The DC Extended Universe is only a few years old and still finding its footing. As it does, though, fans are quickly being introduced to the actors and superheroes who will lead the charge going forth into the first Justice League outing, as well as several standalone films. One of the most well-received characters, and most anticipated outings, is the legendary heroine Wonder Woman, brought to life by Gal Gadot in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Since her turn in BVS, fans have awaited the chance to see the character shine in her own film.

The first Wonder Woman solo outing isn’t merely a chance to watch Gadot’s take on the character, but a way for less-familiar moviegoers to connect with Diana and her history – something the actress said to expect along with the film’s overall upbeat tone.

“Wonder Woman is different. On this film, we went back to Diana’s backstory – to her history, her coming of age. How did Diana become Wonder Woman? But with this character, what I love about her so much is that her agenda is love. It’s not about fighting, it’s not about who is stronger than whom; it’s not about women versus men. It’s about love, and acceptance of others. She stands for love, justice and compassion.”

As a character, Wonder Woman has, at her best, represented a blend superhuman abilities, strong convictions, and femininity. Unfortunately, depending upon the writer, sometimes Diana got lost within the era or her message disappeared in lieu of her skimpy costume. Over the years, though, she’s enjoyed her fair share of battle-of-the-sexes in the comic book pages and on the small screen, but Diana’s fight has always been for personal empowerment. The only people she sought to belittle were the villains who underestimated her power.

Although the multi-era saga, which lands in theaters next summer, will put Wonder Woman into a warzone, ultimately, the film deals with the character’s reemergence into the world after her disillusionment. Gadot’s portrayal and Jenkins’ directorial vision sound like they’re running very close to the ideals of the character. Certainly there will be some violent struggles and loads of explosive action, but the message of the film is a positive one. Of course, since Wonder Woman debuts mere months from Justice League, it would be shocking if there weren’t a few hints of the dark times to come.

Next: New Wonder Woman Animated Movie Is On the ‘Radar’

Wonder Woman opens on June 2, 2017; Justice League on November 17, 2017; Aquaman on July 27, 2018; an untitled DC Film on October 5, 2018; Shazam on April 5, 2019; Justice League 2 on June 14, 2019; an untitled DC film on November 1, 2019; Cyborg on April 3, 2020; and Green Lantern Corps on July 24, 2020. The Flash, the Batman solo movie and Man of Steel 2 are currently without release dates.

Source: We Got This Covered (via Heroic Hollywood)