When most fans think back on the final season of Game of Thrones today, they don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It was a big ending to a big series, but it seems safe to say that generally the fan base for the show did not appreciate the closure of the series as much as they appreciated the series itself.

But thankfully there are always silver linings to storm clouds, and in this instance the silver lining is the thousands of hysterical memes that were inspired by this truly nonsensical final season. It’s hard to choose the best of the best, but these are 10 memes about the GoT final season that will make even the most disappointed fan smile.

Hindsight Is 20/20

There are many things to be horrified by in the conclusion of Game of Thrones, but undoubtedly one of the most horrific is that Joffrey Baratheon might not be the worst king or queen in the series.

Nay, he may even be among the top half of Westeros leaders, because at the very least he was too stupid to do as much damage as Cersei or Daenerys. And when Joffrey is setting the standard for average, you know you’re in trouble.


Jaime Lannister and Bran Stark certainly went through an enormous amount of character development throughout the course of the series, and it seems that their experiences definitely humbled both of them.

But really, do they need to go this hard on each other after being separated for eight long seasons? Can’t even open the conversation with a “hi, how are you”? And Bran may be some hollowed out husk of the boy he once was, but we have to respect his epic troll job in the season 8 opener.

Losing Steam

Well if we’re being real, this collapse of an ending that Game of Thrones went through was entirely predictable given the circumstances, because if you’re adapting a book series that’s as big as A Song Of Ice And Fire there is no way on earth to do it justice in 8 seasons.

Twenty seasons, maybe, but not eight. The final season of the series was like four seasons worth of material crammed into one, so it’s more of a miracle that it was even barely coherent.

The North Remembers

But did they forget? Or did they just lose interest? Writing any TV series is a huge commitment, but Game of Thrones was essentially committing to writing 40 big budget movies in a row, so it’s not a huge shock that they lost their will to write in the end.

However with that said, if you don’t want to do the job anymore, just give it to someone else. Don’t ruin the series because you want to be the one to finish it off!

Next Level Strategy

As Tyrion pointed out in the final season of the show, when you’ve been the best, coolest, most unique, and most powerful person on the planet for the prior seven seasons, it’s easy to start buying into your own hype.

And if Dany had half a brain by the time the show was over, she would have just killed Jon instead of killing everyone who followed him, but she wanted to make King’s Landing go burn burn and here we all are.

Making Sense Out Of Nonsense

Please Sansa, that doesn’t make as much sense as Dany’s entire character arc in season 8. It makes as much sense as the entire plot and characterization of season 8, period.

It’s painfully clear that George RR Martin told the showrunners how the books were going to end, and they realized they had veered so off course from the source material that the story would never make sense, so they just threw together what they could and hoped the world would accept it. Sadly, it did not.

There’s A Few Ways To Break A Wheel

It’s not without irony that Dany’s entire life goal was to break the wheel and change the world for the better, and ultimately she wound up changing the world for the worse by burning King’s Landing and essentially ensured that the wheel would continue to function pretty much as it had been, just with a slightly better leader at the helm.

But, that is how season 8 liked to roll, and since the show is over we all just have to roll with it. Hopefully House of the Dragon will be better.

You Didn’t Even Try

In all fairness to Bran and his complete non-qualification to be the king of the six kingdoms, isn’t this the dictionary definition of every king or queen that has ever lived pretty much? Same goes for the high lords of Westeros too, it’s not as if any one of them contributed to the “group project” either.

They were lucky enough to be born into a family where one of their family members who lived a thousand years ago did all the heavy lifting, and they’ve been getting straight A’s ever since.

Almost A Fan

Okay, so the fact that season 8 was a pretty terrible ending to the series doesn’t erase the fact that the show itself was for the most part one of the greatest TV shows ever created.

Yes, we were all hoping for an early-years M. Night Shyamalan ending but wound up with a later-years one, but that doesn’t mean that the great moments of Game of Thrones were any less epic and shocking, and it doesn’t mean that the show’s cultural impact is gone either. It’s just… something else now.

Employment Averse

You’d think that after all of Ned Stark’s life lessons about honor and honesty Jon might have learned a thing or two. But no. He not only tells Dany the one thing that pretty much guarantees that she’ll go crazy and he’ll probably die, but he also doesn’t actually want to take charge even when the world needs him to.

Suck it up buttercup, you can’t just let some dragon lady burn the world to the ground because you don’t want to be king. Except oh wait, you did exactly that.