Rachel Green was always up to something. She always stirred up the hornet’s nest in order to fulfill her selfish desires and motives. But in doing so, she committed a bunch of mistakes on Friends. These weren’t just harmless errors but shameless acts. Since Friends has considerable influence on people of all ages, we thought it’d be great to go over Rachel’s most shameless moments.

Our sole purpose: so we can learn something from them.

Cost Ross And Julie Their Night Together

When Rachel realized she had feelings for Ross, she tried her level best to cause harm to Julie. She was mad that her roommate, Monica, was seeing her brother’s girlfriend’s side. But worst of all, she manipulated Ross into not spending the night with Julie. She had no right to give out advice about things that truly didn’t concern her.

Rachel could have kept quiet and let Ross and Julie take their own course, but the selfish girl in the gang had to pull a Rachel. She didn’t stop there, she eventually broke the two of them up.

Balded Ross’s Girlfriend

Again with Ross’s girlfriends! Rachel actually got Ross’s girlfriend Bonnie to shave her head. According to Rachel, she just gave Bonnie a nudge to go for something she herself wanted. But she gave her the razor. Rachel knew how to mess with people’s minds, she could easily exert her influence over people.

There could be two motives for her doing this. Either get Ross to break up with a bald person, which would be pretty shallow of her. Or, to hurt anyone who came in between her and Ross. Speaking of which, there was no way forward for them. Bonnie finally ended things with Ross.

Bought Jill Some Pasta And Garlic Bread

Poor Jill, Rachel’s sister, had gained some weight. The other two Green sisters didn’t want to leave her alone. Amy Green suggested they bring Jill some pasta. For a moment, audiences’ thought Rachel would stop Amy following through on this. Instead, Rachel corrected Amy to say Jill’s real weakness was garlic bread.

The Green sisters stormed out of Rachel’s apartment with their cunning plan in tow!

Bullied People In High School

The show writers wrote most of their characters conventionally and stereotypically. Rachel was one such example. She was the head cheerleader, got on top of the pyramid each time, which boosted her ago. As a result, the head cheerleader thought she had the right to bully people. So she did.

Why did she have to be such a mean person to Luisa Gianetti in high school? Years later when Luisa met her it was a disaster to see that poor girl recollect what Rachel had put her through. Rachel did the same with Will. She couldn’t have been nice in high school. She just had to be mean.

Lied About The Job Interview

You’d think years of corporate service would turn Rachel Green into a professional. But no, she was brazen and shameless as ever. We do not know if Rachel was required to inform HR about her job interview with Gucci. What we do know is she lied to her supervisor, Mr. Zelner, at the restaurant.

“You know, it’s tough. Single mom career…” Rachel lied, using her single motherhood as a pretext. She definitely wasn’t looking for help with single motherhood and her life. Besides she had Ross around. But Rachel cited motherhood as something that disabled her. She shouldn’t have played the single mom card like that.

Threw A Harmless Ross Out Of Her Office

Ross was behaving territorially after Rachel got into Bloomingdale’s. He couldn’t handle Rachel working with Mark Robinson since the guy offered her the job interview in the first place. We’ll give you that. He pestered Rachel with authoritarian talk, numerous phone calls, love bugs, string quartets, pepper grinders, and setting her office on fire.

Rachel couldn’t make it to their anniversary dinner since she was having a crazy day at work. Ross brought a picnic to her office. Instead of being nice to Ross, she kicked him out of the place. Come on Rachel, not on your one year anniversary!

If They Weren’t On A Break, What Was Mark Doing At Her place

Which directly leads us to our next question, what was Mark Robinson doing at Rachel’s? After Ross and Rachel took a break, Rachel jumped on the ringing phone thinking it may be Ross calling her. Turns out it was Mark. Mark invited himself over along with Chinese food. Rachel didn’t outrightly refuse him as she did Ross earlier that day.

Instead, Mark came over. Rachel found comfort in his company and an egg roll. Rachel found the talk very helpful. She was glad Mark was there. “He just came over to…” doesn’t explain anything. Ross was out, Mark was in. Rachel had dated enough men to know that.

Only A Horrible Person Would Try And Break Someone Apart

One of the brazen things that Rachel did was to fly to London to tell Ross she loved him. She didn’t realize the intensity of the situation. Ross was getting married to a woman he loved. Rachel wanted to break the two of them and get together with Ross right before his wedding.

Rachel didn’t listen to Phoebe, she left her pregnant friend all by herself. She flew off to London. The in-flight fellow passenger rightly called Rachel a horrible person. No good could come of her act. And no good did. Rachel’s presence messed with Ross’s head and that was it for that relationship.

Hit On A Married Man

You’d be crazy to think Rachel realized her mistake at Ross’s wedding. She swooped in to fill Emily’s place, and almost flew to Greece with Ross. It was Ross and Emily’s honeymoon, for crying out loud! She actually took up Ross’s offer to lay on the beach and watch him cry over his failed marriage. After traveling alone to Athens, spending her time alone there, Rachel came back to stir up more trouble.

In Central Perk, Rachel told Ross how she was still in love with him. Ross’s answer couldn’t have been more appropriate. He didn’t know what to do with that right then.

Gift Exchanges She Made

Rachel almost exchanged every gift she got for something else. Ross knew about it. He even gave her the green-light to exchange the earrings he bought her on her birthday. She wore the golden necklace Ross got her for a Christmas once. She wore it all day on Christmas and then… big dog! It was a well-known fact Rachel exchanged every gift she got. In her defense, she exchanged gifts for things she enjoyed and things she could get a lot of use out. Even so, sometimes gifts have sentimental value, Rachel.