Once a week we round up some of the great tips that flow into the HTG tips box and share them with the greater readership. This week we’re talking about downloading your Facebook data for easy wall searching, packing lots of apps into iOS folders, and keeping tabs on web apps that can access your private data.

Download All Your Facebook Data The Easy Way

Michelle writes in with a simple way to search your Facebook wall:

We tried it out, Michelle. Pretty neat—the downloaded version lacks the flourishes and clean formatting of your actual Facebook wall, but it does, as you promised, display nearly a decades worth of Facebook status updates. Nice find!

Enable Infinite Folders on Your iOS Device

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Brad writes in with the following tip for iOS users:

We’re off to do a little tidying on our iPad!

The solution is a jailbreak app by the name of Infinifolders. It’s a simple tweak, all it does is extend the limit of the folders. I can now put as many apps as I want in a single folder without any practical limitations. The app costs $1.99 and it’s worth every penny. Search for it in the Cydia store.

Check The File Permissions for Your Web-Based Applications

Nate writes in with a tip about keeping an eye on your virtual privacy:

Great find, Brad—thanks for sending in the link and explanation of the service.

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for your tip on the front page.