Removing Windows 8 “Secure Boot” Feature for Easy Dual Booting

Reader Scoobford sends in his trick for getting rid of the secure boot feature on Windows 8. He writes:

Thanks for writing in Scoobford! While this work around does make it easier to dual boot with Linux and other “unapproved” operating systems, it does remove the malware protection element of the Secure Boot system implemented in Windows 8.

  1. Install Ubuntu(in my example) via Wubi(may work with grub too, don’t know)3. INstall EasyBCD inside windows 8, select Ubuntu as default OS.4. Reboot. The fancy OS selection is gone, but you can use Ubuntu now as well—once you finish installing by booting into Ubuntu.

There’s a more detailed guide on my blog here.

Launch Any Application or Web Site from Windows Media Center

Chris writes in with his open source solution for launching apps from within Windows Media Center. He writes:

It looks really easy to configure Chris, nice work.

Speed Up Windows Installation Process

Rishi writes in with the following tip about speeding up your Windows installation:

Clever trick, Rishi. Even if the trick didn’t radically increase the installation time, it’s still a terribly handy way to access the command prompt and/or the Task Manager during the Windows installation process. Thanks!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at and look for your tip on the front page.