The appealing aspect of Friends was that each character had a unique personality and all of them were given about an equal level of importance. Of the six, Phoebe was the ditzy one, who is generally considered a cuckoo person who ultimately meant well.

However, Phoebe wasn’t nearly as nice of a character as you’d remember, and she’s actually guilty of being mean way more than any other Friends character we’ve seen. You’ll be surprised at the number of times Phoebe’s pulled an insensitive move, and here are 10 times she did the worst things you’d imagine.

She Made Up A Roommate To Avoid Living With Rachel

When Rachel was out hunting for apartments after Monica and Chandler told her to move out, Phoebe was the obvious choice to become Rachel’s roommate. Except, Phoebe apparently had another roommate called Denise she’d never told anyone about.

It’s obvious there was no Denise in reality and that Phoebe had made her up in order to avoid having Rachel move in, which became even clearer when Denise somehow moved out just when Phoebe found out Rachel had been a very good roommate to Monica. Both Joey and Ross had offered Rachel to move in with them, but Phoebe had played coy until the end.

She Mugged Ross As A Teenager

Although she ended up apologizing for it, Phoebe did mug Ross when he was a teenager and took his self-made comic book “Science Boy” for good measure as well. The incident caused Ross severe distress and embarrassment as did the fact that he had been mugged by a teenage girl. 

The saving grace was that Phoebe apologized to Ross, but that doesn’t mask how she had happily mugged an innocent boy of his possessions at the time.

She Tried To Pair Monica With Her “Soulmate” In Front Of Chandler

As to what exactly Phoebe was planning here we’ll never know, but we do know that Phoebe brought a friend of hers over to Monica and Chandler with the specific intention of having Monica and this man meet. 

According to her, they were soulmates and needed to interact. But the elephant in the room was the fact that Monica was married to Chandler, so this whole “soulmate” thing had no point, to begin with. Monica even hit it off with this man, making Chandler extremely uncomfortable and causing him to leave; Phoebe couldn’t have cared less about this.

She Tried To Cut Monica Out Of Her Life

Monica could be a handful, but we have Ross, Chandler, and Rachel as proof that it is very much possible to live with her. Phoebe, on the other hand, found it unbearable to live with Monica anymore and moved out without informing her. Not only that, but she also attempted to cut Monica out of her life altogether by mercilessly blocking her attempts at contact.

As we saw for ourselves, Monica was grief-stricken when she found out that Phoebe was moving out, meaning she had a definite spot for Phoebe in her heart; she took it even worse when she found out about the cutting out part. In both instances, Monica had to deal with this information herself rather than Phoebe easing her in.

She Kissed David While Still Being With Mike

David the Scientist Guy returned thinking he and Phoebe could have the same short romance they had before but found out Phoebe was with Mike. While she was fully aware that nothing good would happen keeping David around, Phoebe instead instigated an interaction where they ended up kissing. 

Sitcom characters generally break up for lame reasons, but Mike was surprisingly understanding of the situation and didn’t accuse Phoebe of anything. It was still apparent Phoebe did cheat on Mike here, however briefly. Considering how annoyed Phoebe was with Mike’s girlfriend Precious in Season 10, you’d think she would remember this moment where she’d been unfaithful.

She Made Fun Of Ross’s Masculinity And His Divorces

None of the friends thought of Ross as a macho guy as he wanted them to, but it was only Phoebe who both made fun of this and talked him down over it. We saw this before Monica and Chandler’s wedding, where Phoebe laughed hysterically at him when he wanted to intimidate Chandler, and then scoffed at Ross when the latter wanted to discipline Chandler for almost abandoning Monica.

This mocking didn’t stop just there either, as Phoebe was shown to be the worst of the bunch in making fun of Ross’s divorces, going so far as naming him “Divorce-o” despite Ross being very sensitive about the subject.

She Stole A Girl’s Cat And Refused To Give It Back

We all get a kick out of Phoebe’s eccentric ways, but usually, it’s not at the cost of hurting a little girl and simultaneously looking like a total nut. In this case, Phoebe was convinced that a cat had the soul of her mother, and was adamant that she wanted to keep it.

Even after Ross informed her that the cat had an owner who had put out flyers of it missing, Phoebe still didn’t want to return it. Her argument was that the cat chose to come to her, ignoring how a little girl was somewhere sad over having lost her pet. In this situation, we didn’t feel any sympathy for Phoebe at all.

She Used Her Mother As An Excuse To Win Arguments

Phoebe had a very tragic life filled with parents abandoning her and her mother taking her own life, but it became clear she had gotten over this a while ago and had started using these facts to gain sympathy and win arguments.

This was best seen when she brought up her mother dying on a particular occasion with Rachel, where her intention was simply to get a blueberry muffin by playing the sympathy card. This was so much of a habit for her that she evidently used it at least once a day! Moving on is one thing, but exploiting the death of your mother is another matter.

She Was Hypocritical

Quite a few times we saw Phoebe make it hard for her friends to be around her due to her nonsensical beliefs, and we’d have respected them had Phoebe not broken them herself. For instance, Phoebe admonished Rachel for going to a big-time massage parlor because it put solo workers out of business, only for it to be revealed that Phoebe was employed there.

Then, there was the time when she was angered at Joey for breaking off their dinner appointment but then went off to be with David when the situation was flipped. Finally, Phoebe claimed to be a vegetarian but was on one occasion seen eating lasagna with Joey and Chandler. And let’s not get started on how she pretended to be Ben’s mother to get tickets to a concert.

She Treated Chandler Like Trash All The Time

For some reason, Phoebe had an incredibly low opinion of Chandler, to the point where it wasn’t funny but downright mean to see her talk of him in such manner. Phoebe would say it to Monica’s face how she thought she could do better than Chandler, how he wasn’t worth being a husband, and how he didn’t make a good impression.

Later seasons almost exclusively had Phoebe and Chandler’s interactions be based on how she would pick on him or do something mean to him (such as the “soulmate” point we discussed above), with Chandler not even having been initially included in Phoebe’s wedding.