For all its success, popularity, and the sheer adoration it inspires from its fanbase, some aspects of Friends have received criticism over the years. Some examples include the development of Joey or the treatment of Chandler’s father, but Ross Geller seems to draw a particularly hefty share of the ire, for some reason.

No matter your opinion on Ross and the awful way he treats women at various points, he does have some great moments. Coinciding with these great moments is, naturally, his sheer and all too relatable nerdiness. So, here are ten of Ross’ nerdiest moments.


Ross, as an adult, may never be as nerdy as he was as a child and teenager. If there is any moment that would act as evidence of this, it is when he returns to his parents’ home to collect boxes of his old childhood stuff.

The excitement in his voice as he pulls out his rock polisher really sets the tone here. His report card, which he proudly reads out, is the most stereotypical report card you’d expect of a hardcore nerd (even if the stereotype is wrong) – reading out all A’s, except for gym. Of course.


As a paleontologist, nerd, and overall lover of dinosaurs, it is no surprise Ross makes numerous references to Jurassic Park throughout the ten seasons of the show. Perhaps the best and nerdiest comes when he is teaching a class.

Fans are, unfortunately, not treated to the entire spiel, just the end. But the wrap is more than enough as Ross says to his class, “and that should conclusively prove that I had the idea for Jurassic Park first.”


Jurassic Park is, of course, not the only pop culture phenomenon referenced in Friends. Amongst references to various movies, shows, celebrities, etc., one of the nerdiest Ross moments (which is also perhaps Chandlers nerdiest by association) comes via The Lord of The Rings.

It comes when Chandler asks Ross if he is “ready to party?” Ross replies that he could get some beers, but he wants to catch a show about bees on the discovery channel (nerdy enough). When Chandler reiterates, Ross realizes Chandler is talking about Gandalf, the party wizard. Joey gets confused by the name which prompts Ross to ask, “Didn’t you ever read Lord Of The Rings in high school?” to which Joey gives a fantastic response, “no, I had sex in high school.” Everything in the scene screams nerd, and it is excellent.


Ross’s love for dinosaurs, as mentioned earlier, is prominent throughout the show. After all, it is his profession. Ross does not even know if he would sacrifice dinosaurs for sex in an episode.

Therefore, when Ross continually goes on about dinosaurs and prehistoric life, it is no surprise, even when nobody listens. While he and Joey throw around a ball, Ross is in the middle of telling Joey about the mystery of the Mezesoic Mastodon, something Ross is fascinated by. The passion in his voice is the cornerstone of being a nerd.


Ross is not just a nerd in the sense of geeky franchises and science, of course. Throughout the show, Ross has a known tendency to over-annunciate his words and assumes the role of a grammar cop within the group.

A hilarious example of this and comes in an argument with Rachel. Following an argument about the whole “we were on a break” debacle, right after getting back together, the two split, and Ross tells her, “Y-o-u-apostrophe-r-e means you are. Y-o-u-r means your.”


It was mentioned earlier how much of a natural nerd Ross was in his earlier years. Well, as he progressed into high school and college, that did not waver. Through flashbacks, that becomes evident.

Whether it be the mini-afro like hair, the mustache, the abysmal fashion, or a host of other things, it is abundantly clear how much of a nerd Ross was in college and high school. Good for him for being himself in that regard – but that mustache, sheesh.


Dinosaurs pop up one last time here. The first was for a film franchise based on them, and the second was a personal passion, but the third and final work-related – showing Ross’s knowledge about dinosaurs as he argues with a coworker on the phone.

Right before his date with Rachel, a phone call comes, and Ross argues about how Australopithecus should not be in a specific display and that he was never fully erect. A nerd knows what they are talking about, and Ross certainly knows about Dinosaurs. It should be noted this also gave way to one of the show’s best one-liners by way of Chandler.


A lot of Ross’s nerdiest moments have come in collaboration with another member of the crew. The most frequent of these collaborators are Chandler and, particularly, Monica. The brother and sister’s adoration for game shows is nerd enough to make it on this list, but how could the ‘routine’ not make it on?

The ‘routine’ was a dance routine that Monica and Ross pulled out when they attended the dancing portion of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin Eve. It was ridiculous looking and created by the pair for a brother-sister dance contest, and they had not done it since eighth grade. However, to add to the nerdiness, they had both been practicing it since.


Ross’s musical ’talents’ are spoken about many times throughout the show. Usually, they are referred to in flashbacks – but they still obviously play a role in his adult life, and when we get to see as much, it really is quite something.

His keyboard was full of random, bizarre sounds which everyone except for Ross and Phoebe seemed to hate. Ross worked on his ‘sound’ for a long time, locked in his room as a teen. How did that end up as the result?


Ross’s ultimate nerdy moment throughout Friends undoubtedly comes in the form of his Halloween costume. It combined puns with science, and is perfectly solidified with his general nerdy enthusiasm.

He came dressed as a giant potato with an antenna. His costume was a play on the Russian satellite Sputnik, of course, renamed Spudnik. The outfit, the idea behind it, the fight, and resulting arm wrestle with Chandler – all of it comes together to provide the ultimate Ross nerd moment.