The Nuttery Entertainment is developing classic video game Galaga into an animated series. Video game adaptations, for better or worse, don’t appear to be losing any momentum. Despite the lackluster critical response blockbuster films have received, creators and developers still believe there is a market for this genre. There’s an Uncharted film in development limbo, a Tomb Raider reboot with Alicia Vikander as the new face of the franchise in on the way, and neither of the relative bombs that were Assassin’s Creed and Warcraft seem to be deterrents. But now one company is going back over 35 years to the arcade era in the hopes of finding adaptation gold with Galaga.

Recently, Galaga made its debut for iOS platforms in celebration of its 30 year anniversary, and in 2016, Galaga Wars was a game that was developed for Android platforms. Originally a sequel to Galaxian, the shooter was released in 1981 and was originally meant to be a direct competitor to the highly recognizable Space Invaders. Galaga was a big arcade hit, and a tournament favorite for players. The pop-culture icon has also been seen in films including War Games, Pixels, and even as a PC version in The Avengers.

Hot on the heels of Castlevania’s successful transition from video game to animated series, there’s a different 8-bit game getting the same treatment. According to Variety, The Nuttery Entertainment, a game dev company based out of Sweden and Los Angeles, will be dusting off classic arcade shooter Galaga. With the blessing of Galaga’s parent company, Bandai Namco, The Nuttery has plans for a new series called “Galaga Chronicles.” One of the company’s founders, Magnus Jansson, is excited about their new endeavour and had this to say of the upcoming series:

Perhaps the Castlevania adaptation marks a turning point in the conversion of video games to on-screen features or series. Even still, making Galaga into an animated series won’t be easy seeing as how the original game had no story what-so-ever. The arcade shooter gives the player three ships armed with missiles that are meant to destroy various bug-like alien enemies.

“We are incredibly honored to be able to work on such an amazing legacy property and help launch it into the animated space. There is such a deep love for this game from fans around the world, and our team is excited make sure the next chapter in the Galaga saga is equally impressive and inspiring as its humble 8-bit beginnings.”

Despite the colossal task ahead, current Bandai Namco executive officer Hirotaka Watanabe has confidence that there’s much more to explore, saying:

Over the course of nearly four decades, Galaga has seen 20 sequels and/or spin off games and has been converted for a whole host of video game platforms. There is no word yet when fans can expect the Galaga Chronicles animated series to be available.

“While the re-imagining of the game into animation will be unique and, for the first time in Galaga’s history, story- and character-based, there is also a great respect for its history.”

Next: Netflix’s Castlevania Breaks the Video Game Adaptation Curse

Source: Variety