The Best Family Board Games

There are classic board games that entertain every family for years like Monopoly, Uno, Scrabble, Battleship, Trivial Pursuit, Twister… Literally, everyone has heard about them and knows how to play these games. We all definitely have at least one of them in our houses. If your family is as classical as these games, you may want to play these on your game night. 

Modern Games for the Family Nights

If you are bored of classic board games, there are suggestions for you:-

Herd Mentality

Herd Mentality is the first suggestion for you. The game is very easy to understand and at least four people are needed for playing. Children who are bigger than 10 can play the Herd Mentality. The logic of the game is simple. There are a lot of cards with questions on them. Players have to write their answers to questions. But, it can be different answers than their choices. They should find a common answer and write it. Entirely different answers would be punished. The game duration is about 30 minutes. 

Sushi Go

Sushi Go is a really great option for you if you enjoy playing card games. A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 players are required to play this game. Sushi Go is playable by anyone who is larger than 8. The game is played in three rounds.  An equal number of cards are handed to each participant. On these cards, there are sushis or sushi utensils with different point values. Players try to get the highest score. But watch out! Players change cards every round. This is where tactics come into play. The game takes about 15 minutes. So it is the kind that you will want to play more than once.


If you are looking for a board game that can be played with younger children, Qwirkle can be a good alternative. This is a game that 4-5-year-olds may play with their parents. A minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4 players can participate in the game. The box of this game contains blocks of different colors and shapes. Players can only place blocks that share the same color or shape next to each other. Thanks to this game, your child can develop a game strategy while learning colors and shapes in a fun way.

Brain Freezer

Another recommendation is Brain Freeze. Only two players are required to play this game. But it doesn’t take too long so all family members can enjoy it. It will also be enjoyable to watch only two people playing. In this game, both players choose a square with a certain symbol inside from the game board and both try to guess each other’s choices by asking questions. It should be noted that players’ answers can only be yes or no.

Ticket To Ride

Another board game is the popular one called Ticket to Ride. Playing this game might take an hour or more. The aim of the game is to try to reach the target point by the long way by determining a train route according to the random cards you will choose at the beginning of the game. Reaching the destination by the longest route will increase your score. The fun will be multiplied as strategies are involved in this game. The Ticket to Ride is suitable for anyone over 8 years old and can be played with a maximum of 5 people. 


These are some of the board games that can be played with children. When you go to a toy store, you will see that there are many more board game options. Go to a toy store with your child and choose the most suitable game for you. Once you play the board games that offer the opportunity to spend quality and enjoyable time with your family, you will want to organize a game night every night.

Can kids play board games by themselves?

For this, you can follow the instructions on the game boxes or in their booklets. Some games are suitable for children over 5 years old to play by themselves. But you should not forget that the game equipment may contain very small and swallowable parts. Games that involve too much physical contact and dangerous movements, such as Twister, can cause injury. Therefore, it is best for children to play games under parental supervision or with them.

What are the prices of these games?

The price you pay for the games may vary depending on where you buy them, but the prices of these suggested games vary between $ 15 and $ 80.