Every week we take a moment to dip into the reader mailbag and pull out some tasty tips. This week we’re taking a look at Kindle shortcuts, snappy ways to search in Explorer folders, and easy Android ringtone organization.

Kindle Shortcuts for Tasks Big and Small

How-To Geek Reader Wendy writes in with the following Kindle-centered tip:

Thanks for writing in Wendy! We learned a few shortcuts after browsing the list. Surely we weren’t alone in not realizing that there was a Minesweeper Easter Egg (ALT+SHIFT+M).

Simple Folder Search in Windows Explorer

John writes in with a simple but often overlooked trick:

This is one of those “I can’t believe I didn’t know about it” timesavers. Once you learn it, it comes in handy over and over again.

Easy Android Sound Selection

Corrine writes in with an easy way to dump sounds onto your Android device:

Very clever. The next time we go on a sound-customization bender we’re keeping this trick in mind.

Have a clever tip for next week’s roundup? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com!