Gal Gadot doesn’t believe Wonder Woman would ever let anyone use their power to sexually harass her, no matter what the situation. In the weeks since multiple actresses came forward and accused movie producer Harvey Weinstein of sexually assault and harassment, the filmmaking industry has been somewhat cleaning house. Actors, actresses, networks, and studios are all breaking bonds with people who have been accused or have admitted to using their position to sexually harass individuals - both men and women.

In addition to severing ties with sexual predators and effectively blacklisting them from future productions, the industry is beginning to take necessary precautions to prevent such harassment from happening again in the future. And the discussion of people in the upper echelon of the industry taking advantage of their positions has reached several productions, including Justice League. Considering that Wonder Woman is a source of inspiration for women (and men) all over the world, it’s understandable for them to want to know how the superheroine would react in a situation involving sexual harassment.

Gal Gadot was asked about how Wonder Woman would respond to unwanted sexual advances during Justice League’s press junket in London, and Gadot offered a simple yet appropriate answer for her character: “I don’t think Wonder Woman would ever let anyone use his [or her] power against her will. Her will is very strong and so [is] she.”

The list of directors and producers - as well as studio executives - who have used their positions to make undesired sexual advances towards male and female subordinates, continues to grow. The latest person to be accused of sexual harassment, from multiple people, is Kevin Spacey. The actor attempted to deflect the attention by coming out as gay, but his efforts were for naught. Netflix has since severed their ties with the actor, as well as their flagship series House of Cards, barring the actor’s immediate removal from the series. Of course, Spacey’s current accusations are only the tip of the iceberg. Several industry insiders, from Brett Ratner to James Toback, are standing accused of various forms of sexual assault and harassment, with some, such as Jeremy Piven, denying their allegations.

Gadot’s comments on how Wonder Woman would handle sexual harassment are interesting and they may inspire those who are keeping their experiences quiet to come forward, but there’s no denying that Hollywood needs to shape up its act and hold those accountable for their actions. The Academy, along with other associations and guilds, is already in the process of instituting new codes of conduct, but more needs to be done.

More: Harvey Weinstein’s Name Should Stay on All His Movies

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