The HBO’s fantasy show Game of Thrones involves a lot of mysterious characters, but the most intriguing of them all is probably Melisandre, who’s also known as the Red Woman. Melisandre has magical abilities, and she uses it multiple times in the show to either help the heroes or hurt them, depending on whom she’s working with at the moment. Most notably, she uses her remarkable skills to bring Jon Snow back from the dead after his fellow Night’s Watch brothers murder him. Even though Melisandre is a serious character, there are still plenty of hilarious memes with her.

Fiction Vs. Reality

Melisandre is a very beautiful woman, there’s no denying that. With her long red locks, pale skin, and piercing blue eyes, she’s one of the most beautiful ladies in a show full of lovely women. However, as the fans of Game of Thrones eventually find out, the real Melisandre is nowhere near as fabulous. When she reveals her true form, it turns out that she’s actually much older looking, feeble, and wrinkled. It’s one of the most shocking moments in the show, and it shows that sometimes reality is completely different than what people present to the world. Even in Westeros.

From Zero To Hero

Unlike other heroes of the show, such as Tyrion or Arya, who were fan-favorite from the beginning, Melisandre wasn’t so popular among the viewers. To be honest, neither did she gain the love of those close to her, because she was simply too powerful, unpredictable, and dangerous. Her position only changed much later when she used her powers to bring Jon from the dead—something the fans have been looking forward to since Jon died. From there on, Melisandre suddenly enjoyed much greater popularity and respect, even if she never managed to climb into the top ten of most favorite characters.

Evil Child

Even though Melisandre did some bad things during the show’s run and probably even more during her whole life, when it comes to evil killer babies, she doesn’t hold a candle to Cersei Lannister. Sure, Melisandre gave birth to a demon baby which she then used to get rid of Stannis Baratheon’s younger brother Renly.

However, Cersei gave birth to Joffrey who is a much, much worse person than any demon baby could ever hope to be. Joffrey tormented and laughed at almost everybody and he enjoyed Sansa’s suffering when she had to watch her father’s execution. Sorry, Melisandre, this one goes to Cersei.

No Dating For Melisandre

This meme serves as a funny but still a bit cruel reminder of the fact, that looks often do matter. Not only in our world but also in Westeros. Even if Melisandre did have a shining personality and was the most amazing person who ever lived, hardly anybody would be interested in her as a potential partner if she wore her true form all the time. So it’s quite understandable that she chooses to mask herself as a young and beautiful woman. Even if she’s not doing it to gain people’s affection, she still knows that good looks sometimes get you much further.

She’s On Fire

It seems that Melisandre simply can’t catch a break when it comes to fans creating memes about her true appearance. Plus, she not only faces heavy competition in giving birth to evil babies, but also in setting people on fire.

While it’s true that she did set a person or two on fire, she still loses to Daenerys, who finally loses her mind in the last season and burns down a whole city full of innocent people. No, Melisandre would have a lot to learn from Daenerys in this area. At least she’s not the only one who could use some make-up in this meme.

I See Fire

This meme is funny not only on one but on two levels. While the world of Game of Thrones contains dragons, Night Walkers and other strange creatures, actual magic users are still fairly hard to come by. That’s why other characters often seek Melisandre out. But, since magic isn’t something everyone has at his disposal, fire is for most people only that—a fire. Ed Sheeran’s character, who spent a brief time in Arya’s company, included.

But the joke doesn’t end here. In case you’re not Sheeran’s fans, “I See Fire” also happens to be one of his popular songs which appeared in another big fantasy work, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013).

Dermatologists Hate Her

It could perhaps be debated that on her good days, Melisandre looks even younger than 34, but that’s not the point of this meme. Melisandre’s real appearance presented a shock to a lot of fans and the internet reacted appropriately—by creating a whole lot of memes, including this one.

While professional dermatologists might give anything to learn what’s Melisandre’s secret, if you’ve watched the show, you already know. This is certainly something that would many people buy, if only they had the opportunity. Not everybody wants to live to be 400 years old, but, if they could do it and look as great as Melisandre, maybe they would change their minds.

Errors Everywhere

“The night is dark and full of terrors” is one of the most iconic lines in Game of Thrones. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that if you do a little research online, you’ll find plenty of memes from the show with various characters and different variations of the quote (another one, which almost made it to this list, was “The night is long and full of homework”). This meme will be relevant especially to all coders and IT professionals out there for whom a mistake in the coding represents a sleepless night, or maybe more than just one.

This Ship Has Sailed

Game of Thrones included many couples, some of which stayed together (Samwell Tarly and Gilly, for example), while others were less lucky (Jon Snow and Ygritte). One of the most tragic couples, however, is Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister.

The two went from enemies to friends to briefly lovers, but Jamie ruined it all when he abandoned Brienne and went to the King’s Landing to try and save Cersei, which worked out well neither for him nor for Cersei. Some fans shipped Brienne and Tormund and were disappointed when Brienne got together with Jaime instead. Even Melisandre’s magic could have hardly changed this situation for the better.

Girl On Fire

Move aside, Katniss Everdeen, Melisandre is the real girl on fire! Let’s end this list with another brilliant crossover meme that joins together Game of Thrones and Frozen. Just like Elsa, Melisandre knows how to deal with the ice and snow and doesn’t let it stop her.

She even helps to fight against the White Walkers when the undead army marches as Winterfell. Even though it would be even more epic if Melisandre was singing “Let It Go” while lighting up the fires aimed against the Night Walkers, she was still amazing as a Game of Thrones version of Elsa.