Fans are constantly hoping to see Friends return one day, whether it be in the form of a one-off special, a movie, or a full season. With the recent HBO Max reunion show being announced, those hopes have been intensified, with people believing a big return for the show is closer than ever.

While that might not be the case, that doesn’t mean its not fun to speculate and look ahead. Monica Geller is a character who fans absolutely loved during the show, and there are plenty of avenues that could be taken for her character if the show did come back. Whether it be with her working life or her personal life, there are plenty of different things that the show could do with Monica that would keep her exciting. Within this list we will reveal five storylines fans would love for Monica, and five they would hate.

Would Love: Being A Mother

The most exciting possible storyline that fans would want to see for Monica if Friends returned would be to simply see her as a mother. While we got to see her with the children a little bit, which was heartwarming and emotional, we never saw her really being a mom.

There are tons of great comedy and emotional scenes that can be created from something like this, and that is obviously something that people would like to see if the show was to return down the line.

Wouldn’t Love: Bossing The Kids Around

We all know that Monica is a little bit bossy. It’s one of her main traits and it is something that she constantly does to her friends and family, but that doesn’t mean that it should continue with her children. While she obviously has to be strict as the parent, nobody wants to see bossy Monica with her children.

While seeing her kids follow in their mother’s footsteps could be funny, having her boss them around lots wouldn’t make her look great, especially after how desperate she was to have kids throughout her life.

Would Love: Home Makeover Disaster

Because Monica is such a neat freak, it’s a shame we never really experienced the couple in their new home, decorating and setting things up how they would like it. However, this could have led to some hilarious moments with Monica’s bossiness and her need for perfection.

If things hadn’t gone exactly how she wanted then it would have set up a hilarious episode of the show. However, that doesn’t mean that this storyline idea couldn’t be revisited if the shoe was to come back, with a possible makeover of the house going wrong.

Wouldn’t Love: New Coffee Shop

With Monica and Chandler moving at the end of the tenth season of Friends, it isn’t exactly known how close they will be to Central Perk. But it certainly won’t be a distance that allows them to pop in on a daily basis anymore.

Perhaps there is a new coffee shop closer to the new home that they begin visiting, which could be very funny for one episode, especially if Gunther caught them, for example. However, not being loyal to the iconic Central Perk wouldn’t sit right with fans.

Would Love: More Of Her Parents

Jack and Judy Geller ended up becoming two of the most popular characters in the history of Friends. They played off each other so well and always had audiences laughing and their unique relationships with Monica were especially fantastic.

This is something that fans would love to see more of, especially with Monica becoming a parent herself. It would be interesting to see her have an inner-struggle to not become her own mother, perhaps doing things that Judy did every now and then for comedic effect.

Wouldn’t Love: Death Of A Parent

Speaking of Jack and Judy Geller, something that fans wouldn’t like to see is if the show made a storyline about one of Monica’s parents dying. While it might create a very emotional and dramatic episode that would allow for great acting, that doesn’t make it a good idea.

Sitcoms are supposed to be all about fun and having a good time, therefore adding death and grief into the series isn’t really the best idea. Especially if it’s a reunion episode, as everyone wants to see good times and happiness, not sadness.

Would Love: Gordon Ramsay Cameo

Friends was well-known for having amazing cameos during its original run, with some of the biggest names in Hollywood popping up throughout the series. If the show was to return, more of those moments would be expected, and Gordon Ramsay would be a perfect candidate for a cameo.

Monica’s work in food is something the show has happily explored in the past, and one way to keep doing that would be by having Ramsay appear. Everyone knows Monica doesn’t handle criticism well, so seeing her encounter the popular British chef could create a fun moment.

Wouldn’t Love: Creating Distance With Joey

Joey and Chandler are incredibly close as friends, and them moving out of the city was something that affected Joey a lot. However, Monica and Chandler promised a lot to Joey, with a room and the fact that he would always be welcome, but there’s only so much that Monica would likely want him around.

If began to interfere in the relationship or was simply just around too much, it is easy to see how a storyline of Monica putting distance between them would make sense. However, fans love the friendship between Chandler and Joey too much for that to be a good idea.

Would Love: Opens Her Own Restaurant

Monica slowly worked her way up the culinary world, and when the show ended she found herself as a head chef finally. However, while that was a major opportunity for her, it would be great to see her continue to grow and potentially end up owning her very own restaurant.

This would create some amazing storyline moments for Monica as she stresses out about the various details, wanting to get everything absolutely perfect as we know she does. On top of that, it would simply just be great character growth and would certainly suit her personality.

Wouldn’t Love: Split With Chandler

The one storyline that the writers absolutely couldn’t do if Friends was to return would be to split Monica and Chandler up. They were the perfect couple and arguably became more beloved than Ross and Rachel by the time that the series drew to a close.

Nobody wants to see the show return without them as a couple together as it would simply not make sense. They were perfect together and while they might argue every now and then, there’s no reason for them to ever break up in the mind of the fans.