Monica Geller. The younger sister of Ross, best friend of Rachel, wife to Chandler, and the mom of the friend group on Friends. What made Monica loveable? Or at least hysterical on the classic NBC sitcom? A lot of her humor came from her neurotic personality, much of which revolved around her obsessive need for cleanliness in her world and the world around her.

Over ten seasons Monica had many classic comedic moments. One of the reasons Friends worked so well for so long was the incredible talent and balance of its ensemble cast. Here are just a few of the crazier obsessive moments Monica displayed across ten seasons.

Monica’s Towels

In Friends Season 4 Episode 12 “The One with the Embryos” Chandler and Joey take on Monica and Rachel in a trivia game about their friend group.

The prize? The rights to Monica and Rachel’s much nicer and much larger apartment. Rachel and Monica eventually lose, but that’s not the best or even most memorable Monica moment of the episode. Monica’s greatest moment comes when Chandler and Joey have to remember how many sets of towels she has. For the record, it’s eleven.


In Friends Season 10 Episode 10 “The One Where Chandler Gets Caught” most of the episode centers around the gang thinking Chandler is cheating on Monica when he’s really meeting with their realtor so the couple can move to the suburbs to raise their children.

Monica’s crowning moment in the episode? Wishing that she had an even tinier vacuum to clean the handheld hoover she’s just used on her full-sized vacuum. “If only there was a smaller one to clean this one.”

Controlled Fun

In Episode 5 of season 5, “The One With The Kips,” Monica announces, “Rules help control the fun,” when, at the end of the episode, the whole group gets together to play Madlibs.

She may be right, but that doesn’t keep her from sucking the energy right out of the room as the episode comes to an end.

Rules For Making The Bed

In the penultimate episode of season 2, “The One With The Chickenpox,” Monica is less than appreciative when her boyfriend, Richard (Tom Selleck) makes the bed. Apparently, there are a lot of rules when it comes to making the bed, that Monica explains to her boyfriend when he finds her redoing the work.

“Alright, you see these little flower blossoms? They should be facing up, not down, because, well, the head of the bed is where the sun would be,” she says.

The Ribbon Drawer

In season 9 episode 11 “The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work,” Monica and Chandler have some serious discussions about becoming parents. But, as the discussions continue one of Monica’s greatest worries slips to the surface.

With all the baby things they will need there probably won’t be any room for her ribbon drawer. That’s right, a whole drawer, just for ribbons.

The Wedding China

Episode 9 of season 8, “The One With Rachel’s Other Sister,” is one of Friends’ classic Thanksgiving episodes. Taking place in a later season, that sees Monica and Chandler already married, Chandler asks if they can use the wedding china to set the table.

Monica isn’t keen, saying they should wait for a more special occasion. Chandler convinces her but regrets it when she spends the whole meal worrying as plates are passed around the table.

The Label Maker

Again from season 9 episode 11 “The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work,” Monica highlights her own neuroses by asking “You call eight hours alone with a label maker a waste of time?”

Some might, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise to fans or friends that Monica is not one of those people. What’s the only thing that could possibly top cleaning in Monica’s book? Organizing.  She even carries the machine with her at times, including to Phoebe’s apartment. She certainly means well.

No Good Hotel Rooms

In episode 5 of season 5, “The One With The Kips,” Monica and Chandler decide to take some time away together. They tell the others they are each going away (separately) for work, and attempt a romantic weekend.

The mood is dampened slightly as Monica keeps making them change rooms as none of them are up to her standards. There’s lipstick on a glass she finds, for example. It’s certainly a bit much, but Chandler has known Monica long enough that it shouldn’t come as a huge shock to him.

Washing Someone Else’s Car

In episode 6 of season 5 Joey locates the keys to a Porsche parked near their apartment building and for a good portion of the episode is unable to locate the real owner. He waits by the car in hopes of returning the keys but keeps getting mistaken for the owner himself. To improve upon the act he decides he shouldn’t just stand next to the Porsche, but work on it, clean it.

He knows just who to ask for a sponge and a bucket, but Monica is able to offer even more, including car wax. Monica doesn’t own a car. She only owns the supplies because once she washed someone else’s car because it was too dirty for her to stand.

Ross’s Ex

As described above, Monica can’t stand to look at anything messy, even if it doesn’t belong to her. But things often go beyond just looks. Monica can’t even stand to hear about cleaning disasters. It makes it impossible for her to sleep, to function, and she absolutely has to do something about it.

In season 4 episode 6, aptly titled, “The One With The Dirty Girl,” Ross goes out with a woman who lives in a disaster of an apartment. It’s so awful he just has to tell all his friends about it, including his sister, Monica. Ross and the “dirty girl” don’t work out, but Monica can’t help herself and ends the episode by visiting the woman. She actually offers to clean Ross’s ex’s apartment. Why? Because even thinking about how the woman was living made it impossible for Monica to sleep.