In Germany, Reiniger-Egler is in like manner proceeding with her chase. She has huge political associations as the little girl of Wolfgang Reiniger, the previous city hall leader of Essen. She’s currently utilizing it to assist with the inquiry.

Fussball: Andreas Egler Daughter Clara Magdalena Egler Kidnapped Andreas Egler, her ex, and previous soccer player seized her 10-year-old girl Clara and took her toward the South American country.

In the event that she were in Germany, Clara Magdalena Egler, 10, would go to her vaulting and trapeze artistry classes. All things considered, her mom hasn’t seen her in a half year and accepts she is in Paraguay.

Another missing German kid, Lara Valentina Blank, would praise her eleventh birthday celebration with her dad and neighbors any day now. All things considered, she has been absent since November 27 and is doubtlessly being disguised by her mom in some German Covid-denialist bunch in Paraguay.

Egler is remembered to have looked for asylum in Paraguay’s enemy of immunization development with his new spouse. Egler’s new spouse’s little girl is remaining with the pair in Paraguay. The young ladies haven’t been seen since January 2022.

In February, Clara’s mom showed up in Paraguay with her ongoing spouse and Filip Blank. They have sent off their hunt in Paraguay, yet have so far been fruitless.

In the mean time, lawful and horrific acts have started in the two countries, including a removal demand for Andreas Rainer Egler and Anna Mara Egler, who, as per the CDIA, is needed in Germany “for the culpable direct of hijacking of people.” According to police authorities during the news gathering, Paraguay specialists have likewise given a “high alert” for their capture.


Andreas Rainer Egler -padre de Clara- y Anna Maria Egler madre de Lara, bajo ORDEN DE CAPTURA INTERNACIONAL.

—  Mrs. Mega Pint 🍷 (@Mariaerials) May 30, 2022

All that To Know About Andreas Egler Andreas Egler was a German soccer player who addressed 1. FC Magdeburg.

He and his new spouse Anna, the adults, are hostile to inoculation and attempting to keep away from the crown measures. They take their young ladies from earlier associations with them in covertness, grabbing their kids from their German guardians.

In a goodbye letter, Andreas Egler and his sweetheart expressed that Germany is about to start falling and that it is a “reconnaissance state” where “human trial and error” is a hazard.