If there ever was an award in Westeros for the most interesting family ever, then the Lannisters would most likely take it every year. They are among the most dysfunctional clan in the Seven Kingdoms. Suffice to say, their family, er, “dynamics” have led to many struggles, wars, and political dumpster fires that burn green because of wildfire.

That’s how it was portrayed in the show– how the fandom perceives it is a little less serious and a lot more entertaining. Turns out, the Lannister family issues or their temperaments make them a gold mine for memes. As such, there exists a rich repository of Lannister memes as wealthy as the Lannisters are and here are the most gut-busting of all of them throughout the eight seasons of Game of Thrones.


First off in this meme list is a classic which was probably conceived back in the very first season of Game of Thrones. The Lannister House’s official words are actually “Hear me roar,” but it might as well be “A Lannister always pays his debts.” It’s a line famously uttered many times by Tyrion Lannister and sometimes by his two older siblings.

It goes to show just how much the Lannisters like to play into their strengths, which is usually heaps of gold. It often works because the lowly people of Westeros know that Lannisters are filthy rich; it has even saved Tyrion’s life so many times that you expect him to whip out a credit card every time he says it.


Joffrey “Baratheon” is obviously the purest form of Lannister specimen on Westeros, no matter how much his mother covers it up. This has lent much to his loose screws that he has become the vilest villains on television, and you’d really be hard-pressed to find a more hated villain; suffice to say, his death was absolutely satisfying.

It even gave Joffrey some never-before-seen facial expressions that would otherwise be his smug brat face on the show, which leads us to this meme here. That’s actually him choking on poison, but it might as well be a visible disgust at someone’s fashion sense; it also sounds like something Joffrey would have someone executed over.


Cersei and Jaime Lannister were often considered as two of the most beautiful people in Westeros– probably even in the top five. That means both of them could have easily found suitable partners since they’re pretty much perfect being rich and beautiful– but then they chose to love each other.

Turns out that sort of romantic oddity runs in the family; Tywin, their father, also married his first-degree cousin, meaning the inbreeding damage could have already trickled down to Cersei and Jaime. In any case, getting the family’s blessings shouldn’t be too hard for Jaime.


Something has to be terribly off with how your brain is wired if you prefer blood relatives as your romantic partner. In fact, even nature doesn’t seem to like inbreeding as the practice of turning your family tree into a family circle guarantees higher chances of birth defects. As a result, even software is programmed not to allow or suggest such a practice, a sad day for Jaime Lannister.

Thanks to fan humor and strict Facebook relationship status rules, Jaime Lannister is portrayed in a nutshell much quicker than the shows did in one season. They even made it seem like Jaime is aware what he and Cersei are doing wrong but chose to go with it anyway, much to the demise of the Starks.


Tyrion has always been the black sheep (or is it black lion) of House Lannister merely due to his physical stature as a dwarf. Throughout his whole life, he was ridiculed, belittled, and discriminated all because of a birth defect (though his father was also likely to blame). The irony is that he was the last living legitimate Lannister by the end of Season 8 of Game of Thrones.

It was a sad day for Tyrion, which made him not only the only Lannister but also the tallest among them. In hindsight, he probably should have been more cheerful about it– he survived despite the incredibly high chance of getting burned alive or eaten by a dragon, plus all his other family members deserved the fate that befell them.


Whoever took that child with the burning house background photo needs a congratulatory party, because without that photo, we would never have had a more fitting image to represent Cersei at her most insane. The bombing of the Sept is what happens when you lose a son, a father, your dignity, and had way too many glasses of red wine.

It was Cersei’s most diabolical act, bombing your own city, and contributing to the deaths of hundreds, including innocents, was pure Mad Queen evil that would never be dethroned until Season 8. Too bad this green barbecue cost Cersei her son Tommen as well, that’s karma for her.


Jaime Lannister is not exactly a smart man which is quite disastrous given the many situations he put himself in. He’s been through some of the most important events in Westeros and was even accidentally tasked to decide the outcome of many things.

So, when placed under such a responsibility, what does Jaime do? He resorts to the only language he’s good at, violence, because mentioning the name ‘Cersei’ won’t fix everything. It turns out Jaime was also bad at being a Kingslayer since he inadvertently made Bran into a king despite wanting the opposite effect.


Well, this pretty sums up Tyrion and Tywin’s relationship throughout most of the former’s life. Apparently, Tywin hated Tyrion as soon as he came out of his wife’s womb. Not only did Tyrion come out as a dwarf, but his birth also caused his mother’s death, one of the few blond people Tywin loved.

There was no argument to be had whether Tywin did care for Tyrion or not. He even had Tyrion, his own son, be executed on a mere assumption from his inbred grandson. Oh, and he also stole and bedded Tyrion’s lover, who’d have thought that Tyrion wouldn’t seek revenge after that? It seems Tywin did, so he died on his chamber pot.


Fun fact: only half of this exchange happened. Cersei did ask Brienne to her face whether she loved Jaime or not. Brienne, being a level-headed woman, merely brushed off Cersei’s diabolical aggression aside and left no snide remark. However, fans thought of the most appropriate retort to Cersei’s rather blunt question right there above.

Such an answer would have broken Cersei inbred neural synapses long enough for Brienne to make a run for it; because Cersei would have had her executed or assassinated had she answered that. Oh, that scene in the show also features Cersei in her rare display of jealousy and possessiveness for Jaime.


By far, this is the most hilarious bit you’ll find for Jaime Lannister. It’s what his dating profile would have looked like if given a chance to make one. Hence, this represents the idea of Jaime better than what the writers of the show did for him on Season 8.

It captures everything Jaime is essentially about from his narcissism, his religion (Cult of Cersei), and his disregard for anything intellectual. As an added bonus, you also get a lovely accurate add about male sex performance enhancement recommended by Podrick “fookin” Payne.