The upcoming HBO Max Friends Reunion Special is going to be an incredible evening, no matter what it is. However, there’s no doubt that seeing the six main actors back together is going to spark plenty of speculation and hope about more classic episodes in the future.

If the popular sitcom was to return, there would be plenty of storyline opportunities for each of the main characters. Having the ability to callback to classic moments from the original series while also adding new ideas, there is a lot to work from.

One character that has a lot of opportunities for fun storylines is Joey Tribbiani. With his acting career and the fact he is the only main group member that ends up single, there’s plenty that the show could do that the fans would both love, and loathe.

Would Love: Becoming A Hollywood Star

Despite the fact that Joey doesn’t start out incredibly successful in the world of acting, by the time that the series ends, he really does start to find success in the acting business. During the spin-off, Joey, we see him head to Los Angeles to continue his acting even more, so what if he becomes a big success?

This could be an amazing storyline, having Joey start to land major parts and rub shoulders with top actors. It could open the door to some tremendous cameo appearances and it would really be great to see Joey finally reach the top of his profession, as his hard work certainly earns.

Wouldn’t Love: He Doesn’t Return

While people moving further away makes sense, as that is life, if Joey stays in Los Angeles, it would certainly add a very strange dynamic to the show that people don’t want to see. Sure, having Chandler and Monica move out of the city changes the dynamic, but they’re not far away.

If Joey stayed in Los Angeles, it would be an entire plane journey, and it would certainly make things rather difficult. It would be much better if Joey was to return and then fly out for certain specific acting storylines that the show wanted to do.

Would Love: Owning Central Perk

So, if Joey becomes a major Hollywood success this could open up another terrific storyline idea, which would be to have Joey actually own Central Perk. Playing into the fact there’s a Starbucks on every corner, the show could have the popular independent coffee house be under threat.

That’s where Joey could step in. Having enough money from his acting to take over and keep Central Perk afloat, it would be hilarious to see him as a business owner. Keeping Gunther in charge (Because you can’t, not, have Gunther,) this would be a really fun idea.

Wouldn’t Love: Seeing Chandler Less

While Joey is obviously going to see Chandler less than he did during the series due to the fact they don’t live opposite each other anymore, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t still spend lots of time together.

However, it would be easy to write a storyline where they drift apart, mainly because Chandler is growing up, becoming a father, and not spending time with Joey could make sense. However, their friendship is something that people don’t want to see split.

Would Love: Uncle Joey

It has always been clear that Joey is great with kids. He spends a lot of time with Emma and really tries with her, which is why him becoming ‘Uncle’ Joey to Chandler and Monica’s two children really opens up a lot of fun storyline opportunities.

We know he is going to be spending a lot of time with the family, simply due to his closeness with Chandler. Therefore he is going to be the fun Uncle that could easily go against the neat and tidiness of their mother, Monica, which would be fun to see.

Wouldn’t Love: Still Being The Dumb Joke

While Joey is never going to be as smart as the other members of the group, that doesn’t mean he consistently has to be the butt of the joke. Throughout Friends, Joey is always the one who others laugh at due to things he says or does, and that doesn’t need to be the case.

Sure, fans want to see him come out with a few funny lines that only make sense to Joey, as that’s part of his character. There doesn’t need to be more of people openly mocking him, which did happen during the series.

Would Love: Night School

Joey is often mocked for being the least intelligent member of the core group, so it would be interesting to see Joey actively do something to try and change that. Therefore, seeing him attend some form of night school could be really interesting.

While it might not have been popular at the time, adults going to night school is something that is fairly commonplace nowadays, and therefore, having Joey in that situation would be perfect. Not only would it be great for some comedy, but it would also be a great way to progress and develop his character.

Wouldn’t Love: Dating Rachel

In some peoples opinion, Joey and Rachel should have ended up together at the end of Friends, and while that didn’t happen, it doesn’t mean things couldn’t change down the line. Putting them together could certainly be interesting, but it would likely irritate more people than it would please.

This is something that the show tried, and they deserve credit for doing that, but it isn’t something that needs to happen again. Things ended nicely with Rachel and Ross, and bringing this couple back together would simply just upset things.

Would Love: Dating Erica

While Joey being in a relationship with Rachel is something that people do not want to see, dating Erica could be a lot of fun. She was the character who gave birth to Chandler and Monica’s children, and she really did become very popular on the show.

She connected with the group, and she certainly shows a lot of similarities to Joey. They’re both very similar in the sense that they might not be the brightest, but they certainly have the biggest hearts, and seeing them get together after the series ended would be very sweet.

Wouldn’t Love: Stays Single

Throughout many of the early seasons of Friends, Joey is the ladies man of the show. He has lots of quick flings and enjoys flirting with everyone possible, which led to some funny moments. However, as the show progressed, so did Joey. He grew up and matured slightly and began to want more from the world of love.

Because of that, keeping Joey single after all this time would be a real shame. If he was just back to being a ladies man it would hurt the character progression he made, and if he doesn’t find love it would prove to be quite sad and lonely for him, which nobody wants to see.