You’ve heard the argument a million times - DC’s movies aren’t fun like Marvel’s. They lack the ability to step back and let the source material speak for itself, try too hard to be “edgy,” and heaven forbid they crack a joke every once and a while.

Though the films have been trying to right the ship for a while now (with moderate success), Wonder Woman is still the only DC movie since Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy to hold a candle to the best of the superhero genre. Of course, Justice League seems to have knocked the movie series off course once more…

One of the biggest complaints about DC’s movies is that they don’t make any sense. We’re not talking simple plot holes or deep, convoluted storytelling; we’re talking poor writing, inconsistent character attributes, and action spectacles that make you scratch your head and say “huh?”

To be fair, this is not a new phenomenon. Burton’s Batman broke his own rules and Christopher Reeve’s Superman was able to reverse time with a plot dvice. Instead of simply wallowing in misery at these inconsistencies, DC fans and DC haters alike have embraced it, jumping onto the internet and creating hilarious memes showing how confusing the publisher’s films are.

Here are 16 DC Memes That Prove the Movies Make No Sense!


Let’s kick things off with a box office bang, Suicide Squad. Though it was one of the DC’s more successful films financially, it was a critical bomb. It currently holds a 26% score on Rotten Tomatoes and is considered by many to be the worst film in the DCEU so far. People blame this on lackluster writing, a story that is overstuffed with unlikable characters, and editing that looked like it was done by an intern who drank three shots of espresso.

Yet, Suicide Squad has done the one thing that any Marvel movie has yet to do - win an Academy Award! This meme points out the hilarity of the situation in which the MCU (which is loved near-universally and practically prints money) couldn’t bring home a little gold statue while the worst film in the DCEU could.

Why Did They Leave the ‘Stache?

Oh, Justice League, what could have been. When Zach Snyder stepped down in the post-production stage of the movie and Joss Whedon was handed the reigns, fans were cautiously optimistic. Why wouldn’t they be? This was the guy who gave us Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and The Avengers!

However, the result was a bunch of reshoots that made the movie feel like it was patched together to tell two different stories and take on two different tones.

The biggest offender, however, was Henry Cavill’s reshoots. The actor was shooting Mission Impossible: Fallout at the time and Sony wouldn’t allow him to shave his mustache. DC had to use CGI to edit out the facial hair, and the result was something straight out of the uncanny valley!

Instead of looking like the Man of Steel, Cavill looked like human Shrek from Shrek 2.

Batman’s Rule Makes No Sense

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy goes out of its way to beat viewers over the head about Batman’s one rule: He will not end a criminal in cold blood, no matter how bad their crimes. The entire cat and mouse came between the Caped Crusader and the Joker in The Dark Knight revolved around this concept.

Yet, Nolan showed Batman breaking his one rule multiple times throughout the series. He straight-up shoots missiles at Talia Al-Ghul’s truck in The Dark Knight Rises. He tackles Two-Face off a building in The Dark Knight.

Most flagrant of all is Batman Begins, where he refuses to take out a criminal as part of his training and burns down the base of the League of Shadows; several of the members of the League are burned alive. But he won’t throw the Joker off a building!

DC Fans be Like

The last decade has been rough on DC fans. Ten years ago this July, The Dark Knight was released and was hailed as one of the greatest comic book movies ever made. Since then, however, it’s been a rocky road; The Dark Knight Rises was good, but not great. In the last ten years we’ve gotten Green Lantern, Watchmen, Jonah Hex, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Justice League.

This meme pokes fun at just how bumpy of a road it’s been since. Stolen from a joke in Parks and Recreation where Dr. Saperstein blindly believes his crazy daughter when she says she has never done any wrong. In this case, Wonder Woman had just been released and DC fans took the role of Saperstein, with the DCEU acting as Mona-Lisa.

Let’s Just Forget That One…

Did you really think we were going to get through a list poking fun at DC movies without mentioning Green Lantern?

Believe it or not, this was the movie that was supposed to launch the DCEU. It had Ryan Reynolds as its leading man, an all-star supporting cast, a huge budget, and several characters that could have played a role in the larger expanded universe.

Sadly, Green Lantern was a complete CGI eyesore, complete with a laughable costume so bad that Reynolds himself mocked it in Deadpool. If that wasn’t bad enough, the story felt forced, Hal Jordan felt nothing like Hal Jordan, and the film was filled with cringe after cringeworthy moments.

Nowadays, much like the more successful Batman and Superman characters in this meme, people tend to ignore the awfulness that was the Emerald Knight’s first film.

Batman Meets Arrested Development

Rachael Dawes was one of the few original characters that Nolan came up with for the Dark Knight Trilogy. Instead of Vicki Vale or Andrea Beaumont, Rachael played the role of Bruce Wayne’s love interest in two of the three films.

Played by Katie Holmes in Batman Begins and Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight, she was Bruce’s childhood friend as well as one of the few people he cared enough about to reveal his secret identity to.

Although Nolan made it obvious that Bruce loved Rachael, he never really made it clear why. The character generally came across as bland and one-note, leading to this meme mashup of The Dark Knight and Arrested Development. In the sitcom, Michael Bluth often made remarks about his son’s girlfriend Ann referring to her as bland; he would ask his son “her?” whenever George Michael talked about Ann in a positive light.

Ares or Nigel Thornberry?

In the climax of the film it is revealed that Ares, the God of War, was not hiding undercover as Colonel Luddendorf, but rather as British diplomat Sir Patrick Morgan. This was fine and all, but for whatever reason the costume designers thought it was a good idea to make his “true” form as the God of War just be Morgan with a suit of armor.

Instead of looking intimidating, Ares looked like Nigel Thornberry with his snooty British accent and bushy mustache.

Zach Snyder Loves Symbolism

Say what you will about Zach Snyder, but the guy definitely knows how to do cinematography. While there is debate on the quality of story and acting from Watchmen, 300, Man of Steel, and Batman v Superman, there is no denying that they are beautiful movies.

Naturally, a director who knows his way around a beautiful shot is going to fill it with all sorts of symbolism that goes unnoticed upon the first or second watch of a film. The DCEU is full of these things. Snyder constantly created Christ-like imagery whenever discussing Superman as the savior of the human race - Kal-El’s character arc across the movies is quite similar to the Biblical tale!

Fans of the DCEU go out of their way to analyze every single frame of these films in search of clever metaphors or themes that they may have missed, almost to the point of obsessiveness.

I Guess We’re Some Kind of… Title Call Out

Though its overall quality is up for debate, many defenders of the Suicide Squad movie point out that the charisma of its characters is one of its saving graces. Will Smith and Margot Robbie steal the show, and even minor characters like Captain Boomerang and El Diablo left a lasting impression on audiences. The actors could only do so much with the dialogue that was written for them.

Deadshot’s infamous line has become a meme in and of itself. Whenever a new movie releases, somebody in the comments section always thinks they’re clever and quotes this line with the name of the film in question. This meme in particular likens Smith’s line to an older Family Guy joke about ridiculously obvious title-drops in cinema.

Just Making Sure.

Yep, we’re going down the “Martha!” rabbit hole. Love it or hate it, this was a scene in Batman v Superman that most people can agree was pretty jarring and cringeworthy. Batman has Superman on the ground, ready to kill him, when he calls out the name of his mother. Bruce realizes that his mother was also named Martha and has a complete change of heart about killing Kal-El.

When Justice League rolled around and fans saw that Bruce Wayne was going to be the one recruiting most of the League, one clever internet-goer decided to play it up for laughs. The above meme makes the joke that, if you are going to be a friend of the Dark Knight, he needs to make sure you both have mothers with the same name. It’s simple and on-the-nose, yet it makes us laugh anyway!

Batman is a Superman Fanboy

Like we said before, Batman’s 180 on Superman happens ridiculously fast. In the span of about 30 minutes he goes from wanting to destroy the Man of Steel to telling Diana that they should honor his memory and reclaim the age of heroes. This makes absolutely no sense. Was “Martha!” all it took to change Bruce Wayne’s heart and make him turn away from his radical beliefs?

This meme claims that there was something much more hilarious behind Wayne’s turn. Instead of just realizing Superman was a good guy all along, it implies that Batman was a huge Supes fanboy (even owning PJs with Kal-El’s sigil on them). It also gives us some of the Diana/Bruce banter that made the Justice League animated series so much fun to watch.

Did We Just Become Best Friends?

At the risk of sounding like we’re beating a dead horse, we have one more “Martha!” meme! The joke has been run into the ground by so many people, but that’s because the situation was just so mind-bogglingly bad!

This particular meme compares the relationship between Kal-El and Bruce Wayne to that of the titular characters of Step Brothers. In that movie, the two characters spend the first half of the story absolutely hating each other, trying to sabotage the other’s life in any way possible. Then, they have an epiphany that they are actually extremely similar, with Will Ferrell’s character exclaiming, “Did we just become best friends?” and John C. Reiley’s character responding with an enthusiastic “Yep!”

An Unlikely Excuse

What happened to Joss Whedon recently? The wriert/director was an absolute legend in the ’90s and 2000s, but recently he has fallen out of grace with both the Marvel and DC fandom for creating the underwhelming Age of Ultron and Justice League.

When it was announced that Whedon would write and direct a Batgirl movie, the news was met with some uneasy excitement. However, it was recently announced that Joss would not take on the task of the popular heroine’s stand-alone.

Officially, this occurred because Whedon “Didn’t have a story” for the movie. As this meme says, that’s just lazy writing! Fans speculate that Justice League’s failure, coupled with the leak of his original Wonder Woman script that some people saw as misogynistic, led to Warner Bros. booting him off the project.

We may never know, but the Merc with the Mouth might be on to something!

LEGO Batman is Better

If you had told us at the beginning of 2017 that The LEGO Batman Movie would be one of the highest-rated Superhero films of the year, you would have been laughed out of the building. Sure, Batman stole the show in The LEGO Movie. But fans worried that this more kid-friendly Dark Knight would grow old fairly quickly in a story focused entirely on him. Fans were wrong.

Not only was The LEGO Batman Movie good, but it received higher praise from critics and fans alike than any DCEU film at that point in time.

This meme takes the popular “Chris Evans laughing at Ben Affleck” meme and puts Will Arnett’s Batman in Evan’s place, making him laugh at the fact that Affleck’s movie was a critical flop while a simple kid’s flick got a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The Power of Wonder Woman

If Wonder Woman had flopped at the box office, there is a good chance that the DCEU would be dead right now. DC needed a successful movie after the lukewarm to horrible reception of their previous films.

Thankfully, Diana of Themyscira pulled through and delivered one of the greatest superhero films in recent memory! Her solo flick was so popular that the Justice League reshoots allegedly gave her more of a central role than originally intended.

This meme points out that, like Spider-Man on the boat in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Diana is the only thing that stands currently between the DCEU and total destruction. Of course, Spider-Man didn’t actually save everyone on his own. Wonder Woman is going to need a Tony Stark-like film to come along and give her some support (no pressure, Aquaman and Shazam!).

What Could Have Been…

Yes, those pictures are real. There was a time in the ’90s when Nicholas Cage was going to play the Man of Steel in Tim Burton’s Superman Lives!

Thankfully (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask) this film never came to fruition. However, a few pictures from Cage’s costume test for Kal-El were released to the public, complete with mullet and everything. The film was also supposed to feature Supes in a clear, light-up costume.

Spliced together with General Zod’s bleak vision of the future, this ominous meme shows us what could have been had Burton gotten his way. Instead of the charming, handsome Superman we got in the DCEU, we would have had a mullet-wearing over the top Man of Steel played by the most hot-and-cold actor of all time.

Thankfully, like Kal-El, we realized that it was all just a bad dream.

What is your favorite DC movie meme? Let us known in the comments!