmure acquiesce to his request, Jaime threatened to catapult Edmure’s baby son against Riverrun’s walls. Jaime even suggested that he would do so solely for Cersei, highlighting just how enamored he is with his sister.
Attacking Ned Stark
In season one of Game of Thrones, Jaime Lannister and a group of Lannister guards ambush Ned Stark and his men as they leave Littlefinger’s brothel. The motivation behind the attack appears to be the fact that Catelyn Stark has kidnapped Tyrion. However, it hardly covers up for the fact that Jaime shamelessly attacked and wounded the Hand of the King.
Furthermore, during the skirmish, Jaime also murdered some high ranking Stark bannermen including Jory Cassel, the Captain of the Guards.
Killing the Mad King
While Jaime’s decision to murder the Mad King certainly saved countless lives, there is no denying that, despite the consequences, it was an immoral act. Jaime had sworn an oath to protect the King’s life, yet he would be the one to end the Mad King’s reign. It was this act that earned him the titles of Kingslayer and Oathbreaker.
It truly was a shameless act and, after killing the King, Jaime even sat on the Iron Throne while waiting for Twin’s invading force to arrive in the Red Keep.
Forcing Himself On Cersei
This was a truly disgusting act from Jaime. After the death of King Joffrey Baratheon in season 4, Cersei and Jaime are mourning the death of their son. However, Jaime is not content with just mourning next to Cersei over their son’s corpse. Despite the fact that Cersei denied his advances, Jaime went on to force Cersei to have sex with him right next to their son’s corpse.
It is a truly disturbing scene that is made even worse by the fact that his son’s dead body is right beside him as he commits this horrific act.
Pushing Bran
Naturally, the most shameless moment in Jaime’s life has to be the time he pushed Bran out of the Winterfell Tower. Due to the fact that Bran saw Jaime and Cersei having sex in the Winterfell tower, Jaime attempted to murder Bran by pushing him out of the window in order to keep their relationship a secret.
It was a horrific and selfish act from Jaime. Not only was this attempted murder, but it also destroyed Bran’s hopes and dreams. Before the assault, Bran was an active boy who dreamed of becoming a knight. All of this was taken away from him by Jaime Lannister’s selfish act.