Once a week we round up some of the tips from the HTG tips box and share them with the greater readership; this week we’re looking at shopping for Kindles with a flowchart, downgrading iOS, and rolling your own DIY soldering pen.

Shop for Your Kindle with a Flow Chart

Andrea writes in with this Kindle-centric shopping tip:

Not only is that flowchart handy for people shopping for a Kindle, it’s a good point of reference for people thinking about getting, say, a Nook and wanting to double check the features against those found on the Kindle. Thanks for sharing!

Downgrading iOS with iFaith

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Brainz writes in with a tip focused on downgrading iOS:

While you’re right, it’s a very focused tip, it’s a very useful one. We have a few jailbroken devices laying around that will be getting the iFaith treatment shortly. Thanks for writing in!

DIY Soldering Pen for Easy and Comfortable Soldering

Ben writes in with the following tip:

It’s tips like this that make us want to go dust off the workbench and start circuit bending again. Thanks for sharing!

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and you just might see your tip on the front page.