The recent news about HBO Max hosting a one-hour Friends special has sparked hope amongst the shows diehard fans that something could be in the pipeline for the sitcom to return. Whether it be in the form of a movie, a long-sitcom special or another season, everyone is speculating about the possibilities.

With this type of armchair, speculation comes the storyline ideas about what each character may, or may not be up to. Rachel Greene was perhaps left in the most interesting position out of everyone at the end of the series, having turned down a dream job, with a young baby and having got back into a relationship with Ross.

The show left a lot of questions about what Rachel does next and how she continues with life and a new season could explain a lot of things. With that in mind, here are five storylines fans would love for Rachel, and five they’d hate.

Would Love: Searching For A Job

One of the most obvious storylines that Friends could work into a reunion for Rachel would be her hunt for a job. It’s the simple plot for the show to do and it is something that they could easily work as nobody knows what Rachel did after she got off the plane in terms of work.

She obviously became unemployed because her job was supposed to be in Paris, France and obviously she didn’t get that. So seeing her go around the fashion world to try and land another job would be a lot of fun for her.

Wouldn’t Love: Returning To Central Perk

While it might be funny for one episode to see Rachel back working alongside Gunther, simply as a method of paying tribute to the past and bringing Gunther back, this isn’t a storyline people really want to see. Mainly, because it has been done before during the original series.

On top of that, it wouldn’t be great character progression as it just makes absolutely no sense for her to take a job in a coffee shop when she has so much experience in the fashion world. While it might be tough, there’s no doubt she would be able to land a job elsewhere.

Would Love: Being A Mother

We got to see Rachel as a mom throughout the end of Friends, with her birth scene being one of the most emotional moments in the history of the sitcom. While we saw moments of her and Emma while she was just a baby, the show returning could give people a greater glimpse at her as a mom.

Having to deal with the difficulties of having a young girl growing up is something that the show has never had, and adding that to the show would really give it a different dynamic.

Wouldn’t Love: Petty Moments With Ross

During their initial relationship, Ross and Rachel both had some extremely petty issues with each other, which is something that fans wouldn’t want to see again if Friends returned. While they would obviously argue as couples do, people don’t want to see lists and issues like that return.

The main reason for that is that it has been done before, but also because they have both matured as people. Ross and Rachel went through plenty of experiences during the show and having them do similar things wouldn’t reflect that growth.

Would Love: Stepmother Responsibilities

While seeing Rachel grow as a mother to Emma would be a great storyline, it would also be fun to see her as a stepmother. She already has a long-standing relationship with Ross’ son Ben as a fun auntie, but it isn’t known how that relationship develops as they grow up because Ben wasn’t on the show in later seasons.

Being a stepmother can certainly be a very tricky situation, and seeing her deal with that as Ben begins to become a young man could provide some hilarious comedic moments. Whether it’s Ben not being happy with it or them two teasing Ross, there’s a lot that could be done between them.

Wouldn’t Love: Getting Back With Joey

While seeing Ross and Rachel split up would be an insane decision, that would only be made worse by the show having Rachel get back together with Joey. This relationship is one that divided fans originally, with many people not enjoying the relationship between them in the first place.

However, while the group managed to survive this the first time, it’s impossible to believe that Ross and Joey could remain friends if it happened again. That means the relationship would split the group, which is something nobody wants to see.

Would Love: More Of Her Sisters

It was rare that a member of the Greene family would pop up in Friends, but every time they did it created amazing episodes. Both Jill and Amy added tons when they made their cameo appearances, and if the show was to come back then featuring more of them wouldn’t be a bad thing.

The two of them had their own unique personalities and they just worked perfectly in the Friends world. They were similar, yet total opposites to Rachel, which made for some fun moments between them, so putting them on the show more wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Wouldn’t Love: Splitting From The Group

Something that fans of the show like to believe in their minds is that after things wrapped up on the series, the group all remain as close as they were throughout the show. While people do drift apart slightly as they grow older due to responsibilities, people simply don’t want to believe that for this group.

While they might not see each other every single day as they did during the show, nobody wants to see people drift away from each other, and that includes Rachel and Ross. Just because they have children doesn’t mean they should be pulled apart.

Would Love: Getting Married

While we might have technically seen Rachel get married to Ross during their drunken Las Vegas moment, that isn’t the big romantic moment that people wanted for the characters. While we never got that moment during the show, it would be interesting to see them do it years later.

It would make sense that they waited so long, simply due to Ross’ history with marriage. But seeing the show build to that moment, perhaps as the finale of a reunion season would be a perfect book ending for their incredible story together.

Wouldn’t Love: Splitting Up

In stark contrast from the number one storyline that a Freinds reunion could give to Rachel, the worst possible one would be to split her up from Ross. People were so emotionally invested in them as a couple, and seeing the show end with them together was everything that people wanted.

Therefore if the show was to return and the writers decided to split them up, it would be a complete disaster. While it is obvious that they would have some issues, which could easily be shown, nobody wants to see Friends return with Ross and Rachel breaking up.