Gallery Furniture does not currently offer cash refunds to customers. However, customers have a return time frame of 90 days to return the bought mattress. Before the return/exchange, Gallery Furniture requires customers to have used the bed for a specified length of time. 

Confident about the originality of its products, Gallery Furniture offers its customers a good guarantee and a great return policy on items purchased from its store.

As it pertains to the return of mattresses purchased from any of its branches, Gallery furniture requires customers to have used the mattress for 30 days. This period is called the adjustment period which allows the customer to decide if the bed meets his sleeping needs.

If the customer remains unsatisfied with his purchase after the adjustment period, he can return the mattress to the store in exchange for another. Gallery Furniture customers have a period of 90 days starting from the time of purchase to return the bed.  

According to the store’s website, for a mattress to be eligible for return and exchange that mattress must:

Have been used with a mattress protectorNot have stains of any kind

The following are more salient points to note about Gallery Furniture’s mattress return policy;

Gallery Furniture offers no cash refunds. Hence customers unsatisfied with their mattress purchase only have the option of swapping it for anotherOnly the purchased mattress is eligible for return and exchange. Beddings like pillows, bed sheets, bed protectors, etc. , cannot be returnedUpon the return of a purchased mattress, a customer has just one shot at selecting a choice bedA customer who selects a mattress of higher value than that returned is to pay the price difference. Customers who choose a bed of lesser value will not be refunded the difference in valueMattresses returned to the store based on complaints of height, width, etc. will not be accepted

Customers of Gallery furniture should note that all such mattresses returns and exchanges will be subject to a 10% restocking fee – this is a fee collected by companies for accepting the purchased but returned item.

As the name implies, Gallery Furniture sells items other than mattresses. The return policies for these other items vary from product to product.

For furniture other than mattresses, the store offers a time frame of 15 days for customers to determine if the purchased furniture meets their needs or not. Customers who want to return the item have to do it within the stipulated 15 days period.

As was in the case of mattress returns, these customers also have a one-time chance to swap the returned item with another piece of furniture of their choice. Also, if the reselected furniture is more expensive than the previous ones, the customer will pay for the price difference. If it is cheaper, there will be no refunds.


Gallery Furniture recognizes the need for a purchased item to be used for a stipulated period before customers can accurately decide whether such item meets their needs or not. This is the foundation on which the Gallery Furniture return policy is built. Hence, the store stipulates an adjustment period before any purchased item is returned. And although the store does not currently offer customers cash refunds, customers have one shot at returning and exchanging items purchased from the store.

Frequently Asked Question

Are Gallery Furniture mattresses expensive?

The store has a variety of mattresses, and each has a different price tag. Hence it depends on your needs and budget.

Where is Gallery Furniture headquarters?

Gallery Furniture is an American furniture company with headquarters in Houston, Texas.

How many branches does Gallery Furniture currently have?

Currently, Gallery Furniture has two branches apart from its headquarters. One of its branches is in Houston, Texas. The other branch is in Richmond a state also in Texas.