Once a week we round up some of the great reader tips to share. Today we’re looking at an iPad interface emulator for Windows, a fast-access flashlight app for the iPhone, and a Windows-based way to organize Kindle collections.

iPadian is a Windows-based iPad Interface Emulator

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Nick writes in with a tip for an fairly unconventional Windows interface overhaul. He writes:

Thanks for the tip, Nick. While we’re happy to stick with the nice iOS interface on our actual iPads we’re sure there are more than a few readers out there who would be ready to try it on on their desktops. The portable/no permanent change element is one of iPadian’s better features, for sure.

Easy Flashlight Access for iPhone

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Veronica writes in with the following tip for jailbroken iPhone users:

Nice tip, Veronica. We’re mostly Android phone users around here, but you can bet we’d be installing this app on our jailbroken iPhones in a heart beat.

Kindle Collection Manager Brings Easy Kindle Collection Creation to Windows

Bob writes in with the following problem and solution:

Nice find, Bob. We’d pretty much given up on the Collections feature because it was such a pain to create and manage the collections on the Kindle itself. We’ll definitely be taking this for a test spin.

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and then look for your tip on the front page.